“You don’t care if I am angry.” Ignoring her lack of response, Ning Yi continues “So I don’t have to be concerned with what you are thinking either, right?”

“Your Highness is trying to dredge up an old score?” Narrowing her eyes, Zhi Wei asks with a most sincere smile “The other purpose of having you come today is to also explain to you that I didn’t purposefully save the Princess before.”

“But you never planned to help me kill her either.” Ning Yi cuts right to the chase “You had planned to deceive me right from the beginning.”

After a long moment of silence, Zhi Wei replies “I couldn’t let someone with that face die in front of me.”

Both of them knew what her words meant. Rising her eyes to look at Ning Yi who has stayed silent “That is a question that I have been trying to figure out all this time. Do you have an answer?”

Ning Yi was silent for another long moment, Zhi Wei even saw an expression of confusion flashing across his eyes but then he shook his head “When I first met you I was also very surprised.”

So that means he doesn’t know the answer either. Zhi Wei peers closely at Ning Yi, feeling like there is something else he is not saying but then also feels that he is not lying to her either.

“I am sorry the fact that the Princess is still alive has brought you a lot of trouble.” After a bit, Zhi Wei mutters in a low voice “But I could only do that then.”

“Things between us are always like that.” Ning Yi laments with a somewhat bitter smile “Don’t want to be on the opposite side but always is because of various reasons.”

“But I don’t understand why it needs to be so?” Zhi Wei stands up and leans close as she fixates her eyes on him “Tell me, why limit my growth here? Why put me under someone who will hinder me at every turn? (She is not talking about Xin Zi Yan, but a minor character) Why are you certain that I will stand against you? And, why are you so interested in Feng Hao?”

She is so close. Even though there is a mask on her face but her eyes are sparkling like morning dew and her eyelashes seem unbelievably long…Ning Yi couldn’t help himself and reaches out a hand to touch it but Zhi Wei moved away like she has been zapped by lightning.

“We are discussing official business.” Zhi Wei chides with a serious expression “Focus.”

Silently thinking that her annoyed expression is quite cute, Ning Yi’s eyes linger on Zhi Wei’s face longingly for a few more minutes until he finally says “You saved Shao Ning twice, you seem to be connected to her somehow, even your appearance is stunningly identical to her, you know too many of my secrets but you are not necessarily on my side. If you were someone in a position as I am in, wouldn’t you try to constrain you, kill you even?” (The Shao Ning/Princess and Zhi Wei thing is THE big mystery of the story so I am not going to answer any questions concerning it since that would be a huge spoiler. You are of course welcome to ask questions about what we would know by this point concerning the mystery or any clarifying questions of what had happened in the past.)

“Your Highness never thought about getting me, the “nation’s scholar” on your side?” Something about Ning Yi’s answer seems off, Zhi Wei asks with a frown.

Ning Yi doesn’t reply as he raised the cup up to his mouth but makes no move to drink it, his expression hard to see behind the light steam of water vapor.

Zhi Wei didn’t speak either. Her fingers softly caress the edge of the teapot, her finger could feel the warmth but it couldn’t warm the coldness seeping into her heart.

After a moment, Ning Yi says softly “Zhi Wei, listen to my advice on this. Leave this and go back to Qiu manor. I will figure out a way to get Helian to give up on you. In the future, then you will be my…”

Ning Yi reaches into his pocket seemingly ready to pull out something but a hand stopped him in midmotion.

Looking down at the long slender fingers on his hand, Ning Yi asks “This is your rejection?”

Pulling her hands away, Zhi Wei says with a leveled voice “Let’s finish our discussion first, there is time for that later.”

Slowly pulling his hand out of the pocket, Ning Yi smiles forlornly and finally says after a bit “Alright, then tell me first, why as a woman you are unwilling to get married and have kids like all the other women but instead wants to climb the dangerous ladder as a government official?”

“There are probably very few people who have seen my father in the capital.” Silent for a long moment, Zhi Wei finally begins to talk, seemingly starting a completely different subject “In my memory, before the age of four, he existed.”

“He was very busy, very aloof, never really around sort of existence.”

His gaze on Zhi Wei, Ning Yi has a vague feeling that the man who was once the subject of wild rumors in the Capital, the man who caused the legendary female general to elope then return to the Capital in disgrace might be the crux of the problem.

