Crash Landing on You (Korean Drama)

Hyun Bin’s new drama! Hyun Bin plays a North Korean officer whose very orderly life is turned upsidedown when he rescues a South Korean heiress after she crash-landed in his neck of woods while paragliding. 

I had expected this one to be more on the serious side so I was pleasantly surprised by the comedic tone of the story and the fun chemistry between the two leads. There is of course a bit of political intrigue since we are dealing with the North and South Korea after all, but from the looks of it (at least in the first two episodes) that part shouldn’t take too much of the story. 

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Dream Back to the Qing Dynasty (Chinese Drama, New)

This one has almost the exact same story set up as 2011 C-drama Scarlet Heart in that both heroines are girls from the modern-day sent back to the Qing Dynasty and both ended up getting entangled with Emperor Kangxi’s sons as they fight for the throne. 

I had taken a quick look at the book Dream Back to the Qing Dynasty was based on and quickly lost any interest to check out the show since the story wasn’t refreshing enough to stand out among the countless similar stories with the same premise AND the ending was not the sort I would like. However, after reading some online reviews I was surprised to find out the drama has made drastic changes to the story…which made me hopeful enough to actually go check out the show. Lo and behold, the drama indeed had made gigantic changes to the story and I am glad to report the changes had made the story much more interesting…well, at least I don’t feel like I will be watching a remake of Scarlet Heart.

So how big are the changes? For starters, instead of having our heroine wake up to find herself in Qing dynasty, the story starts with our hero (from the Qing dynasty) showing up in our heroine’s modern day apartment when he falls asleep at night. Our heroine will of course eventually end up in Qing dynasty but it looks like our two leads will begin their romance in the modern-day and our hero will be in the know of our heroine’s real origin from the get-go. I have only watched three episodes thus far but rumor has it our heroine will have a few chances to switch between modern-day and Qing Dynasty. 

This one is on

Triad Princess (Taiwanese Drama)

There is no rule a girl can’t be the only daughter of a triad leader and a fervent fan of a celebrity at the same time…right? Frustrated when her dad wants her to obediently marry the son of another triad, our heroine runs away from home and becomes the bodyguard of a female celebrity in hopes that will allow her to come in contact with our hero- her idol (played by Jasper Liu). 

I am liking this one. This one is no where as addicting as Jasper Liu’s last drama (Before We Get Married) but I like the relaxed and wacky fun vibe it has anyway. The heroine acts a bit too childish for me at first but by the third episode we get a glimpse into why our heroine’s character is set up that way. 

This one is a Netflix original so obviously you can find it on Netflix. 

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Diary of a Prosecutor (Korean Drama, New)

I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this one since the synopsis just said it will be about the everyday lives of prosecutors. I had taken a guess that it might be more on the serious side so I was quite happy to be proven completely wrong after laughing my way through the first two episodes. 

Lee Sun Kyun is of course great in these comedic roles with his deadpan expressions and velvety smooth voice.  

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Black Dog (Korean Drama)

With Seo Hyun Jin starring as the lead I had hoped this one is more of a comedy…it’s not at all. This one is more like a story about how being a temp teacher is 100 times scarier and harder than your first day at a junior high. I do think the show will have plenty of inspirational moments as our heroine grows as a teacher and finds true meaning in the vocation she has chosen but based on the first two episodes those moments might only come after a solid hour of frustrations. As for right now I don’t think I will be putting this one on my watch list but I might change my mind if I see some signs that we might have a decent love line in store for our heroine. 

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