After the torrent of rain, everything under the sun seems extra bright and clear under the sun. His spirit high, the Emperor spontaneously decides to move the feast out into the palace’s big public square. The main table of the feast is set in a pavilion by a small lake surrounded by countless lanterns.

Sitting by Helian, Zhi Wei slowly sips her wine enjoying herself immensely. Of course she would enjoy it even it more if she wasn’t the recipient of so many stares.

In one short hour the news that Miss Feng suffers from bouts of madness attacks that has been witnessed by Prince Helian once already and just now by Prince Chu as well has circulated throughout the palace. Be it nobleman or their wives, all stare at Zhi Wei with curiosity…while Helian gets looks of pity and perplexity. Perplexity over why he would be interested in a crazy and ugly woman. Pity that men from the grassland wilderness are indeed a bit lacking in the head so that even their taste in women is odd.

Of course the unmarried misses’ feelings are not so forgiving and mild. They might not necessarily be interested in marrying into the far distance of grassland wilderness but that doesn’t stop them from admiring Helian’s handsome looks. After all, Prince Helian still fit a lot of girls’ idea of a dreamy hero and it is never pleasant to see something lovely being taken by someone else…especially by someone so unworthy.

Taking more personal offense the more they glare at Zhi Wei, the misses pull out their petite mirrors secretly in unison and silently lamented– oh, how could girls as lovely as us lose to someone as ugly as Feng Zhi Wei?!

Taking in all the various not so discrete stares, Zhi Wei calmly sips her wine and wonders silently how glorious it would be if this impressive speed of spreading rumor could be used on the battlefield.

The birthday star has yet to arrive so the seat at the top remains empty. Seated a step lower is the 2nd Prince and his wife, followed by 5th, 6th, 7th, and 10th Prince. Other than the youngest 10th Prince and Ning Yi, all the other princes are married. According to the rumor, there are two reasons why Ning Yi is still single. First, due to his bad health Ning Yi himself has asserted in the past that it would be unfair to marry someone’s precious daughter. Second, thanks to Ning Yi’s habit of frequenting brothels, all the government officials are afraid that his “other function” might be bad as well. However, Ning Yi’s influence has increased since the Crown Prince’s death so his marriage has become a hot topic. Judging by all the rumors, it seems like the Hu’s, the Chang’s and the Hua families are the biggest contenders. (They are all families who hold important government positions.)

Her lips forming into a wry smile as she glances over at the almost nonexistence transparent screen dividing the women from the princes, Zhi Wei wonders which one is Miss Hu and which one is Miss Chang. Sensing Zhi Wei’s gaze, Ning Yi looks up and promptly caused all the girls to puff up their chest, each certain that Ning Yi was looking at her.

Hmm… Prince Ning Yi’s attention is certainly all encompassing causing the roomful of flowers to bloom in unison…Zhi Wei smiles in amusement as she looks away to pour herself another cup of wine. Hmm…the wine in the palace is indeed full of flavor and rich in taste.

Pleasantly surprised to discover that not only does Zhi Wei drink wine but she exudes a carefree manner while doing so, Helian quickly pours her more wine and encourages her enthusiastically “Drink more, drink more! This wine is even rare for the palace.”

To prevent drunken misconducts, during palace feasts each table is only served one kettle of wine. Swallowing hard as he pours more wine into Zhi Wei’s cup, Helian ignores his own empty cup and continues to make sure Zhi Wei’s cup is always full.

The kettle is more than half gone, Helian pours again and watches Zhi Wei tosses back the cup in one smooth move. Longingly peering at the empty cup then at Zhi Wei’s clear gaze that is as sober as when she drank her first cup of wine, Helian expression turns to one of disbelief.

… Why is she not drunk, how can she not be drunk? He sacrificed his own yearning for the lovely wine in order to get her drunk but how can she not be drunk?!!!!

“Your Highness.” Zhi Wei tosses back another cup of wine before she laughingly says “I forgot to tell you a secret.”

“Ah?” Helian eagerly leans close.

“This level of alcohol.” Zhi Wei points at the kettle as she smilies tenderly “Under normal circumstance, I can drink two kettles.”

Helian, “……..”

Appearing quite intimate as they whisper with their heads together, Ning Yi lowers the wine cup that he had raised to his lips as his gaze once again sweep across the room. However, this time, all the girls feel like his icy look was for them individually and quickly shrink back into their seats.

Their sensibilities hurt by Ning Yi’s icy gaze, the noble girls become even more enraged when they turn around to see Zhi Wei is still leisurely enjoying her wine as Prince Helian personally fills her cup. They might not be able to vent their anger out on other noblemen and royalities but they could still bully an ugly crazy woman!

