Stunned by the hellish scene in front of her, a teary Zhi Wei mutters in a low voice “Who knows how many have been killed…” Zhi Wei’s eyes suddenly focused on a figure darting in and out of the thick smoke, seeming searching for something. Behind her, Ning Yi gives a low yell “Who is it!” Without hesitation, Zhi Wei reaches out her hands towards Ning Yi to give a hard push but her hands remarkably meet Ning Yi’s as he gives her a hard shove as well. The force of their hands meeting caused both of them to fall backward, immediately followed by a sword that narrowly slashes through the middle of them!
Zhi Wei promptly pulls out her sword without saying a word while Ning Yi’s hand also thrust towards the assassin’s waist. A muffled grunt follows as the person stumbles backward then darts off. The two of them could not give chase so they could just sit in frustration. Zhi Wei bites her lips then says angrily “How vicious! Just to kill us, they set off a bomb in a crowd of 5000 in complete disregard of the innocent lives that would be lost. Even then, that wasn’t enough and they had to send an assassin as well!”
Turning around, Zhi Wei sees Yao Yangyu cradling his bleeding arm. He had gotten hurt just now while attempting to stop the assassin from leaving. Zhi Wei quickly walks over to help Yao Yangyu with his wound, secretly feeling quite guilty– when the assassin came she only remembered Ning Yi but had completely forgotten this poor kid who had saved them. Seemingly paying no heed to the fact that he was momentarily forgotten, Yao Yangyu grins “To have Official Wei personally tending to my wound, it would be worth it to get hurt again.” Ning Yi who had been feeling a bit apologetic towards Yao Yangyu, promptly lost any such emotions towards the kid. Speechless as she looks at Ning Yi’s surly expression, Zhi Wei thought: This guy sure can be petty some times.
In a distance, a figure flew out of the thick smoke while carrying two people in his hand as he looks around wildly seemingly searching for something. Recognizing the figure as Gu Nan Yi, Zhi Wei joyfully waves her hand “I am here!”
Looking over, Gu Nan Yi releases his hands, lets the two unlucky students he rescued unceremoniously fall to the ground and floated over to Zhi Wei. The moment he gets to Zhi Wei, Gu Nan Yi drags her out of Ning Yi’s arms and carefully patted her all over to make sure she is not hurt. Resigned, Zhi Wei obediently submitted to Gu Nan Yi’s checking since she knows Master Gu is quite stubborn about such things, the consequence of not agreeing would be very severe.
Assured that Zhi Wei is alright, Master Gu lets go of her then abruptly says “No tree.” Confused for a moment, Zhi Wei belatedly remembers their conversation last time. Apparently Master Gu did remember her words and was diligently trying to find a tree but of course where is he going to find a tree here.
“It’s alright.” Zhi Wei smiles “I am here.”
Searching through the hellish scene to make a count, ten guards died, four students were wounded. Thanks to Zhi Wei’s careful planning, Helian, Gu Nan Yi, Ning Cheng were able to spread out quickly to save the students. Yan Huaishi was still on the boat at the time of the explosion so he was the luckiest one. Quite surprised that Ning Yi and Zhi Wei didn’t just take care of themselves during the explosion but had instead placed their safety first, all the students were extremely grateful. The South Sea officials were not far away from the areas of the bomb explosions so all of them are still recovering from their fright, too scared to get up. One of the minor officials’ arm was blown off and is screaming in pain while an ashen-faced Minister Zhou sits surrounded by his guards.
Under the black smoke is a ground covered in blood splatter and countless shoes…some of which will never be reunited with their owners again. The citizens who had scattered in the panic slowly come back to find their lost family and as they do, from time to time there would come a burst of anguish cries. Sitting among the chaos and sounds of sobbing, Minister Zhou Xizhong blankly stares at the scene in front of him until one of his subordinate tries to help him and was pushed away violently. Zhi Wei and Ning Yi both looked towards Zhou Xizhong’s direction– this man might be arrogant and egotistic but rumor has it that he is quite caring towards his citizens and has conducted his duties without bribes. How else would he be so beloved by the citizens of South Sea. However, due to his own selfish desires of wanting to embarrass the royal envoys he had gathered such a large crowd which allowed other interest groups to turn this into a catastrophe resulting in countless deaths. Zhou Xizhong’s emotion right now must be hard to describe.

