I really enjoyed this one. Meet Yourself is a 40 episodes Chinese Drama starring Liu Yifei (Mulan, A Dream of Splendor) and Li Xian (Go Go Squid!). Our heroine is a city girl whose career focused life suddenly lost all meaning when her best friend unexpectedly dies from cancer. Wanting to fulfill a wish for her best friend, our heroine travels to a small rural village for a long vacation but ends up finding much more than she ever expected.
First Impression:
So sad! Well, at least the first episode was. Other than the very first episode, the rest of the show is actually filled with lots of comedic moments and has an overall light heart vibe so don’t get scared off.
Second Impression:
Hmm…promising but a bit slow. It really took a bit to adjust myself to the leisurely vibe and pacing of the show. The slow pacing of the show is obviously done purposefully to showcase the charm of rural life and after I slap my own hands a few times for inching toward the fast-forward button I am happy to report that I did eventually come to enjoy the pacing of the story.

Third Impression:
The kids are so cute! While I thought all the characters were well casted, but dang, the show did an awesome job casting the cutest kids. I am not sure what it says about me as a person, but my favorite scenes are when the kids set each other off crying…
The romance between our two leads started off fairly slow but they had wonderfully fun chemistry together. I also absolutely loved watching two very mature and caring characters falling in love with one another. There were no needless misunderstandings or foolish one-sided sacrifices, but this is a love story where two people did the best they knew how not only for the one they love but for themselves too. A truly refreshing romance.
Final Thoughts:
I highly recommend this one for those who don’t mind slower pacing shows. The slice-of-life little stories were all well-written with lots of small village charm and most importantly, they flow well from one to the next so it felt like one continuous story. The show really did a great job of creating not only great main characters but a host of very memorable and lovable side characters.
All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com
Thanks for recomending!! Im LOVING this show It’s really relaxing, and the food looks delicious!