A few weeks later…still in April though, our two leads are on a boat now.

Distracted, Zhi Wei looks around the boat trying to figure out why she keeps feeling like someone is watching her. But if someone is really planning an ambush, going by Ning Yi and her own ability to fight there is no possibility they would not have sensed them by now so maybe she is just being overly sensitive. (In the novel, both of our leads are really good at fighting. The epilog doesn’t explain who is spying on Zhi Wei but it was clear that it wasn’t someone that meant them harm. I am guessing it might Gu Nan Yi.)

Silently drinking by himself, Ning Yi remembers back to the time years ago when he was blind and had to leave a still severely injured Zhi Wei behind to go to the battlefield. He had sat on a boat at that time, wishing she was with him to look up at the stars. He had imagined how the wind would blow her hair into him and how he would be able to smell her unique fragrance. After so many years, his wish has finally come true. His heart suddenly filled with gratitude– after suffering so much, after crossing all those impossible chasms between them, surviving all those countless seemingly hopeless moments believing that perhaps they would never be together even in death…but finally, one day…they have traviled across life and death until there is finally light ahead.

Ning Yi is suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to hold Zhi Wei’s hand just as she unexpectedly reaches for his hand at the same time. Sharing a heartful smile and glance as their fingers touch, no words are needed between them.

After a long moment of comfortable silence, Ning Yi asks “What happened to the coral I gave you all those years ago? Did you throw it away?”

Giving Ning Yi a smile, Zhi Wei reaches into her sleeve and pulls out a necklace like a magician. A fine silver chain holds a coral in the shape of peony flower. “I made it into a necklace with the silver chain! Do you think it’s pretty?” Taking the red coral necklace that looks so vibrant against Zhi Wei’s pale delicate hand, Ning Yi smiles and says “I will put it on you.”

Zhi Wei unhooks the first button on her robe as Ning Yi gently helps her move her hair out of the way. His eyes darkening as he stares at the fiery red coral resting against the snowy pale ravine, Ning Yi stops Zhi Wei as she reaches up to shorten the chain so it wouldn’t lay too low. With a laugh, Ning Yi says “Don’t. It’s not at the most ideal position yet.” Puzzled at first what Ning Yi meant, Zhi Wei soon yelps with alarm when Ning Yi begins to unhook the next two buttons on her robe. “Scoundrel! We are on the deck!”

His eyes unable to move away from the coral chain that is swaying back and forth, Ning Yi picks up Zhi Wei with one swoop and laughs “Not appropriate on the deck? Then let’s go in the cabin then!”

Horrified, Zhi Wei stutters “But last night…you just…” Red with embarrassment, Zhi Wei silently complains that Ning Yi seems to be extra “hard working” ever since they “ran away”.

With a low chuckle, Ning Yi whisper by Zhi Wei’s ears “If I don’t work harder then how is our little 5th going to beat up our eldest.” What 5th? What eldest? After a moment, Zhi Wei realized that a certain someone is suggesting that he is planning to have five kids! Her expression darkening a bit, Zhi Wei thought about how her belly seems eerily silent after being married for a year. Perhaps her body was too damaged from before? Or because of all the medicine she had to take to combat the poisons? She is not young anymore. Some girls are even grandmothers by this age. If her belly really remains silent then all hope will have to rest on 10th to help spread the Ning family line. Feeling bad, Zhi Wei’s swallows back the words of rejection and just hopes that massaging her aching muscles will help the next morning.

Skipping over a few sentences here….I am REALLY bad at translating passionate scenes so I am just going to let you guys imagine the rest.

Putting his hand around Zhi Wei’s waist Ning Yi twirls her around and chuckles when she yelps in surprise. Leaning close to Zhi Wei’s ear, Ning Yi whispers “Do you want to try something different tonight?” Her face flashing bright red as Ning Yi whispers a few more words, Zhi Wei starts to struggle to get off but in her struggle, her hand somehow ends up touching a scar on Ning Yi’s body. The scar is uneven without a discernible shape but Zhi Wei knows that it was originally a word…a word that seared into the skin with a hot iron. The word was treated with medicine to burn it away but it was not successful so a knife was used to scrape the skin off which then left the grisly scar. As a prince, Ning Yi has both power and wealth so of course there should’ve never been a reason for something like this to happen to him unless there was an extraordinary circumstance. How the scar came about was something Zhi Wei knows well but it is also something she never discussed with Ning Yi…except whenever she touches to scar by accident, her heart still aches and she is filled with unease. Her heart weakening at the sight of the scar, Zhi Wei’s body softens and allows herself to fall on top of Ning Yi.

Ning Yi hides a small smile– usually, he is unwilling to let Zhi Wei see the scar but it is unusually useful when certain situations arise. “Come on, let’s try…” Giving Zhi Wei a smile like a wolf would give when it wants to seduce a little rabbit, Ning Yi pulls Zhi Wei towards him…

Drifting in and out of consciousness, Zhi Wei seems to hear a certain someone whispering “That year I got fooled and end up losing my virginity to you…now it’s payback time.”  This is referring to a part in the book when our heroine jumped our hero…on a boat before she left him.


All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com