Not as many heart skipping moments in this episode…but there were certainly many heart melting ones as our hero gathers his courage to cut ties with his ex and pursue our heroine!

The biggest revelation of this episode is finally finding out what exactly went wrong with our hero and his ex-girlfriend: The fact that Ziyuan aborted hers and Kehuan’s baby without telling our hero. We didn’t get an exact explanation of why Ziyuan made such a decision but going by her character, it was probably something like she doesn’t want to hinder Kehuan’s career at that point.

The conversation between Ziyuan and her little sister was also quite interesting. From the little sister’s words, we get some clues that Ziyuan at one time was a beautiful and confident woman who didn’t see herself as a decoration to a man. I usually wouldn’t be too interested in the backstory of the hero’s crazy ex, but in Ziyuan’s case, I am actually curious. Ziyuan’s little sister is an awesome character but if she used to idolize her older sister, then does that mean Ziyuan used to have all the great qualities her little sister have right now?

Speaking of awesome characters, how great was Kefei in this episode! I almost wished our heroine could ditch all the boys and just live happily ever after with her bff. With best friends like this, who needs a man?! One thing I particularly love about Kefei is that she really is all about Wei Wei being happy. Kefei has been pushing Wei Wei to face her feelings concerning Kehuan and has made no secret that she think Kehuan is a whole better than 321, but the fact that she volunteered to help Wei Wei with her work (when our heroine was working overtime) in order to let her friend spend time with 321 shows that Kefei simply wants whatever that would make Wei Wei happy.

I was quite torn about what to think concerning 321 after this episode. He really didn’t do anything terribly wrong…he just missed a lot of opportunities to be there for his girlfriend. For the first time, 321 is making good money AND feeling important so it makes perfect sense why he is completely focused on his career right now. To be fair, 321 did eke out what time he thought he could for Wei Wei. I think one could argue if Wei Wei’s heart wasn’t in such a shaky place right now, she might’ve been fine…at least temporarily, to have 321 so immersed in his job. Under a different circumstance (as in no tall and handsome guy pursuing your girlfriend earnestly and princess carried her to the hospital when she is sick), 321 probably would have the chance to prove if he is either 1. Really just going through a critical career time right now and will give Wei Wei his full attention once that critical time is over. OR 2. Take Wei Wei for granted and begins to put his career first. Unfortunately for 321, his missed opportunity became our hero’s…

One last thing. I loved the part when our heroine yells at our hero on the phone after her incredibly bad day. It wasn’t super nice of our heroine of course, but it totally showed that willing or not, Kehuan has become a person Wei Wei can vent to without holding back. If 321 was the one on the other line, Wei Wei would not have allowed herself to lose control but because it was Kehuan, she let down her guard and told him exactly how terrible her day is going.


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