“Eunuch Wang!” A girl sitting not far from Zhi Wei abruptly stands up and calls out to the lead eunuch “The air in this area is too foul, please find me another seat.”

Lazily turning a cup in her hand, Zhi Wei looks over at the snooty woman. Hmm…the woman is pretty. She is probably an intellect as well judging by the haughty look on her face. After all, intellects tend to be that disagreeable to everyone around them.

Right after the woman finished speaking, someone else stood up “Please change my seat as well. That crazy woman stinks too much!”

Zhi Wei looks up again and laughs silently. Great! This one is no stranger. The 3rd daughter of Qiu Manor, Qiu Yu Luo. For someone who sat so far away, how sensitive her nose must be to be a victim of her foul smell. Plus, if you are so mad at me, then why do you keep eyeing the princes’ area?

Jumping on the bandwagon, a chorus of complaints quickly came, all from young women who want the lead eunuch to change their seats as well. Amidst the voices, Qiu Yu Luo complained the loudest, declaring that the dignity of the Emperor would be lost if they were to allow a crazy woman to have an audience with him. Her face flushed and her chest puffed up from “righteous” anger Qiu Yu Luo looks extra lovely, catching the attention of many of the princes…much to the ire of their wives.

Out of all the princes, Ning Yi was the only one who didn’t spare a single glance towards Miss Qiu. Seemingly completely unaffected by the impressive act put on by the preening girls, Ning Yi leans over to talk 7th Prince as he secretly pulls out a beautifully drawn scroll. Hiding behind the wine kettles, the two brothers look over the erotic pictures on the scroll with bright eyes…until they were caught by 7th Prince’s wife.

Severely disappointed, Qiu Yu Luo loses her temper, pushes away the lead eunuch and her mother who have been trying to calm her down, “If you won’t change my seat then I will change it myself.” However, that’s easier said then done. Qiu Yu Luo knows full well that in a palace feast all the seating are already assigned so she was only trying to show off to catch Ning Yi’s attention.

The head eunuch tries to calm her down again but someone suddenly butts in while holding a wine kettle “Don’t stop her, don’t stop her. I too think the air smell foul here. Everyone is wearing pounds of powder on themselves that I can’t breathe anymore.” Waving the eunuch away, the laughing voice continues “Go, go change seat for this miss who weighs 70 pounds herself with 30 pounds of powder, 40 pounds of jewelry totaling 150 pounds…There, that looks good to me over there. Airy, high and spacious. Great for looking and being looked at…the perfect place.”

Everyone follows his finger to look at where he is pointing…

To the rooftop of the pavilion…

Adding fuel to the fire, Zhi Wei rises her wine cup and grins “Your Highness, you are terrible at arithmetic, it is obviously 140 pounds.”

“Plus 10 pounds for the pimple.” Helian rises his own wine cup towards Qiu Yu Luo’s forehead, pointing out a small pimple that is almost invisible under the thick cover of powder “A toast to the pimple.”

The whole place was dead silent, completely stunned by Prince Helian’s harsh words.

Her secret hopes exposed for all to see, a humiliated Qiu Yu Luo froze not knowing what to do next. Not bothering to wait to see Qiu Yu Luo’s response, Helian has already turned away and smiles triumphantly at Zhi Wei. Sighing silently, Zhi Wei laments that she wasn’t even given a chance to show off. However, who knew Prince Helian could be so eloquent?

The silence drags on and makes Qiu Yu Luo’s humiliation seemed even more pitiful. Feeling bad for Qiu Yu Luo, 7th Prince looks questioningly towards Ning Yi but he just says nonchalantly “What an impertinent woman! Who is she calling foul smelling? I have long heard some women in the Capital would jokingly call the men from the grassland as barbarians but she dares to ridicule Prince Helian publically? If Father hears of this he would surely be angered immediately.”


Question for you all. Would you guys rather I: 1. Skip over the most boring parts (political intrigue, unimportant secondary characters) but try to give you most of the story OR 2. Just translate the highlighted scenes of our two leads and skip over everything else?

Choice #1 would mean you guys will need to be patient through some scenes that might not directly have both of our leads interacting with each other but will give you a better overall picture of the story. However, I have to warn you, this novel is quite long so you will need to wait through some posts that are not as “exciting.”

Choice #2. You will have the juiciest parts of the story but will only get a general sense of the story- a great way to get a fill of our two leads’ story without all the fussy details.

I had started this translation project with choice #2 in mind but as more and more people expressed interest in the story’s details (in the questions via comments) I started leaning towards #1 and begin to translate scenes I might’ve chosen to skip such as today’s post. (The scene was mostly between Helian and Zhi Wei so I might’ve just summarized it in a sentence or two.) However, as I was translating this post I wondered if more of you would’ve rather if I just focused on our two leads so that’s why I am throwing out the question.


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