There were too many patients and not enough doctors, eventually, Zhi Wei had to personally help with tending to the wounded. Half kneeling in the dirt, holding a fisherman’s leg as she gently took off the boots covered in blood and fish scales, Zhi Wei’s expression is one of perpetual calm and empathy without a hint of disgust. Animosity amongst the people is slowly dissipating replaced by growing gratitude. Some of the citizens who had stayed far away from Zhi Wei in the beginning begin to gather around her to help move the patients, clean wounds and running the medicine around… The chaotic crying and yelling on the dock slowly disappeared, replaced by anxious but organized rescue efforts. With only a glance from Zhi Wei, someone would automatically go up to help with whatever she needed. The three forces: government, citizens, guards of the royal envoy all come together because of this sudden crisis. After watching for a while, the academy students who were all born with a silver spoon in their mouths soon rolled up their sleeves to join in to help. Washing her blood stained hands in a basin of water, Zhi Wei looked around at the people rushing about with a tinge of regret. It often takes a crisis to unit hearts that have grown apart because only through empathy can people find a way to come together.
The night descends but Zhi Wei is still walking around the dock. The count of the dead was about twenty and hundreds were wounded. There were actually not that many people who died because of the bomb explosion. More died by being stepped on during the chaos and the mass panic. Zhi Wei slowly walked among the scattered tattered fabric, shoes, and random possessions… possessions that no longer had an owner to treasure them. Gu Nan Yi follows behind in silence, he doesn’t know what Zhi Wei is thinking but he just feels that she looks lonely and her thin shoulder weighed down in the moonlight.
Zhi Wei suddenly feels something heavy on her shoulder, she almost thought it was the assassins again until she turns to see Master Gu putting a piece of tent fabric on her. Speechless, Zhi Wei holds up a corner of the tent fabric and raised a questioning eyebrow at Master Gu. Staring at Master Gu who stood still without moving, Zhi Wei was surprised to notice that his eyes behind the sheer fabric mask seem to be darting around– isn’t he the sort to either be staring right at people or staring at the ground in front of him? Resigned that it is highly improbable that she is going to get an answer, Zhi Wei sighs and wonders if Master Gu is trying to get her to go set up a tent until Master Gu suddenly says “Wear it, not get cold.” Momentarily taken aback, Zhi Wei finally figures out– he is afraid she will get cold? So he is trying to “put clothes” on her? Blinking in surprise, Zhi Wei grabs the heavy tent fabric unsure how she should respond. Feeling a slight ache in her heart, Zhi Wei recollects that this is the first time Gu Nan Yi has expressed the “caring” emotion so clearly. He has always cared about her staying alive but she has always felt it was more like it was a mission forced upon him. Kinda like eating walnuts or eight pieces of meat. He just needs to do it, no reason needed. When they first met, he would kick her off the bed, order her to sleep at the bottom of the bed, throw the clothes she washed in the outhouse if they didn’t meet his cleanliness standard and even when protecting her, he would throw her around without controlling his strength. When did he start to change? And what glorious being operated on him and clear the cloud of confusion that has been his life? The moonlight shines on the silent dock, distant sounds of speaking could be heard through the fog as he and her stare at each other without speaking a word. After a long moment, she pulls the tent fabric around her body as if it really was a coat and smiles “Yes, it’s very warm…” Master Gu nods with satisfaction, he thinks so too, it looks to be quite warm.

