On the night of the Spring Lantern Festival, Jiang Li finally met Ji Heng (our hero, Duke Su) again. Spring, autumn, winter, and summer, a whole year has passed by. She had cried, laughed, and her heart had ached. She had thought there would be no possibility of meeting each other again in this life, but fortunately, the heavens had shown mercy, giving the two lovers another chance. “Lost and Found” These three words, just by hearing them, give one a deep sense of joy in surviving what could’ve been devastating. 

After the initial joy and excitement passed, then came the moment of reckoning. In the Xue manor, Jiang Li not so politely drove out the crowd of busybodies that had gathered and threw Ji Heng into her room. Not offended, Ji Heng calmly smoothed out the wrinkles on his sleeves. Then he calmly examined the furnishings in the room and sighed, “Ali (his nickname for her. It sounds like her name but it’s a different Chinese character. I would probably translate it as little fox), your room really doesn’t look like one that belongs to a girl.” 

Although Jiang Li is not exactly like a general’s daughter who might grow up wielding big swords but neither does she have any of the knitting or exquisite decors like ordinary girls. It’s not that Daddy Xue had refused to buy them for her, it was just that compared to those things, Jiang Li much prefers Daddy Xue to take her to see novel things. It is not her habit to hoard a bunch of beautiful things around her…exactly the opposite of Ji Heng. 

“Stop talking useless things.” Jiang Li said in a huff as she sat down at the table. Without bothering even to pour tea for Ji Heng, she cut right to the chase, “In this past year, you didn’t die so why didn’t you show up? Where have you been for a year? Even if you couldn’t show yourself, then you could’ve at least sent someone to tell me. With you silent like that, letting everyone believe you really died…I…” She couldn’t continue. 

She looked calm on the surface but there was no way to vent the inner panic that had been building up inside. There was obviously still a glimmer of hope, but this glimmer of hope was so slim that one couldn’t even hope it would really come true. It was really, really very hard to spend every day like that. 

“I am sorry, Ali.” He sighed, reached out a hand, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. Only then did Jiang Li realize she had shed tears without knowing it. This was truly frustrating. Ji Heng seems to be the only one who can so easily make her cry now. The hateful thing is that what he did wasn’t like the horrible thing Shen Yu Rong did. Instead of hating him, her heart just aches more and more.  

“I didn’t purposefully try to keep you in the dark. In fact, after I woke up, I found my way back to the capital. I had originally planned to come see you but…” he paused, then whispered, “The emperor made a bet with me about you. I didn’t want you to lose, so that meant I couldn’t see you for a while.”

Jiang Li was surprised, “His Majesty?”

Ji Heng stroked her hair and said, “That’s right.” 

It turns out, as they had guessed, that day during the battle, Ji Heng’s old arrow wound (from when he rescued our heroine) really did flare up. The arrow wound was quite severe to begin with so Ji Heng had been forcing himself to keep going until his body finally collapsed and gave Yin Zhi Li’s lieutenant the opportunity to attack him. He was chased after he fell off the horse, and accidentally fell into a hunter’s trap. He used the last of his strength to kill the wolves that were watching eagerly outside of the trap then promptly lost consciousness. (Our heroine guessed Ji Heng’s old wound was probably what caused him to fall so she was plagued with the thought it was her if Ji Heng died.)

At that moment, Ji Heng really thought it was probably impossible for him to make it back alive this time. His heart was filled with reluctance and longing, not for this world but for his girl. This world, after his family left him one by one, only Jiang Li is the one he cannot let go of. If Jiang Li knew he died, that silly girl would for sure be very sad. 

Perhaps because of that lingering care, Ji Heng desperately tried to keep himself alive until a hunter who came up the mountain in search of prey found him. 

The hunter was a middle-aged local who usually lived in the mountains alone, no one in the surrounding area knew of him. He was shocked when he saw Ji Heng. After a moment of hesitation, the hunter carried Ji Hang back and found some random herbs to put on his wounds since he wasn’t a real physician. Perhaps he was someone who chose to live away from the world, the hunter didn’t even know about the two armies’ confrontation. It was only through his stubbornness and a little bit of luck that Ji Heng survived. 

Anyway, that winter, in the cave, he was unconscious for several days and nights. By the time he woke up, he discovered that he had lost his eyesight. He was completely blind. He couldn’t see the person who rescued him, nor could he see what the situation was outside. 

