My Fairy Girl (Chinese Web Drama, New)
This one has a wacky premise where our heroine, is a wine that wants to be a god. Yap, you can read that sentence again, it’s not a typo. In fact, the urn the wine (our heroine) is in also wants to be a god. Only a step away in achieving her dream, our heroine is informed by a heavenly messenger that she must marry a certain man fitting all the right conditions before she can become a goddess. As it happens, our hero, the most popular boy in his college just happens to be THE man but of course, it will take our heroine some fancy footwork to convince our perpetually aloof hero to do her a big favor and marry her.
Mengfei Comes Across (Chinese Web Drama, New)
As one of the emperor’s many concubines, our heroine is convinced of one truth: The only way to stay alive in the palace is to not get noticed by the emperor at all. Resorting to various creative methods to stay off the emperor’s radar, our heroine’s luck finally runs out when she headbutts the emperor and the palace is no longer big enough to hide her.

Episode one was hilarious so I am crossing my fingers that this one will continue to be good.
Life On Mars (Korean Drama, Korean Drama)
This one is the remake of the British television series of the same name. Jung Kyoung Ho plays the detective who was gun down while chasing a serial killer. Waking up to find himself somehow in the year 1988 as a detective that has just been transferred to the local police station, our hero decides the only way to get back to his own time is to catch the serial killer in 1988.

Ahh!!! I am so torn! I haven’t been in the mood for crime dramas lately, BUT this one has Jung Kyoung Ho in it!!!! I did like the first two episodes so I might just have to bite the bullet. By the way, I have never watched the original but it does look like the K-version has made some changes to the story. (ie. the hero in the original had a car accident and the time period he ended up in was 1973.) Did anyone follow the original? I am curious if the serial killer plot is in the original as well.
Lost in 1949 (Chinese Drama, New)
The newest C-spy drama set in the tumultuous period of 1940s so…that means I am not going anywhere near this one. Anyhow, our two leads are two strangers who accidentally have their luggage switched at the train station, but will meet again and fight as newbie spies together later on.
Patriot (Chinese Drama, New)
This one is the other C-spy drama out this week. The premise sounds pretty epic with our male lead being sent on a mission to find a well known war time hero only to find the man then to watch him die later. Knowing the people desperately needs a reason to unite, our male lead decides to impersonate the war time hero and devote the rest of his life to his country…even if it will cost him everything.
My Love From The Ocean (Chinese Drama, New)
This one sounds like Little Mermaid with a Chinese fantasy spin on it. A Mermaid princess, our heroine resolutely decide to join the human world to prove to her father that romantic love really exists. Hiding her true identity after she was “rescued” from the ocean by our hero (who also has a mysterious ability to heal himself) our heroine is certain that she has found love but before our two leads can have their happy ever after, they must cross some big hurdles that involves the fate of our heroine’s people.


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A side note: I will be off on Ninja training (aka vacation) the next two weeks. I think my access to the internet will be spotty and unreliable during that period of time so the Friday Drama Roundup for the next two weeks will either be shorter or replaced with an oldie drama recommendation. The Journey of the Flower translations will not be affected.