Ninja’s Overall Review:
I will be completely honest, I had a fairly low expectation for this one. Now, I knew it would be at least be watchable since we did have the star power of Lego Li and Nikki Hsieh after all. The thing that lowered my expectations was the show’s premise. Time traveling has always been a great story hook but it is a difficult task to keep the story intriguing once the initial fun of watching our heroes adjust to their new surroundings wears off. So that was why I was doubtful about the show even when the first few episodes were fun and intriguing. A total skeptic, I was still doubtful when the show remained great halfway through. After every great episode, I would find myself thinking “That was awesome but I bet the story will get boring from this point on.” Ready to abandon ship at the slightest sign of the story getting stagnant, I watched each episode of Meet Me @1006 until I finished it…and was amazed at my foolishness for not trusting the show this whole time.

Kudos to the writers of Meet Me @ 1006 for keeping the story fun, intense and thoroughly entertaining from beginning to end. As one who is really not in the mood for crime dramas lately, the murder mystery part of the plot wasn’t my favorite but I still found it intriguing anyway.
Some of my favorite things about the show:
1. The great chemistry between our two leads. This wasn’t a surprise since Lego Li and Nikki Hsieh have worked together in the past (Love @ Seventeen) but the great chemistry was obviously a big reason this show was such a success.
2. The love triangle was extremely painless!
3. Great plot twists! The show made it fairly obvious who the real killer was almost right from the beginning so it gave me the mistaken impression that the story will be predictable but boy, was I in for a surprise.
3. The show was super fun! I thought for sure the hilarious comedic moments would disappear once the story gets going and we are mired in the urgency of chasing after a killer BUT happily, I was proven to be short-sighted again since the show remained fun to the very end. (The show obviously do have very serious moments but the writers did a great job injecting comedy whenever possible.)
4. The ending was great! (Make sure you watch for the extra scenes after the credits…)

For those who want to check this one out, Dramafever has it but make sure you type Meet Me @ 1006 in the search bar to find it. For some reason, this particular drama doesn’t show up under the Taiwanese browse section but if you search for it, the show should pop right up.
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