Master Gu is happy now but Zhi Wei is left with the difficulty of figuring out how she is supposed to walk with a tent “coat” around her. Zhi Wei drags the tent “coat” a few steps until Gu Nan Yi suddenly stops and she too notices something. In front of them is a pile of random things often used by fishermen such as basins and racks to dry seaweed. Underneath the pile, there comes a small sound. Zhi Wei runs up and inhaled sharply after she parted the pile. Under a net, a woman lays dead with her back half arched in a strange position. Under her stomach is a basin and inside the basin, there is a baby who is crying weakly. The woman was obviously pushed to this location by the crowd then crushed to death but she had protected the child until the very end. She must’ve been afraid that she would harm the child when she falls so not only had she used her back to push back against the crowd but had put the child in the basin. The basin was not small, if she had chosen to use it to shield herself she probably could’ve lived but Zhi Wei imagines by that point the woman no longer had any strength left and chose to save the child instead. Staring at the basin, Zhi Wei teared up. Mothers, the mothers of this world, they might seem ordinary as they are mired in countless small tasks of everyday living but when danger hits, their love knows no bounds.
Zhi Wei picks up the child and indeed the child is perfectly fine, just crying because of hunger. Unable to stop herself from smiling when the child immediately wraps her tiny hand around her finger, Zhi Wei pressed her face against the child’s smooth cheek then promptly wraps her up in the tent fabric. As Zhi Wei is wrapping the child, she notices the child is actually dressed in very fine fabric and while the gold necklace around the child’s neck had no inscriptions but it had a very big and bright purple gem. Looking back at the young woman’s body that is dressed in ordinary clothes without any jewelry in sight, Zhi Wei wonders silently, is she not the child’s mother after all? But if she is not, then why would she sacrifice herself to this extent? Thinking for a moment, Zhi Wei took the necklace off from the child and put it into her pocket. Holding the child who had quieted down the moment she had picked her up and is now sucking on her own fingers, Zhi Wei suddenly wanted to tease Master Gu and put the child into his arms. “You hold it.”
Flustered to be abruptly stuffed with a “thing”, Master Gu jumps up as if he is on fire and his first instinct was to throw it away. Zhi Wei nervously stares at him, ready to catch the child at any time. However, Master Gu’s gesture of throwing was cut off. Seemingly sensing his intention, the child begins to cry causing Master Gu to jerk in shock, pulls back his hands immediately then stood as if he was frozen, not daring to move a muscle.
“That’s right, can’t throw, can’t throw.” Zhi Wei lets out a sigh of relief then teaches him with a bright smile “You see, the baby is very cute right?” After a moment of silence, Master Gu tries negotiate “Don’t want.”
“Want.” Zhi Wei insists.
“Don’t want….”
“Don’t want, don’t want…” Master Gu who is never willing to say more than needed is even repeating words now.

I debated if I should put this scene in since I am assuming some readers are not as interested in the storyline between our heroine and Master Gu. However, I decided I better include this scene because while the baby won’t be showing up too many times in the story but the baby plays a critical role in what happens later to our three leads.
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Oh, Gu Nan Yi! Loved this bit so thank you for translating it. “It often takes a crisis to unite hearts that have grown apart because only through empathy can people find a way to come together. ” Nicely put and true. With ‘Parasite’s’ Oscar win, let’s hope more and more people around the world fall in love with Asian drama – and discover your fabulous website! – and lots more hearts unite. Great story-telling creates empathy too.
I really enjoyed this one. I agree with Ele, I also loved the “it often takes….” translation. I’ve always like Gu Nan Yi. I wish there could have been a backstory to his history and maybe a forward story as to what happens in his future.
I always enjoyed Gu Nan Yi as well. I’m really glad we got to see their interactions. I wish too that his role had been expanded.
Thanks you!
I had read that the only two people Gu Nan Yi loved were Zhi Wei and this baby. So, I’m grateful that you decided to include this passage. Thanks so much!
Oh my God, I can’t believe this novel is being translated! Thank you so much! Thank you!
Muito bom e comovente esse capítulo,realmente comovente!! parabéns!!!
Thank you for including this chapter. GNY character is just as interesting as the 2 leads. THANK YOU.
Appreciate the translated interactions between Zhi Wei and Gu Nan Yi as well. Their relationship was important to the story as well and I am very interested in reading more about the drama between them and Ning Yi. Thank you for including it.