Feng Zhi Wei stood in place, and clapped softly, “Good.”

It was a sincere praise, praising this person’s ruthlessness and quick thinking, the true style of a great general. 

Ah Si smiled, and slowly backed away into the armored crowd behind him. Not far from his group, there was a larger encirclement where Feng Zhi Wei’s guards were waiting quietly. 

Ah Si narrowed his eyes and looked at the lights of the post station in the far distance– in his gleeful pride, he did not look carefully and only realized now it was not the light of the fire he had expected but it was merely a few more lanterns that were made extra bright. Curling his lips, Ah Si couldn’t help but let out a bitter smile and said with a sigh after a few moments, “Marquis Wei is indeed perfect in every calculation.” 

“Not at all, not at all.” Feng Zhi Wei returned a slight smile. 

“Let’s make a deal.” Ah Si surveyed the encirclement and did not rush to make a move but got on a horse a subordinate brought over to him. With a laugh, he continued, “I don’t have as many people as you, but you should also know that any group that was able to come thousands of miles to pick me up here is bound to be an elite one. You can easily keep me here today, but you would have to lose many men to do so, then how would you explain that to your emperor? Will he believe you were willing to lose so many elite guards simply to capture a nameless person? Wouldn’t he suspect that you have an ulterior motive, such as trying to stop this diplomatic mission? And if because of that suspicion he decides to not give you any more guards, then how would you continue with your journey to Xilang, that enemy nation with your remaining guards? Don’t you think that’s a losing proposition no matter how you look at it?”

“You are very smart and good at calculating.” Feng Zhi Wei looked at him quietly with her hands behind her back, “Unfortunately, you still overestimated your strength. You are not in the position to negotiate with me at all right now, because just with this one gentleman next to me,” she pointed to Gu Nan Yi, “is enough to keep you here, and it won’t cause too many injuries to my guards.” 

Ah Si was silent on the horse, raised his head, and tapped the saddle lightly with the whip, seemingly to be pondering about something. After a while, he suddenly said, “Can I have a word with you?”

Feng Zhi Wei smiled.

She thought this man was very interesting. 

They are in the middle of a hostile confrontation, both sides staring the other down, ready to tear the enemy apart but he actually wants to have “a word”. 

Then she said, “Alright.” 

Ah Si’s eyes brightened, put down the bird, and got off the horse. Beside him, a rough-voiced masked man said anxiously, “Master, don’t…”

Ah Si waved his hand and the man stopped abruptly. 

Feng Zhi Wei quietly whispered in Gu Nan Yi’s ear, “You don’t have to go over, just keep a watch on us. With your martial arts, would we be at any risk of you not being able to snatch me back from those idiots?”

Master Gu took a serious look at the opposite side and felt that the group of people did indeed look like fools. If anything happened, it would not be a problem if he had to snatch Feng Zhi Wei back so he nodded. 

Feng Zhi Wei and Ah Si each walked ten steps to the side, entered the forest in everyone’s sight, and stood with some tree separating them from the group.

“Let’s renegotiate the deal this time.” Ah Si looked at Feng Zhi leisurely and said, “You let me go, I’ll make sure it’s worth your while, privately.” 

“Oh?” Feng Zhi Wei raised her eyebrows high.

“I admire you very much.” Ah Si’s tone was like that of an emperor to his subjects, not overbearing, but the commanding presence was natural, “Is there a possibility you could be of use to me?” (Meaning if there is a possibility she would work for him.)

“What if I can be of use to you? And what if I can’t be of use to you?” Something flickered in Feng Zhi Wei’s eyes. She didn’t scoff or laugh at this arrogant remark. 

“If you can be used by me, then tonight’s matter will be completely forgotten, and naturally, I will repay you in the future.”

“What a vain boast.” Feng Zhi Wei said with disinterest, “You need to know clearly whether tonight’s matter is wiped away is not your decision but mine. Besides, what can you repay me? I am already a second-level marquis of the empire, a first-rank official, occupies an important position, favored by the emperor, what more can you give me?

Ah Si stopped talking and smiled. The smile wasn’t one of anger or annoyance from being ridiculed, but it was with the same arrogant confidence he had previously. Seemingly truly confident that he can reward her with an even better title than the one she already has. 

However, in the end, he didn’t say anything more and simply said, “It is indeed meaningless to be telling you that under the current circumstance. With that being the case, then let’s cut straight to the chase. You let me go tonight, I will grant you three requests.” 

Feng Zhi Wei stayed silent. Observing her expression, Ah Si laughed, “Don’t be so strait-laced in life. If you got shafted, then you should make sure to receive double compensation. If you really went all in to kill me here, other than a dead body and the satisfaction of venting your anger, what other practical benefit is there for you? My promise, on the other hand, is truly priceless.”   

Feng Zhi Wei smiled, “You sure are talking big.” 

Ah Si smiled without saying anything more.

But then neither was Feng Zhi Wei asking a question, she was simply making a statement. Then without taking any time to consider it, she said resolutely, “Deal.” 

Ah Si’s eyes lit up and raised his chin, “Marquis Wei is rumored to be ruthless and decisive. It looks to be a true assessment. I really admire you more and more.”

“Nice words won’t feed a hungry belly.” Feng Zhi Wei smiled and stretched out her hand, “Give it then.” 

Ah Si was taken aback momentarily, then let out a wry smile, “You actually need a token?” He reached into his robe took out three scrolls of paper with special seals on them and said, “There is no way to provide any sort of contract for these kind of promise, but you should know how to use these things. If you have any requests in the future, as long as it doesn’t harm my life or property, you can write any request on this paper, send it to any nearby “Guangji Grocery”, then someone will report your request to me, and do your bidding.” 

The snow-white paper scroll was handed over. The bright red inscriptions at the end of the paper scroll under the moonlight were scorching to one’s eyes. Feng Zhi Wei’s eyes swept over the inscriptions and then stopped.

Standing across from her, Ah Si stood proudly and said with a smile, “You see, is it really worth it for you to offend me for the affairs of the court? It is better to be on good terms with me, isn’t it?” 

Feng Zhi Wei smiled, put away the paper scroll, and said, “You sir are of noble status and your promise cannot be doubted. Many apologies for tonight’s matter.” 

Ah Si looked at her with a smile, and Feng Zhi Wei continued, “It’s just that the guards have surrounded this place. If they really let you and your subordinates leave without any obstruction, then I won’t be able to account for it. You know as well as I do that the envoy team is large and there are still many other officials around.” 

“It’s alright.” Ah Si said with indifference, “You just need to order a certain direction to loosen their encirclement a bit and I will lead my men to make a break for it. It’s not a big deal for a few subordinates to die, as long as I am safe. Other people will only know how difficult this trip was for me if a few more people die.” 

A faint cold smile appeared on the corner of Feng Zhi Wei’s lips as she listened. Sure enough, here is yet another cold and vicious king!

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com