The hunter never took the initiative to speak to Ji Heng, not sure if he was born mute or if he simply became that way after living by himself in the mountain for too long. With the state of his eyes, Ji Heng didn’t dare to trust the hunter but neither could he go anywhere else. If he ended up wandering right into Yin clan’s remaining soldiers then things would just get more troublesome. He had no choice but to keep staying in the cave temporarily. The cave was very well hidden, so hidden that even the men sent by Lu Ji (our hero’s more stoic subordinate out of the two) did not find Ji Heng after several different searches. But then, it might be because the place was deep in a dangerous area of the mountain, devoid of people, so most people wouldn’t imagine there would still be someone alive living there. 

In short, by the time Ji Heng could slowly make his way out, the war between Jinwu Army and the Yin Clan Army was completely over. From the battlefield to the imperial capital was a long journey and Ji Heng without his eyesight is no different than an ordinary person. The scary thing is that everyone in the world believed him to be dead and would never come back. Without the means to protect himself, he couldn’t reveal his identity, because that would just be telling his opponents to come quickly to kill him. One could imagine the difficulty Ji Heng must’ve had on his journey back to the capital. He even learned how to appear normal as if he wasn’t blind and could pick things up and converse with people normally without any flaws. It wasn’t an easy act to pull off. Ever since he came of age, Ji Heng very rarely encountered any situation where he would be in such a sorry state. Yet, he kept going, even though it was very dangerous, but he had to do it, simply because he had to return to Jiang Li safely. 

Unlike the typical characters in the plays, Ji Heng didn’t feel unworthy of his beloved because of his blindness. His love is as vibrant as his appearance, once he has decided on a person, then that person is the one for him to the end of time. No matter what he becomes, no matter what Jiang Li becomes, they will be together no matter what, never to be separated. 

By the time he returned to the imperial capital, Jinwu Army had long returned. Ji Heng went into the palace to see the emperor after he was discovered in the capital by the emperor’s secret guards. 

The relationship between Emperor Hong Xiao and Ji Heng was very complicated. On one hand, because of the young emperor’s past experiences, he is suspicious of everyone, even his most trusted advisors.  On the other hand, the emperor had also always felt that he and Ji Heng shared a bond because of the similarity of their past and the fact he and Ji Heng also happened to share the same enemy. Therefore, compared to other loyal subordinates, to Ji Heng, the emperor has an added measure of sincerity. (The emperor’s own mother was also killed by the grand empress, like Ji Heng’s parents. The grand empress later adopted the young emperor.)

It was this complexity that made Ji Heng realize a long time ago that he could not continue to remain in the court after his family’s revenge had been avenged. Of course, if he wanted to stay, and has the ambition to continue on, then he could. Previously, Ji Heng did consider the idea but now that he has Jiang Li, this matter has become meaningless to him. Besides, Jiang Li would not like a life in court so Ji Heng stopped giving any consideration to the idea he once had long ago. 

The emperor told Ji Heng that he would have his men find a way to cure Ji Heng’s blindness but Ji Heng could not reveal the fact he was still alive…especially to Jiang Li.

“Why?” Jiang Li couldn’t help but ask after hearing this. 

“If I died, then the remnants of the rebels would think the emperor has been weakened and will start to make their move. For the emperor, this is the perfect opportunity to see who is loyal to him and who is not. He could also use this opportunity to clean out the imperial court and eliminate all those with nefarious intentions.” 

This was something Jiang Li could understand. “Ji Heng is dead.” Just this one sentence brought out all the snakes and foxes that had been hidden in the dark. Jiang Li saw it firsthand with those who had come after Ji Heng’s duke title.  

“But why can’t you tell me?” Jiang Li asked, “I would not have told anyone. But then it doesn’t sound like the emperor distrusts me. Instead, it seemed intentional?” 

Ji Heng smiled and said lightly, “Perhaps it was me he couldn’t trust.” 

At that time, the emperor told Ji Heng that he could not tell Jiang Li because from the beginning to the end, Jiang Li knew too much. She knew about the grand empress’ affair, the royal scandal, and she also knew how Ji Heng’s parents really died. This was because Ji Heng didn’t hide anything from Jiang Li. Perhaps the emperor was afraid Jiang Li would become the next Lin Rou Jia (the grand empress’ name). He doesn’t trust Jiang Li and had even considered at one time of killing Jiang Li because she knows too much.

