Crocodile and Plover Bird (Chinese Drama)

Bolin Chen’s new romance with Zhang Tian Ai (Go Princess Go) where he plays a no nonsense genius architect who is constantly at odds with our heroine who moved to France as an exchange student to pursue her dream of studying architecture. Despite their differences, our two leads will come to appreciate how they complement each other as they work on a project that will change the landscape of architecture for good.

The first two episodes were pretty predictable and I am not really feeling this one…however, I do like both leads so I will most likely give it another chance.

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I woke up this morning to the sad sad news that Taiwanese actor Godfrey Gao had passed away at the age of 35 on Wednesday morning (11/27) while filming Chinese reality show “Chase Me”. Fans of the actor were of course stunned especially since his last Weibo post was just on the early morning of 11/26 where he thanked his fan’s support after receiving news that his latest C-drama “The Gravity of a Rainbow” had been nominated as one of the Chinese best TV drama of 2019.

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Not a whole lot of details are out right now, but it seems that Godfrey Gao had been filming the reality show “Chase Me” (an intense sports-themed reality show where it would be challenging even for professional athletes) for a few hours straight and was literally running at 1am on 11/27 when he collapsed after yelling “I can’t anymore.” Apparently the filming crew at first thought his collapse was for show effect until they realized something was terribly wrong and tried to revive him but it was no use.

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There are a lot of criticism out right now targeted at the reality show “Chase Me” for their well known practice of pushing their participates to the point of utter exhaustion. There are also some questions if the reality show had done enough to make sure there was proper medical personnel on the set.

I first notice Godfrey Gao way back in 2012 in C-Drama “The Queen of SOP” where he played the handsome male second lead with Taiwanese actress Joe Chen. By 2016, thanks to his 2016 C-drama “Remembering Lichuan”, Godfrey Gao cemented his image as the tall, handsome and quiet hero. I am not sure I could’ve counted myself as a fan of Godfrey Gao but I certainly had watched his steady climb in his career with interest so it really made me sad to see such a promising future cut short in such an abrupt and perhaps even avoidable tragedy.

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Gracious Revenge (Korean Daily)

Growing up seeing her mother’s pain from losing her husband and young son, our heroine has made it her life goal to help her mother seek revenge against those who had caused her family’s tragedy. What our heroine doesn’t know is that she was actually kidnapped by the woman who she had thought to be her mother as a child for the expressed purpose of using her to seek revenge against her real parents.

This one has all the glorious makjang twists and turns that would make a K-daily proud. I have to confess that I was too impatient to watch all the backstories so I started watching the show from episode six which was when our heroine was kidnapped. We are only about 12 episodes in so too early to say if this one is a winner BUT I do have to say I am pretty addicted to the makjang as of right now. In true K-daily drama fashion, the heroine had a brief but very memorable relationship with our hero years ago…who she finds out, much to her dismay is actually the son of the family she has vowed to take revenge against (there are two families our heroine and her “mother” want to seek revenge against so no fear, our hero is not related to our heroine at all) . Finally moving on after our heroine unexpectedly disappeared on him, our hero is happily preparing to get engaged (to our heroine’s little sister no less. Of course, neither women know they are related by blood) when a woman who looks just like his ex but asserts that they are complete strangers shows up in his life. Totally messed up…but so addicting….

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