Her attention caught by the sudden whiff of delicious aroma, You Ru quickly grabs Tang Bao and dash into the kitchen with Henji beast following right behind her.

“Most Honorable?”

Rising an eyebrow as she watches Bai Zihua busily cooking in the kitchen somehow managing to look elegant while doing it and not letting a single speck land on his white robe. They don’t normally eat food so if Bai Zihua is cooking personally that must mean Hua Qiangu is coming home soon.

“Most Honorable! Is Master coming back?”

Bai Zihua nods, unable to control the corner of his mouth rising upward “She will be here very soon. Go prepare the table and carry out the dishes.”

Bursting with happiness, You Ru runs out to tell Tang Bao, Luo Shi Yi and others. Jueqing Dian is quite lively now days because Gu Tou Master can’t see and Most Honorable is afraid she would be bored so he is very welcoming to pupils who wants to come visit. She now lives in Gu Tou Master’s previous bedroom and to better take care of Master, Most Honorable lives in the same room as Master. She spends a lot of nights not sleeping, hiding outside of their bedroom trying to eavesdrop. However, Gu Tou Master can’t speak and Most Honorable is not talkative so she often spend the whole night not hearing a thing…but she still loves to eavesdrop anyway.

Bai Zihua is still pretty aloof but is nonetheless slightly more personable than in the past. You Ru steals a glance at Bai Zihua and asks tentatively “Most Honorable, Gu Tou Master left with Sha Qian Mo for three months…aren’t you worried?”

Not looking up as he sips his tea, Bai Zihua asks “Worry about what?”


Waving her fist excitedly “Worry if without her power and unable to see she would be in danger, worry if she would end up transferring her affection to Sha Qian Mo instead and not come back ever again!” Even though she only has Xiao Yue in her heart but she still gets all flustered whenever she sees Sha Qian Mo. Moreover, Sha Qian Mo is so good to Master. In all of Six Realms what young woman was not moved by how he defended Gu Tou Master and willingly paid the price of a long slumber. He obviously is very important to Gu Tou Master…all that gentle tenderness day in and day out…what if Gu Tou Master transfers her affection? What to do, she is so worried…

Looking up at the blue clear sky, Bai Zihua asks “Sha Qian Mo will take good care of her. As for transferring her affection…do you think other than his looks Sha Qian Mo has any other good points?”

*sigh*  Even if Sha Qian Mo is a bit slower in the head and tend to do things without thinking, Most Honorable, you don’t have to be so harsh on the guy right? Not giving up, You Ru protests “Seduction is still very effective.”

Rising an eyebrow, Bai Zihua counters “So what, Xiao Gu can’t see anyway.”

Speechless, You Ru thought no wonder Most Honorable is so calm. Guess that was his plan all along. Appearance is indeed deceiving, who would’ve thought Most Honorable is so cunning.

Huffy, You Ru thought gleefully, after a few more years, once Dong Feng is back, let’s see if you can sit so calmly then! I bet you won’t even leave Gu Tou Master a single step!” Perhaps, that person is the only one who could make Most Honorable nervous?

After a short time, accompanied by a fiery red cloud, Sha Qian Mo slowly descends from the sky while gently holding Qiangu.

Holing up a hand in eagerness, Qiangu’s heart feels like it has been laid out under the sun, immersed in warmth as a hand immediately envelops hers.


“Feeling better?” Bai Zihua tenderly whispers by her ear.

Qiangu nods with a smile. Her hearing recovered about two years ago. This time she left with Sha Qian Mo to work on healing her voice. In order to help her recover sooner, both Bai Zihua and Sha Qian Mo have used a lot of their own power to shorten what should’ve taken decades to do. However, Hua Qiangu still couldn’t help but feel a slight panic whenever she thinks back to the time two years ago when she couldn’t feel nor express herself. Back in those days, she had to hold either Bai Zihua’s hand or his sleeve in order to feel assured or else she would feel like she is the only one left in a vast emptiness. Once her hearing recovered then her days were much easier because she could finally hear other people talking to her which made it much easier to communicate.

Well aware how traumatic Qiangu’s time all alone in the Wilderness of Desolation was for her, Bai Zihua never left her side during that time, taking care of her every need.

Sha Qian Mo is still as blindingly beautiful as ever but right now he is smiling dotingly at Qiangu as he pats her head and looks towards Bai Zihua “Xiao Bu Dian’s voice should be completely healed after a short time but her power probably will still take a few more years. I will keep looking for more ways.”

Bai Zihua nods without bothering to say thanks. Sitting Qiangu down by the table, Bai Zihua invites “I have prepared a few simple dishes and a bottle of wine. Come eat and share a drink with us if you have time?”

Overjoyed, Sha Qian Mo promptly agrees. How can he possibly miss the chance to eat a meal personally cooked by Bai Zihua. Sha Qian Mo sits down right away but after a few mouthfuls his mood quickly turns sour. He has always pride himself a good cook and had even tried to make various different dishes for Xia Bu Dian while she was with him this last bit. But who would have thought Bai Zihua is actually a better cook than he?!  That’s so rude! He refuse to believe there is someone so perfect in this world. He is going to go kidnap the best cook in the Six Realms this very day and start working on his cooking skill!

The two men take turns putting various food in Qiangu’s bowl until she had a small mountain high of food in front of her.

A few people appears on the horizon. A panicked Sha Qian Mo quickly puts down his chopsticks “Xiao Bu Dian, you rest well. Older sister will come visit you another day.” Before his voice fades, Sha Qian Mo has already disappeared.

The moment Luo Shi Yi and the others step onto Jueqing Dian, a voice started hollering “Beautiful Sha! Beautiful Sha! Didn’t Beautiful Sha come? Where is he?” Huo Xi search all around in vain.

A crestfallen You Ru looks on speechless. She finally had a chance to admire a beauty but Huo Xi arrival promptly scared him away. Sha Qian Mo have had tens of thousands of admires but he probably have never met someone like Huo Xi. If it was someone else, Sha Qian Mo would’ve just beat the person to a pulp by now but what is he suppose to do when that person is Hua Qiangu’s friend and Sheng Xiao Mo’s pupil? Moreover, Huo Xi really doesn’t have any dirty thoughts. She just simply admires Sha Qian Mo’s beauty. Last time, Huo Xi had used her power to make an impressive flower rain to welcome Sha Qian Mo, apparently using all the flowers she has personally planted…because beautiful flowers for beautiful people. Unfortunately, Sha Qian Mo is allergic to the flower and ended up sneezing for a whole week.


All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com