“I will make a bet with you. Don’t tell Jiang Li the fact that you are still alive and see if she can remain faithful to you for a year. If you win the bet, then I will promise you not to meddle in your affairs again. But, if you lose, then I want Jiang Li dead. You can just pretend this person never existed.” The emperor’s words echoed in Ji Heng’s ears once again. 

“He doesn’t trust me? He thought I would remarry? Marry someone else with those secrets?” Jiang Li asked with surprise, “But I already said I will never marry.” 

“It was only a verbal promise.” Ji Heng’s lips curved as he smiled, “There are many people in this world who can’t even remember what they have said. The emperor believed you to be the same.”

“I didn’t want to make this bet with him. This was just a waste of time since I already knew the result. Not only are you stubborn, you are also foolish, how would you manage something so difficult as set the helm according to the wind? (“Set the helm according to the wind”-a Chinese idiom about changing one’s action according to how the situation changes.) Ji Heng laughed, “But I still agreed to his bet because this is the only way we will have less trouble in the future and he will no longer fuss over this matter again. We just needed to be patient for a while.” 

Jiang Li fell silent. So this was the truth. She really couldn’t find a reason to blame Ji Heng. Although Ji Heng could’ve gone against the emperor’s orders but that would bring endless troubles to the Xue family, the Ye family, and even the Jiang family. Emperor Hong Xiao was the emperor after all, and would not go back on his words once he said them so Ji Heng’s decision was indeed the safest choice. 

“Later, the palace physician cured my eyes, it really wasn’t some difficult ailment to begin with anyway.” Ji Heng continued, “I have actually been following you secretly all along. I was afraid you would be too sad and something would happen to you. On New Year’s Eve, I actually came by, stood in front of your door, and was almost discovered by your guards.”

New Year? Jiang Li remembered that night she had rushed out after she thought she heard someone knocking on her door. Her disappointment was so great after rushing out of the door to find it empty that she ended up squatting on the ground sobbing and that was when Ye Shi Jie showed up. She thought she must’ve been hallucinating from missing Ji Heng too much but it turned out that Ji Heng really did show up. 

Jing Li’s face turned bright red, a burst of vexation bubbled up in her heart as she realized Ji Heng saw the sorry state she was in. She said angrily, “You just watched me cry! So well of you!” 

Ji Heng raised an eyebrow, “I haven’t even said anything about you being so close with that Ye Shi Jie kid and you are getting mad at me first?” His lips curved, seemingly displeased and seemingly jeering, “My little lady, there are certainly quite a number of people coveting her. One left and another came. You sure are really capable.” He pinched Jiang Li’s chin between his fingers. His movement looked fierce but his hand was actually very gentle.

(Ye Shi Jie had seen our heroine sobbing and couldn’t help himself but asked Jiang Li if she would be willing to let him take care of her by marrying him. Our heroine of course rejected the offer and Ye Shi Jie was the perfect gentleman by promising he will always be our heroine’s good brother.) 

“What nonsense are you talking about,” Jiang Li said uncomfortably, “What does this have to do with Cousin Ye.” 

“I don’t care about some cousin.” Ji Heng let out a soft snort, “You are my wife, you are mine in life and in death. I am also yours. Even if you want to abandon me, heaven wouldn’t agree.” 

Exasperated, Jiang Li had never realized Ji Heng could be so childish. She asked, “Then what happened with Ah Zhao (her brother) and my cousins (she is referring to her female cousins here)?” 

After her reunion with Ji Heng, all her family who had suddenly disappeared previously including Ah Zhao and Situ Jiuyue then abruptly reappeared. It was then Jiang Li realized she must be the only one who was clueless and everyone else had found out already. 

“When the time I had agreed with the emperor was up, I learned that you were planning to return to your old home so I followed you all the way back. That night, I had planned on coming to see you but Xue Zhao (heroine’s brother) saw me.” Ji Heng said, a bit uncomfortable. He has always been cautious but Xue Zhao caught him so he must have been a bit too distracted at the time. 

