Chief of Staff (Korean Drama, New)

An aide to a politician, our hero’s job is to do whatever it takes to help his boss on the path to one day become the president. Secretly harboring his own ambition, our hero bids his time as he plays the ever-loyal servant to his boss. As one who knows our hero’s true ambition, our heroine- a congresswoman helps our hero in secret but in the public eye, they are rivals serving different masters.

This is really a show all about the kingmakers who are the true policymakers behind the glamorous politicians. I liked the first episode quite a bit but I don’t usually care for this sort of story and the fact there is already a season two in the plan scared me off for good. However, the story and the cast look solid all around so if you like political intrigue drama and don’t mind the multiple season formate then this one should be a good bet.

Chasing Ball (Chinese Web Drama,

I couldn’t find an English name for the show so Chasing Ball is the straight translation of the show’s Chinese name. I thought about skipping over this one since I think the chance of a web drama getting subbed is low. However, it has been a while since I have seen a sports drama, a ping pong one at that so I decided to mention it anyway.

Purposefully misleading everyone at her new elite school into believing she is from a rich family, our heroine is on a mission to find the truth that is hidden right in the school that could exonerate her adopted father of his shameful past. Accidentally discovering our heroine’s impressive skill as a ping pong player AND the fact that she is not from a rich family as everyone in the school is led to believe, our hero convinces/threaten/bribe our heroine into joining the school’s ping pong club.

The first episode didn’t particularly make a big impression on me but for a web drama, the production and the acting were quite good. One thing worth mentioning is that the show did a good job featuring ping pong in some creative ways so this should be a good bet for those who like the sport.

Le Coup de Foudre (Chinese Drama, Finished) 

I finished marathoning this one and it was AWESOME! I tried to think of something I didn’t like about it but I just couldn’t think of a single thing. It really is a show that did everything right from cute romance, great comedy (from beginning to end), charming second leads (there are actually two other pairings other than the main couple and all three couples are great), and heartwarming family relationships (I loved the heroine’s parents).

I really can’t think of a C-drama, even among my favorites, where there aren’t at least one or two things that I wished the show could fix, be it the plot got too draggy or annoying side characters but Le Coup de Foudre was truly charming and lovable just as it is!



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