Ming Dynasty (Chinese Drama, New)
Growing up with the goal to seek revenge against the emperor who had her parents killed right in front of her eyes, our heroine needs all her wits about her when her group’s assassination attempt failed and our hero- the emperor’s grandson comes knocking on her door to seek for insurgents. Through their battle of wits, our two leads will slowly fall in love but things are of course complicated whenever the politics of an empire is involved. Moreover, our heroine is still determined to figure out what caused her parents’ death even if all signs point to our hero’s family.
This one looks solid all around both in terms of acting and the story. Unfortunately, this one is based on a book that is based on real historical events that happened during the later part of Ming dynasty…which means fairy tale happy ending or even sort of happy ending is usually not in the cards. Sigh…dang reality.

Yanxi Palace: Princess Adventure (Chinese drama)
Fans of Yanxi Palace are in for treat! Netflix has a six episodes special that tells the story of a Princess who is the daughter of Wei Yingluo (the heroine in Yanxi Palace). As per Yanxi Palace style, lots of palace intrigue in six episodes but obviously very fast-paced since it is ONLY six episodes long. I had assumed that our two leads from Yanxi Palace would make very brief cameos in the special but I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of screen time they had…yet not detract from the Princess’ story. All in all, I thought the special was cleverly done with enough scenes of our original two leads and references to the past characters (including the beloved male second lead Fuheng) to satisfy fans.

The Best Partner (Chinese Darma)
Working at a coffee shop as a barista, our heroine often uses her vast knowledge of the law to help her friends. Jumping on a rare chance to become a law assistant to an elite lawyer, our heroine’s tendency to be empathetic to her clients’ plight soon cause conflict between her and our hero.
I have not watched the US TV series “SUITS” but according to online chatter, The Best Partner sounds a lot like it. After reading the synopsis of the two shows, I have to agree that there seems to be a lot of similarities. As one who has not watched SUITS so as not to have any preconceived notions, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the first couple episodes of The Best Partner. The dialog is funny and witty, the character set up sounded like tiring stereotypes on paper but they didn’t feel that way in the show. It is not obvious right now if we will actually get a love line between our two leads and the show is entertaining enough that I wouldn’t be too disappointed if it didn’t…but do you cast Jing Dong as your male lead and not give him a love line??

Love The Way You Are (Chinese Drama)
Our heroine might be a famous model right now but she has a strange illness that makes her turn into an overweight girl in a matter of minutes if she consumes over 1000 calories a day. Still harboring the trauma and anger of being shamed when she confessed to our hero back when they were young and she was still overweight, our heroine is ready to seek revenge when she meets our hero- a well-known chef again.
Your typical fun and fluffy C-drama with a wacky premise. I will probably put this one on my “watch when I am doing something mundane” list.

Please Love Me (Chinese Drama)
As an ordinary girl whose biggest worry is how to make more money from her job at a nail shop, our heroine suddenly draws the attention of the whole world when a top star announces that she is his girlfriend AND they are planning to get married soon. Unable to understand how a simple decision to help out our hero out of a difficult situation ended up snowballing into an impossible bind, our heroine reluctantly agrees to enter into a contract marriage with a top star.
A pretty common premise but hey, why fix something when it is a proven formula? I do have a little issue though, I am having a really hard time separating actor Zhang Yujian (playing the male lead in this one) from his last role in Le Coup de Foudre. I really liked Le Coup de Foudre so I guess that’s why I am having such a hard time seeing Zhang Yujian in his new role as a top star instead of the stoic genius he was in his last role. Anyhow, I am assuming that’s my own problem so don’t let that stop you from checking this one out!

