Just Finished

We Go Fast On Trust

This one was a nice and easy watch. Our heroine (Taiwanese actress Ko Chia Yen) plays a brilliant engineer who due to a tragedy in her past has been hiding herself from the world and working as an errand girl at our hero’s family business. Our heroine’s self-exile ends when our hero, an aspiring car racer, notices her and is convinced she is the perfect engineer for him.

Due to the setup of our heroine’s character, the chemistry between our two leads is not the hot sizzling sort but is more of a slow-burning kind. I love that our heroine, due to her very logical mind, tends to have a very unique perception of her feelings for our hero. By the way, I have seen actor Zhai Zi Lu in a few dramas before, but this is the first drama where his infectious smile and sparkling eyes really caught my eye.

Ninja Score: 7.5/10

Only For Love

Bai Lu and Dylan Wang’s sugar coma-inducing romance drama. I enjoyed the show overall but really wished the scriptwriter didn’t feel the need to add all the corporate business stuff which I don’t remember being in the novel. To be fair, the novel was pretty short so I guess the scriptwriter had to figure out how to fill the time…which brings us to the two other secondary love lines that were not in the novel either. To be honest, I actually didn’t care for the two secondary love lines but fortunately, they grew on me as the story progressed…even if it took quite a while.

Ninja Score: 8/10

I May Love You

This one has a very straightforward story premise: Girl has a secret crush on boy, boy turns girl down when she finally gets the courage to confess, girl is hurt by boy’s rejection and resolutely leaves…leaving boy belatedly realizing he actually loves the girl and now has to spend the rest of the show getting his girl back. Often shows like this would make the fatal mistake of trying to bring some “depth” into the story thus spoiling the story, but I May Love You kept its eye on the prize. The show also did a good job at keeping the secondary love line cute, and most importantly, not annoying

I am not going to spoil the story, but I do have to say that the heroine’s confession scene is probably one of the most memorable one I have seen. Talk about leaving a lasting impression so the guy can’t forget you…

Ninja Score: 8/10

Still Watching…Maybe

Love Me, Love My Voice

I finished 23 episodes out of 33 episodes and I am…trying to convince myself to finish it. I consider myself the type who likes low-conflict romance dramas. You know, the kind of story that has no real villains, and most conflicts/misunderstandings are quickly resolved. However, Love Me, Love My Voice is challenging my self-perception of being a fan of low-conflict romance dramas. The story started very sweet and promising…but then it got boring, really boring. Once the two leads got together, which didn’t take too long, the show just switched between either being a travel documentary or a cooking show. Now, most of the online reviews I have seen are overwhelmingly positive so maybe don’t skip this one just on my word.

Ninja Score: 6/10

The Last Immortal

After watching the first two episodes, I had a difficult time getting myself to keep tuning in to The Last Immortal. It was not a problem with the storyline or the acting, it was simply a case of being too tired with this genre of C-fantasy. It seriously felt like I was rewatching the same shows with the same plotline, the same villains, and the same plot twists. The strange thing is I don’t mind reading this genre of novels even if they obviously have the same problems since these tv shows are the adaptations of those very same novels. With all that complaining, it will probably surprise you guys that I am actually caught up with this show and cried my eyes out at all the predictable but still very heartbreaking parts. I guess there is a reason why they keep making these shows with the same plotlines. Anyhow, we are now at the part of the story where I am not at all tired of watching yet (and probably never will), which is when our heroine takes her rightful place as her powerful true identity and puts everyone who ever bullied her in their place! Zhao Lusi has always been great at playing cute charming characters which she did exactly that for the first half of the show so I am very curious how she will do with the more serious and haughty character she needs to play for the second half of the show.

Ninja Score: 8/10

A Journey to Love – SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

Sigh…I LOVE LOVE this one. I loved it so much I even broke my rule of only recommending dramas I have finished watching (thus knowing for sure it’s a happy ending) to friends and recommended A Journey to Love to a friend of mine. I had to call my friend a few days later and say “um…you know that show I got you hooked on watching last weekend? So…about the ending…” I have NOT finished this one yet and I am unsure if I am willing to have my eyes puffy and swollen shut for a week to finish this one.

I would definitely recommend this one 100% if you are one of those who doesn’t mind sad endings. And if you mind…then maybe just watch until the last six episodes because it is that good. Having not finished this one yet, so I can only vouch for up to about episode 22, the show is almost perfect in my book. Be it the pacing of the story, the romance, the sizzling chemistry between our leads, the brotherhood love, friendship, political intrigue, and the laugh-out comedy, A Journey to Love has it all.

Ninja Score: 10/10 (Not considering the ending)

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