“Before the age of four, my family’s circumstance was quite good. We lived deep in a mountain that is far away from the Capital. Even though the area didn’t have much but we had plenty for our needs. Father is often gone and would be home once in a long while. When he is home he didn’t pay too much attention to me or my brother. There didn’t seem to be much joy in my mother when she sees him either. Sometimes, there are even traces of sadness in her expression.”

Ning Yi brows knitted into a frown. Something doesn’t add up. After throwing everything away to elope together then becoming the parents of a son and a daughter, this couple should’ve been blissfully happy so why did it turn out like that instead?

“Because of that, I slowly stopped having the desire to have father home. When he is around the house became suffocatingly depressing, without any trace of the warmth that is shared by the three of us when he is gone. To me, a man like that, a man who left my mother alone with the sole responsibility of raising her children, a father who is as if he didn’t exist and when he is back only brought unhappiness…it might as well be better to not have him.”

“Ever since I can remember, mother keeps on telling me that many women in this world live their lives being dependent on others but some are not lucky enough to find a man who they can rely on. So instead of waiting for fate to decide which group you belong to, you might as well learn to rely on yourself and love yourself.”

“That’s why mother taught me many things. She tried to teach my brother too but it didn’t really work. Mother said since my brother can’t be counted on then as the older sister it is my responsibility to provide for both of them. I have always remembered that.”

“Nonsense!” Ning Yi couldn’t help but protests “Why would it fall on a fragile woman to support the whole family?” (The Chinese wording “fragile woman” here is more like a common adjective often used by both men and women to describe the female sex. It sounds pretty offensive in English but just know that it is not necessarily the case in Chinese.)

“Feng family does not produce fragile women.” Zhi Wei’s gaze was calm and clear “If the women in Feng family are weak then they would’ve long been crushed into dust.”

Holding Zhi Wei’s gaze, Ning Yi suddenly puts his hands over hers. The hands in his are soft and smooth with spots of callus…callus that sends dull stabs of pain into him.

Lowering her eyes to stare at their intertwined hands, Zhi Wei smiles then pull her hands away.

“The year I was four, he really stopped coming back.” Zhi Wei continues “Without his support, the family eventually had difficulty making ends meet. Mother had no other choice but to bring us back to the Capital.”

“This is my beginning in the Capital.” Zhi Wei flashes a smile at Ning Yi “It began with kneeling in front of Qiu Manor during the dead of winter and being drenched with a bucket of dirty foot-washing water after they refused to open the door to us. My never-ending battle with the Capital, with Qiu Manor, with the society’s rejection and humiliation began then. There is no going back.”

“There is no one to stand by you or to shield you when you most needed it. It’s up to you to protect your family from all the malice attacks, humiliation, hindrance, and bullying. You are tired of having to always be your guard with every step you take but no matter how tired you are there is no stopping. If you stop then that means others will gain control of your life and decide your fate at their whim.”

“We are the shame of the Qiu Manor, a shame everyone wish would simply disappear. If we don’t want to disappear then we have to pay the price.” Her eyes lowered, Zhi Wei continues “I have spent the last ten years like this. Eating the most meager pitiful New Year’s meal in our little room while listening to the festivities in the main hall. I vowed then that I will never rely on anyone. I will never place my hope on anyone else. I vowed one day I will use my only abilities to rise above all and triumph over all those who used to look down on me.”

“Do you think you are someone who can be depended on?” Zhi Wei’s voice was no higher than a murmur but her tone was piercing “You were taught to ascend to the highest point, you practice the art of trapping dragons (dragons are usually a reference to the royal family- especially the emperor in Chinese), your mission is to destroy the dragon with the dragon killing knife held in your hand.  Win, you will stand at the highest sumit gazing down on all those below. Lose, blood with stain all those who have the slightest connection to you. Your life has always been and will always be like walking on a thin steal wire. Lose, I will lose my life with you. Win, I am just a number among your three thousand concubines. (Three thousand is a common number when one refers to how many women an Emperor have but it is just a saying since obviously various emperors could have much less…or more than that.) What do you have to promise me a life of bliss?”

Her questions right to the point and unforgiving, Ning Yi who was caught completely by surprise, sat stunned.


All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com