Here are a few notable differences between the novel and the show’s ending that stuck out in my mind.

Hua Shu
- Had a really difficult time with the thought of turning to the demon method of cultivation. She had an even harder time when she realized her father was sacrificing their own people for their selfish use.
- While the realization that her father was the one who killed her beloved certainly helped in turning her against him but in the novel, you really get a sense that she felt the weight of guilt at seeing many of her own people being turned into demons. Unlike in the drama where we only saw a small group of soldiers, Hua Shu’s father turned almost all of his own people into demons in the novel. Looking at the demon army made up of her own people, Hua Shu wondered in a world where her family, friends, and her whole clan are gone, then what’s the point of the glory her father wanted so badly to obtain?
- In the novel Hua Shu was also able to keep very calm and managed to fool her dad to the very last second. Even after finding out her dad was the real killer, she managed to put on an act of being a dutiful daughter and fooled her dad into letting down his guard so she could get close to him to foil his plan.

Demon Lord
- I feel the Demon Lord was a lot more interesting in the novel than he was in the show. In the novel, Yuan Qi’s two buddies (the powerful Water Congealing beast and a Fire Dragon) end up being trapped in the demon realm with the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord sealed off the area they were in from the other demons which protected our hero’s two buddies from harm. In the usually fairly comical interactions between the Water Cogealing beat and the Demon Lord, it is obvious that the Demon Lord is not exactly evil…but is not exactly good either.
- One big difference from the show is that in the novel, the Demon Lord was not “sealed” up in the demon realm. He was a true god and was plenty powerful to leave anytime he wanted. One gets the feeling that he was there more because of a self-exile. In fact, from the conversation between Yuan Qi’s parents (true gods as well), one gets the distinct feeling that they care about Demon Lord quite a bit and do not see him as “evil”.
- With all the setup regarding the demon lord being more of a god having an identity crisis instead of one out to destroy the world (albeit, he does seem like the type to watch with interest if it does get destroyed), I felt it made more sense why the Demon Lord would decide to save our hero. Especially since in the novel, they made a bigger deal that Yuan Qi, for all intents and purposes, is actually the Demon Lord’s nephew.
Yuan Qi’s Sword
- I am glad the show was able to give our hero’s sword a happy ending. In the novel, to seal up the demon realm, Yuan Qi AND his sword had to sacrifice themselves. Our hero did eventually come back in the end but unfortunately, there was nothing to bring his sword back with.

Hong Yi & Yan Shuang
- In the novel, unfortunately, Hong Yi was still in the muddled stage when it came to his feelings regarding Yan Shuang by the time the novel ended. I thought Hong Yi and Yan Shuang’s romance towards the end was super sweet so I was really glad the show decided to give this couple a happy ending.

The return of everyone at Dazeshan
- I loved the changes the drama made to this part of the story. In the novel, we really don’t get any details of what happened after everyone at Dazeshan came back to life. In fact, I don’t think our hero even got to see his friends and of course our heroine was way too distraught by Yuan Qi’s death to feel the joy of seeing her old friends.
In case you guys were as confused as I was concerning the scene where Feng Yin, her friends, and everyone else in Dazeshan were helping her to combat something invisible in the sky (12 minutes into episode 40), this is the scene in the novel where A Yin forced her way into the realm of the true gods to ask Yuan Qi mother- Shang Gu to bring Yuan Qi back. Of course our poor heroine could only leave in disappointment after realizing that Yuan Qi’s mother would’ve brought her own son back to life if she could have. It was only in a conversation between Yuan Qi’s parents that we find out that the Demon Lord is the only one who can bring Yuan Qi back.

There is another thing the show left out probably due to time constraints but it really hits home how much our hero loved A Yin. In the novel, Yuan Qi promised A Yin quite a few times that he will always be with her. A Yin finds out at the very end that he really was telling her the truth since there was a fragment of Yuan Qi’s soul in her. (This happened by accident back when Yuan Qi “killed” Feng Ying when she was about to be born.) Which was how he was able to find her during her many many reincarnations in the mortal world. In the novel, Yuan Qi was always there in every single one of A Yin’s reincarnations. He was the silent person in her life who always helped her to achieve whatever goal she wanted. A Yin had no recollection of our hero because after each life, he would erase himself from her memory.
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Thank you ❤️
Thank you for the novel comparison. I actually really enjoyed the drama, despite the ratings being low and the hate that they male lead got. I thought he performed decently and had some unique charms.
Do you know who is Yi He God they keep mentioning at the end?
As far as I can tell, for some reason, the show decided to change the names of our hero’s parents (the two leads in Ancient Love Poetry.) Yi He is our hero’s mother.