“That would be my wish.” Ning Yi let her wipe his face as he leaned against the back of the chair with his eyes closed, not moving, and said leisurely, “This scene is not now, but many years later. When I, with gray eyebrows, would be making cakes for you. We would then eat together at the same table, you would wipe my sweat and tell me, old man, I am tired of eating cakes, I want to eat braised chicken with bamboo shoots tomorrow.” 

A laugh burst out of Feng Zhi Wei but then she stopped halfway through. 

Ning Yi opened his eyes and looked at her. 

There was a moment of silence in the air. 

After a while, Feng Zhi Wei said slowly, “Hmm…”

Ning Yi’s eyes lit up.

“…I am tired of eating cakes…I want to sleep.” Feng Zhi Wei wasn’t about to follow his script.

Ning Yi signed and said, “It’s a little off, plus the last part is wrong. Moreover, the first three words, the most important ones, how come they are missing?”

“Which three words?” Feng Zhi Wei looked at him blankly, “It’s late? Have you eaten? I am tired? Are you tired?” 

Ning Yi smiled and was too lazy to argue with this bad woman. He pulled her to him, and gently massaged her shoulder, “Zhi Wei, do you remember that year when you told me you want to be a simple woman, matched with the simplest man and the simplest life? A small house, a few acres of good land, and a suitable simple person who would stand up for you when you are being bullied. Someone who would shield you, someone who would wield a knife to chop up those who betrayed you, someone who would hold you and coax you slowly by the fire when you are disappointed, someone who would not scold you impatiently when you are hurt or crying, someone who would instead hold you and let you cry…. Perhaps I am not simple enough, perhaps I am not one who would go wielding a knife to chop people up, but you see, I would protect you from the wind and rain. I don’t chop people but I get them when they are most unspuspecting. I like sharing a fire with you. If you will let me, I can coax you all night but I am just afraid you would find me too noisy. I don’t think you will be willing to let me see you hurt or crying but if I really see you then, I would never scold you impatiently. I will kill whoever made you cry but before that person dies, I will make sure that person cries a lot before they die… Zhi Wei, I don’t fit your descriptions and I can’t do some of the things that you had listed, but don’t you think that this kind of me may be more suitable for that kind of you?” 

It was a long speech, said in a leisurely tone, like the midnight wind swirling around one’s year. Feng Zhi Wei, who was facing Ning Yi sideways, in the silence, her shoulder trembled. 

Her thin shoulders trembled slightly, like a butterfly shivering with folded wings. This rare posture of vulnerability, when seen, would cause one to feel a hint of pity but also feel a faint chill. 

Ning Yi’s fingers did not move away but remained on the tip of the butterfly’s wing in a gentle but non-forceful manner. 

No matter how strong a woman is, there is still an unshakable fragility and tenderness deep down in her heart. At this moment, he seemed to hear a tiny but long sigh from the bottom of her heart. 

He chuckled softly. 

He had said everything that needed to be said, and what he had held out with utmost care, she could see them, he was willing to give her time. 

“It’s getting late.” He stroked her slightly messy hair, “You still have to get up early to travel a long way tomorrow, turn in early.”

There is a sentence deep down in my heart that I can’t say out loud. Only when no one is around, can I raise my glass to the air and express them from afar. 

Feng Zhi Wei slowly turned around, and smiled, “Supervising the construction of the palace is a complicated matter. You also have other tasks to attend to so pay attention to your health.” 

Ning Yi let out a “hmm,” and said, “Although the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel are under the jurisdiction of Old Seven (Seventh Prince), but I will try to send the batch of Qingming students who are about to get their appointments to Minnan area. That way, it will make things easier for you. One more thing. In the most recent battle, Tiansheng had a great victory. Jin Siyu’s troops have retreated a hundred miles and gave up the Tiansheng territory he had taken previously. Supposedly, something went wrong in Da Yue’s palace. There might be a fight for the throne so Jin Siyu had no interest in fighting anymore. He seemed to be preparing to take his troops back to Da Yue’s capital to make a grab for the throne. Chun Yu Meng, Yao Yang Yu, and others are all coming back to the imperial capital to celebrate this great victory. I will ask them to go help you then.” 

“Chun Yu and Xiao Yao were victorious?” Feng Zhi Wei smiled, “No need. Minnan is a poor place. Being an official there is not very lucrative. Why ask them to stay there for a couple of years just for my rather short mission? Once I am gone they will still have to stay there, that seemed too shabby of a thing to do to them.” 

“I think they are very willing.” Ning Yi said lightly, “In terms of your reputation in Qingming and in the eyes of scholars all over the world, I am afraid you have long surpassed me.” 

Feng Zhi Wei turned to look at him, but there was nothing amiss with Ning Yi’s expression, “The times make heroes. The scholars and the people need people like you as leaders. This position is not suitable for me. Zhi Wei, you go.” 

Feng Zhi Wei lowered her eyes. Who in this world is as clear as a mirror? Seeing all the submerged thoughts hidden behind the thick fog, yet standing in the distance, daring to let go of everything. 

“Go and rest. You look tired.” She gave him a push. 

Ning Yi let out a “Hmm…”, gently let go, and pulled down his sleeves that had been rolled up high, but then he pinched her fingers as their hands were covered by the sleeve. His fingers were warm, with a floury slippery touch and a familiar faint fragrance. Feng Zhi Wei lowered her eyes. Her cold fingertips were gradually warmed. In that warm, lingering touch, there seemed to be fine electric lights passing through the body, spreading slight tremors. 

She sat there without moving. She sat and watched Ning Yi open the door to leave, his back disappearing into the increasingly dark night. The warm mist in the kitchen gradually condensed, like frost on the glass, it stuck to the tabletop, forming a layer of water mist, exuding a faint coldness. She slowly stretched out a finger, unconsciously drawing something on the table, but just when the drawing was about to be finished, her body suddenly jerked, retracting her finger. 

After a long time, she stood up. The warm mist had dissipated, causing the kitchen to seem even emptier and colder. She slowly packed up the now cold cakes, carefully wrapping them up, preparing to take them with her on the road tomorrow.

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com