After a moment, she belatedly realized that a certain someone had easily tucked her under his arms. 

Needless to say, someone finally figured out when to help— just not in the right way. 

Before the one being tucked under a certain person’s armpit had time to protest, the certain person seemed to suddenly realize this was most likely not the way to treat a lady, so in a flash, he quickly moved her onto his back. 

The one now squatting on his back felt that this was a more or less an acceptable position. She had originally not planned on being this lazy but the vines on the ground were too dirty, with rotten animal bones and other things in the thick layers of mud. She really didn’t want to step on them. 

Just when she was about to enjoy herself lazing around on a certain person’s back, the certain someone who had been trained by her to have more and more complicated thoughts, suddenly seemed to feel that on his back was not a particularly good position either— he couldn’t see her, he is not used to that. 

So in the next instant, he changed her position again. 

To holding her in front of his chest. 

He placed her firmly against him, chest to chest. In a rare show of consideration, to avoid letting her boots touch the ground, he even put her feet on his boots. 

This left a certain Fang person stunned and confused. 

What kind of posture is this? 

She was hugged to a certain someone’s chest, tightly pressed against him, her feet stepping on his feet, and moving forward with him with his arm around her waist. Like two conjoined twins, they were moving forward together step by step but Feng Zhi Wei felt more like she had suddenly turned into a puppet with strings, and the strings were in Master Gu’s hands. 

She was half a head shorter than Master Gu. With her stepping on his boots, she was just at the level of his eyes. The soft veil was pressed tightly against their faces. Feng Zhi Wei only had to open her eyes to see Master Gu’s face inside the veil. A gorgeous light shot in from somewhere, and Feng Zhi Wei felt herself being hit by dizziness again. She quickly turned her head away and rubbed against his tall nose. Even through the veil, Feng Zhi Wei could feel the slightly cool tip of his nose that is as delicate as jade. Feng Zhi Wei didn’t dare to keep turning her head anymore, afraid that the next thing she rubbed against would be someone’s lips. 

The clean, fresh fragrance of Master Gu came rushing at her, diluting the gloomy and slightly corrupted smell of the forest. Feng Zhi Wei’s body stiffened and struggled a bit but it was no use. She sighed sadly, knowing that she would never be able to escape from the clutches of the young master so she could only pat Master Gu’s shoulder and laughed dryly as she tried to negotiate, “Um…please put me down, there is no need to be like this.” 

“I need it.” Master Gu answered in a tone that would not take any questioning. 

He truly needed it– just now when he was holding her waist, the feeling in his hand was very good, slender, elastic, and full. He felt that it was very similar to something. After thinking carefully for a long time, he finally remembered the green willow branches. He felt a rare moment of excitement over this discovery. He seldom has thoughts of association because of something. He thought this was a novel feeling but then he also thought that this most likely happened because of Feng Zhi Wei so he wanted to discover more wonderful things from Feng Zhi Wei…such as her body. From the angle of his eyes looking down, her shoulders were delicate and soft, her waist smooth and slender, and her long legs were exquisite, like…like a jade bottle. Or take her fingers that were resting on his shoulders. Her knuckles were slender and the back of her hands were white like a lily flower but her nails were slightly pinkish, crystal bright, like…shells. The wide sleeves fell from the wrist to her elbow…like lotus root. Near the elbow, because of the position of her raised arms, there was a slight bulge, upright and full, like…like…like…

Master Gu’s focused gaze suddenly became murky. 

After the laser-like focus of pondering, he suddenly remembered what part of the body he was trying so hard to think of. 

The encounter in the bathtub more than two months ago flashed before his eyes. Feng Zhi Wei, who had fallen so hard from the rooftop had also been pressed so close to him. At that time, because she was soaking wet, her body was even more vivid. He remembered the delicate plum blossoms, helpless in the frost and snow, trembling in the wind as if inviting him to pick them. So he went to pick them, but Feng Zhi Wei seemed not to want him to touch and told him that there were differences between men and women. He couldn’t figure out the problem then. For example, like why didn’t Gu Zhi Xiao have that plum blossom? Gu Zhi Xiao was obviously a female too. He couldn’t figure it out so he didn’t think on it anymore and tossed the issue aside. Now in this desolate forest, in the early summer night breeze, devoid of people, to be pressed so close against her again, so close that they are walking forward without any gap between them. Somehow, he could feel the warmth of the body in front of him, and smell the subtle fragrance of the woman in his arms. Her waist was so slender that just by holding it, he could feel his wrist heating up. And that slight bulge reminded him of the startlingly bright white and red in the water waves that night. Like an unopened lotus bud in the clear water, or a cluster of fire burning on top of the white snow. Just the sight of it, made him feel hot all over. The accidental careless and slight collision of their bodies as they walked forward also caused him to become aware of the softness of her delicate skin. This softness reminded him of the softness of the bulge. Suddenly, dark flames emerged from his limbs and bones, leaving a path of searing heat. 

The flustering heat, caused his face behind the veil to turn slightly red for the first time. 

Someone as alert as Feng Zhi Wei could naturally notice what area his eyes were fixed on. She quickly lowered her hand and clamped down her arm to hide the slightly raised curve. Sensing that Master Gu was a bit absent-minded, she quickly bumped him with her elbow. Surprisingly, Master Gu actually loosened his hand. Feng Zhi Wei promptly jumped down and was about to say a few polite words to save them from the awkwardness but then she heard Master Gu muttered, “….lotus flower…” 

Hmm? Feng Zhi Wei frowned. Why was he talking about this in the middle of the night? Lotus flower? Lotus flowers are not blooming yet! 

She then suddenly heard a sigh from Master Gu. Feng Zhi Wei didn’t react at first— a sigh! Master Gu was sighing! 

This emotionless person, one whose anger was ever hardly detectable by others, was actually sighing for the first time in his life. 

Is there something wrong? 

No matter how intelligent Feng Zhi Wei was, there was no way she could figure out what was going on inside Master Gu’s mind at the moment. The only thing she could tell was that Master Gu’s mood seemed a little peculiar. He seemed a little confused, a little uneasy, and a little…unhappy.


Then she saw that Master Gu seemingly did not plan to continue to carry her but instead, allowed her to jump away and even took a step back himself. Feng Zhi Wei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was definitely a good thing that Master Gu was not touching her anymore but then something felt off to her. She bent her body slightly and tilted her head to observe Master Gu carefully for a while. Master Gu stood quietly in front of her, not moving, lost in his own thoughts in the cold moonlight. 

He finally has a secret in his heart. 

So…this is what a woman is. 

It’s indeed something very beautiful.

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