Arsenal Military Academy (Chinese Drama, New)

When I first saw this one I was tempted to skip it right away since I avoid C-historical spy/military drama like the plague (they usually kill off all the lead characters at the end…). However, I quickly changed my mind when I realized our two leads from The Legends are teaming up again as the leads in this one! Moreover, our heroine is pulling a Mulan by joining a military academy using her deceased brother’s identity. Our hero- the spoiled only son from a rich and powerful family will end up becoming our heroine’s roommate while they are in the academy. If the Chinese synopsis is to be trusted, our two leads will not only eventually defeat a Japanese conspiracy but will live to tell the tale (I am assuming we might lose a few beloved characters in the process…but I am hoping our two leads will not be killed off).

The pacing of the first four episodes was slower than I had expected but I still found the story to be fairly entertaining…at least enough to watch four episodes in one shot. Arsenal Military Academy is of course a completely different story in a drastically different setting than The Legend but it was still fun to see our two leads reunited…albeit both playing very different characters.

Mr. Fighting (Chinese Drama, New)

After a brief period of fame in the very beginning of his career, our hero’s path to stardom has been nothing but disappointment in the last ten years. Dismayed when he is suddenly informed by strangers that his trusted manager has “sold him”, our hero’s first thought is that perhaps his old manager has been kidnapped! Unbeknownst to our hero, his manager has used her dying wish to entrust him to her friend…a friend who has absolutely zero experience in managing celebrities. Recruited by our heroine’s new manager after she loses her job at the supermarket to become our hero’s new assistant, our heroine is now saddled with the responsibility of convincing our hero to give his new manager…and the unlikely team she hired a chance.

This one is the last in the three-part “Gentleman” trilogy with the first two being the 2016 “To Be a Better Man” and 2018 “Mr. Right”. Deng Lung (Ashes of Love) plays our down on his luck hero while our food loving heroine is played by Sandra Ma (Oh, My General). I don’t remember ever seeing Sandra Ma playing a cutesy character before and was pleasantly surprised how awesome of a job she did in this one. Judging by how our two leads’ chemistry switched back and forth seamlessly from one of fun to tenderness in the first two episodes, I think our two leads’ romance should be quite good.

This one can be found on

Welcome2Life (Korean Drama)

Rain’s new modern fantasy where he plays our hero- a top lawyer who made his fortune and career by getting his rich clients out of paying for the crimes they have committed. Waking up one day to find himself in a parallel universe where he is now a prosecutor working to bring the very clients he once helped to justice, our hero must figure out if he can really change for the better.

I only had time to check out the first two episodes but I liked it quite a bit. The pacing was fast and while the characters (especially the villains) were a bit too stereotyped for my taste, but the show still sucked me in right from the beginning.

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