Sweet Tai Chi (Chinese Drama)
Due to a misunderstanding on the first day at her new college, our heroine suddenly finds it necessary to keep up a persona of being a fragile lady. Unfortunately, keeping up the image of being a fragile lady is quite difficult especially when one happens to single handily beat up 7 men with Tai Chi to save our hero– the idol of her new school. Despite his inability to fight anymore due to an injury, our hero is actually the grandmaster of a Tai Chi clan. Upon discovering our heroine’s talent in Tai Chi, our hero decides to become our heroine’s teacher.
This one reminded me of 2016 K-drama Moorim School at first but by the second episode I didn’t feel that way anymore. The story is pretty focused on reviving the art of Tai Chi but luckily the romance line should be really strong as well. The acting might be a tad bit weak at some places but the chemistry and the cute interactions between our two young leads more than make up for it.
All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com
The rise of phoenixes spooked me in regards to starting epic c-dramas. I was literally cursing during the last 10 minutes of that show (which is why I faithfully follow your translations of the book to get some sort of closure)
I would love to start a show like this with the push and pull and I don’t even mind the political intrigue stuff but I am COMPLETELY over the sad/tragic endings. Don’t we have enough tragedy in the world ?!?!
I love your quick reviews – I really do use them to help figure out which dramas to try and which ones I should steer clear of to preserve my blood pressure!
Ha Ha, I feel exactly the same way. I get plenty depressed reading the news I don’t need dramas to make me sad too. Have you watched Lost Love In Times?
No I haven’t even heard of that one. Is it good? Where is it?
Looks like Viki might have it in certain regions. OR Youtube has it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1lZRWxsQMU Looks like that one is even English subbed! It will be a good one to watch to restore your faith in C-historical drama. (This one does have a bit of fantasy in it though.)
Oh, by the way, I did episode recaps for this show so search for those posts if you get interested in them after checking the show out.
Thanks! I will check it out! I like fantasy so it’s all good. I tend to stay away from straight up horror and I find legal shows bore me (unless there is some romance in there somewhere ) but everything else I will give a shot!
Totally agree with you MeggsH. I was traumatised for days after watching the final episode of RotP … and Bloody Romance. I am an escapist so enjoy movies/dramas that touch on tragedy but have happy endings. I,too use these quick reviews to find good viewing so thanks for both the translation and the reviews.
Well…looks I’m different since I don’t mind a “sad” ending if it fits the storyline. Only if it comes out of the blue what does rarely in C-Drama. Most times I see it coming; some times I even wish for it (Ashes of Love would have been better if ML never got her back since he didn’t deserve her). K-Drama is a WTF ending festival compared.
Recommend Love Lost in Time too. Strong FL and devoted OTP. And having an actor with truly a gorgeous body don’t hurt also. Not the typical more bones than muscles males that Chinese seem to prefer. No need for cushions under his clothing ;).
Ha ha, when I told Mama Ninja to watch Love Lost in Time my exact words were “Even if you don’t care for the plot just watch it for the male lead…” One does have to make sure one’s mother has plenty of eye candy in her old age, well, I guess at any age.
Lol now I definitely have to watch it!!
I’m happy about every actor in the 30+ oder 40+ range since I can oggle without robbing the cradle. Most of the 20+ actors rather triggering mother’s instincts within me especially when they are so slim. Warm milk with honey and cookies for them all ;).
I don’t mind sad endings if the ending makes sense for the story and fits the character arc. What I DON’T like is tragic endings for the sake of shock value or manipulating viewer emotions. When characters suddenly start making decisions to fit the writer’s plot that are wildly not in character ( Feng ZhiWei, rise of phoenixes) or face decisions that in previous scenes they would have strived to overcome but for some odd reason just decide to throw in the towel and decide all is lost (Eugene Choi, Mr Sunshine) it’s frustrating and can bring an otherwise exceptional script down.
While I do prefer happy endings I can accept a sad one if it truly makes sense in context of both plot and character development.
Hm…With Mr. Sunshine since I knew exactly how it will end from the beginning. In that way it was absolutely no surprise and -sorry- but I don’t think that script was good since it went exactly like I thought it would. Probably I watched K-Drama and Western series for too long. At least the directing and cinematography was good, so it wasn’t a total waste of time. I decided to stay away from Dramas like that in future.
May I purchase POSTERS
I love this drama “Rise of the Phoenix”. I watch it very often. I would like to purchase please DVD and soundtrack .