Ning Yi suddenly looks towards Zhi Wei’s direction. Zhi Wei understood Ning Yi’s thoughts right away– right now is the best time to get rid of Zhou Xizhong. They could easily take away Zhou Xizhong’s office by accusing him of not properly ensuring the dock’s security, leading to such a widespread loss of lives. Zhou Xizhong is the head of all South Sea officials, if they can get rid of him now, once Ning Yi leaves then Zhi Wei would have a much easier time controlling this area. After a moment, Zhi Wei shakes her head. She turns and looked at the blood-stained dock, looked at the countless wounded and dead, looked at the academy students covered in blood, looked at the anguished ordinary citizens. Her usually soft gentle eyes abruptly turn icy and hard as a blood color firey red lights danced in them. She has lived her whole life putting up a smile against everything that came her way but that doesn’t mean she can’t be angered. If being polite won’t open this iron gate, then she is not afraid to pull out a blood stained sword to break it open! *swish* Flipping the black sword open, Zhi Wei slashes it towards the ground leaving a deep gash in the granite rock “Chang Clan of South Sea, you just wait!”
No one knows if Chang Clan is waiting for Zhi Wei, but Yan Clan along with four other biggest families of the South Sea nobles have been waiting for a long time. Previously, the Five Noble Families were purposefully pushed to the outer rim of the crowds which incidentally became their saving grace and they all escape the explosion without harm. Facing the group who has been waiting to formally greet her, Zhi Wei says “Let’s skip the greetings, this is no time for politeness. Everyone needs to send the people you have brought to go help transport the wounded to the doctors and find the families of the dead. We can worry about doing the greetings after everything has been taken care of.”
Ning Yi has already walked away to meet with the South Sea officials so he can issue similar orders. The Five Noble Families instantly realize this indeed is a perfect opportunity to gain some much needed goodwill among the South Sea citizens and quickly ordered their people to join in to help. Zhi Wei and Gu Nan Yi personally searched the dock area. When they came upon someone who was hurt severely, then Gu Nan Yi would seal off the wound to stop the bleeding (through pressure point…not sure if this really works in theory but it is something quite common in Wuxia novels. This is not something normal citizens would know how to do but most descent fighters would.) before passing off the patient to the doctors.
The Yan Clan acted very quickly, medical tents have been set up at all four corners of the dock along with a rest tent for Ning Yi and Zhi Wei after they refused to leave. Zhi Wei didn’t set foot in the rest tent at all but stayed on the dock to help out. Some of the citizens who have rushed over to land a hand silently watched as the thin young official diligently helped to carry the charred broken bodies, seemingly uncaring of how dirty the task is. (This act is especially a big deal in Chinese culture because other than one’s own families, there is a big stigma and fear towards dead bodies in general.) The people watched as young Wei official kneels down by the wounded and without any hesitation rolled up her sleeves to reveal her white arms as she begins to administer to them. In no time, Zhi Wei’s once clean appearance was soon stained with dust, sweat and blood. One young man whose arm was blown off was bleeding profusely, despite the doctor’s efforts. The young man’s family’s howling finally brought Official Wei who simply went up, pushed something with his finger then skillfully bandaged up the wound. Saving a life of a young man in no time, Official Wei ran off to another medical tent before the family could thank him.
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Thank you!
Sensacional!Simplesmente emocionante!!!😘😘😘
ZW knows magic healer techniques, too? Dang, I wish I could be her. So much talent, heart, and grit!
Both of our leads know a bit of medicine. Zhi Wei learned it while she was apprenticing under a physician (who by the way is probably THE best physician in the world since he was a member of the Bloody Pagoda) in the beginning of the book. It sounds like Ning Yi gathered his medical knowledge from being sickly himself as a kid and well…it is always good to have knowledge of poisons if you are a prince.
So exciting… Love how both Ning Yi and Zhi Wei are so attuned to each other… Thank you for being so diligent with the translation…
Thanks for another week’s great translation. It’s nice to see how they care for each other when danger lurks.
Yes, I love the caring act they both have for each other. It is apparent in the drama as well. Thank you for another great translation. It seems that this scene in the book it very dramatic. They certainly edited quite a few scenes from the movie.