He finally has a secret in his heart. 

So…this is what a woman is. 

It’s indeed something very beautiful. 

Many years ago, nanny liked to tell him with squinted eyes as she held and rocked him, “Your mother…is a very, very beautiful woman. In the future, you must marry a very, very beautiful woman…”

He listened until he fell asleep. Beautiful woman? What has she to do with him? Mother? Don’t remember. 

So long-winded!

But on those cold nights as the frigid wind knocked against the windows, in nanny’s warm embrace he listened to descriptions of that beautiful woman again and again until it left a slight impression in his memory. However, that remaining impression was like dried petals in an old suitcase, brittle due to lack of nourishment from remembrance, too light to move his heart. 

The words “a beautiful woman” was an irrelevant phrase to him. His concept of women is simply ones who can’t take showers or go to the toilet with, that’s it. 

Later, when he came to Feng Zhi Wei’s side, he knew that she was a woman but didn’t pay too much attention to that fact. He only cared about Feng Zhi Wei. At first, he cared about her because of duty, and later, he cared about Feng Zhi Wei because she was who she was. He never thought about what kind of emotion this care was. He just felt that he liked being with her, had to see her often, and could not accept her leaving or being in danger. If she had to die then it would have to step over his dead body first. 

She was like his flesh and blood, or heart. An existence like tendons and veins, unbearable if torn, destruction if one was lost. 

The person he cared so much about was Feng Zhi Wei. 

But suddenly, tonight, he finally connected women and Feng Zhi Wei together. 

Beauty, equals, women. 

Feng Zhi Wei, equals, beauty. 

Feng Zhi Wei, equals, women. 

Master Gu’s mood improved. 

Feng Zhi Wei is a woman. 

How fortunate. 


Feng Zhi Wei naturally didn’t know that in just a few short moments, Master Gu officially came to a stunning realization that she was a woman, and used his very powerful logic to come to his three-step woman theory. This three-step woman theory was related to her, and had a very important impact…unfortunately, she didn’t know. 

She tugged on Master Gu’s sleeve, to signal to him that there was a cave ahead. Master Gu was in the middle of pondering the next important question, such as whether this hot sizzling feeling he felt tonight, did he feel it only because Feng Zhi Wei was a woman? Or was it a feeling he would feel if any woman got close to him? He was thinking about whether he should try with other women. After thinking about it, the only other women he knew were Shao Ning and Hua Qiong, but one of them was in the capital and the other was at South Sea. It seemed that distant water could not quench the thirst nearby. The young master was at a loss. Should he try while they are on the road? Try it when they get to Xiliang? 

Once the young master started to ponder an issue, then things were serious. Quite displeased to have his train of thought interrupted, the young master shook off Feng Zhi Wei’s hand and strode into the cave. Feng Zhi Wei, who was feeling especially innocent tonight, sighed and followed him in. 

The night’s cool mist floated around them, and in the far distance, an owl cooed two or three times. 

Suddenly, there were some movements in the woods. Several figures emerged in the moonlight. The first figure was a man carrying a cage on his back. 

“Spread out, spread out.” The man in the lead was directing the others behind him, “There must be owls in this forest. Catch a few and pick the most beautiful one to take back.” 

“What beauty is there to speak of with owls?” Someone muttered and dispersed. 

Stepping on the vines, the figures spread out and head out in several different directions. Soon after, there were faint sounds from the depths of the wild forest, something flashed, like the light of a sword. 

The man who was carrying the cage turned around in the moonlight. His figure was slender and lean, with slightly upturned eyes like the allegedly peach blossom eyes. However, they weren’t seductive like the usual peach blossom eyes but instead, had a strange enchantment in them that was piercing and sharp, causing one to feel that those eyes were very beautiful, instantly brightening up what should’ve been an ordinary-looking face. 

It was none other than Ah Si who was ordered to come to catch an owl. 

He sent his men away to catch owls but he was wandering around in the wood causally, as if he was waiting for something. Then, the cooling sound of an owl came from the front to the side of him. 

He clasped his hands softly in joy and tiptoed over. Sure enough, there was an owl sitting on a tree branch, staring at him with one eye open and one eye closed.

He chuckled and rosed up from the ground like a wisp of smoke, and in a blink of an eye, he was already on top of the tree. The owl wanted to struggle but his hands were already wrapped around the bird’s neck, sending a flurry of mixed-colored feathers floating to the ground. 

He smiled triumphantly and was about to jump off the tree when he suddenly saw a person under the tree, looking up at him. 

The milky white veil fluttered on the man’s face, but his piercing clear gaze could still be felt. There was no killing intent in the gaze but it still seemed omnipresent without leaving him any chance of escape. 

There was another person next to him, who was looking at the tree with his hands clasped behind his back. The person picked up a few bird feathers and was all smiles as he examined them. His posture was leisurely and approachable, looking as if he was simply out for a walk after having dinner. 

Ah Si froze on the tree. 

But it only lasted for a very brief moment. So brief that no one would’ve noticed if they weren’t right next to him. Then Ah Si smiled broadly and greeted them, “Marquis Wei and Lord Gu are in high spirits, to make it all the way here on your walk. We are just in the middle of catching owls. Do you think this one is good?” As he spoke, he was about to raise the owl in his hand. 

Gu Nan Yi waved his hand calmly. Ah Si’s movement was cut off before he could finish, and Feng Zhi Wei immediately said with a smile, “Don’t, don’t, really don’t raise your hand. If you do, I can’t guarantee what will happen.” 

Perched on the tree with the bird in hand, Ah Si looked at the two people under the tree. He was silent for a while, then suddenly started to laugh. 

Once he smiled, his ordinary-looking face became as lively as water, and his pair of beach blossom eyes became more and more enchanting, looking quite alluring under the moonlight. He held the bird in his hands, squatting on the tree, and in a very casual chatting tone, praised Feng Zhi Wei, “Marquis Wei is indeed amazing. No wonder they say that there is nothing in this world that can be hidden from you, but can I ask you a question?” 

“Please ask.” Feng Zhi Wei answered with a brimming smile. 

“You became suspicious of me because of that cage, I know.” Ah Si said slowly, “But how can you be sure that I didn’t make the cage out of kindness to help Miss Gu?” 

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com