After Xue Zhao discovered Ji Heng, he was first shocked that Ji Heng was still alive, and then he was very happy and excited. Ji Heng had planned on finding Jiang Li to tell her the fact he was still alive, but he was stopped by Xue Zhao. Xue Zhao said that since the next day is the lantern festival, Ji Heng might as well give Jiang Li a surprise. Xue Zhao had Ji Heng pretend to be watching a play, and he would create some commotion to lure Jiang Li over. 

After hearing the whole story, Jiang Li was quite speechless. She said, “You actually agree to this messed up plan of Xue Zhao’s?” 

“I figured since he is your brother, he would naturally understand you very well. Xue Zhao said that if I just showed up then you would definitely be very angry. He said if I did according to his plan, then you would be too preoccupied to be angry. However, judging by what happened…” He mused, “Had I known you would be angry anyway, I would have come see you last night. That way I didn’t have to suffer through an extra day.”

Jiang Li was speechless. Xue Zhao was probably being naughty again, and he was getting more and more brazen that he even dared to play tricks on Ji Heng. But then Jiang Li guessed that Xue Zhao was also getting back at Ji Heng for her…even if his method wasn’t exactly too clever. 

“So you just did according to his words? My dad and everyone else also knew about it in advance?” Jiang Li kept on pressing, “You just hid this from me alone?” 

She is not one for hounding after an issue endlessly, she also knew that Ji Heng truly had his reasons, but she is still a bit vexed. The strange thing is she could be tolerant of anyone, even if it meant she had to look past her own grievances a bit. However, in front of Ji Heng, she can always be that carefree girl, say what she wants to say and do what she wants to do. Because she knows, no matter what, Ji Heng will accept her. 

“I am sorry.” He leaned down slightly and pecked Jiang Li on the lips, “I won’t hide anything from you in the future. The Duke’s Mansion is yours, and I,” He smiled seductively, “am also yours.” 

“In the future?” Jiang Li raised her eyebrow, “No one knows the future.” 

“What are you going to do?”

“I will treat you the same way you treated me.” Jiang Li deliberately provoked him, “Wherever I go, don’t follow me.” 

“Little miss Jiang Li,” He called her name, lowered his head, and kissed her, “You can just abandon me…”  (This is the end of this scene.)

  • Our two leads have a big wedding with all of Jiang Li’s family (including Xue Fang Fei’s family of course). Our heroine found out that our hero had prepared everything including her wedding gown before he even left for the battlefield so there was really nothing to prepare. 
  • The time jumps to a year later, and we find our two leads traveling the world together. Our hero had overheard a conversation between our heroine and her brother where they were talking about their dreams back when they were young. Upon finding out that our heroine’s dream was to travel the world to discover the endless possibilities of life, our hero promptly made the decision to take Jiang Li traveling. 
  • Xue Zhao’s brother finally had his happy ending with Situ Jiuyue. When Situ Jiuyue had to choose a husband as a princess, Xue Zhao finally got up his courage and confessed his feelings to her. Seeing Xue Zhao’s slightly trembling fists and his bright red ears, Situ Jiuyue couldn’t find the heart to reject Xue Zhao, and neither did she want to. Despite some trouble that might come up in the future if she chose Xue Zhao as her husband, Situ Jiuyue decided to follow her heart and accepted Xue Zhao’s proposal. 
  • The novel ends with a funny little story about our two leads’ daughter- Jimeng. Jiang Li had Jimeng when she was twenty-six years old. Little Jimeng was doted on by all. Everyone soon learns that in Duke Su’s mansion, it is impossible to please the fickle Duke Su but if they can please little Miss Jimeng, then Duke Su will be pleased. 
  • Little Miss Jimeng was sweet and cute…until she turned 10 years old. Little Miss Jimeng’s personality changed to become more like her dad’s once she got older. Not only did her temperament become fickle like her dad’s, but she was also a great fighter especially thanks to her aunt Situ Jiuyue who gifted her lots of poisons and weapons.  
  • By the time Jimeng was turning fifteen, thanks to her personality +fighting ability+scary dad, even her great beauty could not attract any suitors.

Jiang Li sat inside their room with her chin in her hands and complained to Ji Heng, “Our girl is so good, why is no one coming to propose marriage?”

Ji Heng was surprised, “You want to marry her off very much?” 

“It’s not that.” Jiang Li replied, “She is still young but whenever I went out lately I kept being asked if we have set our mind on anyone for her.” 

Every time the wives got together, those who had unmarried young ladies at home would all ask each other. Every time it got to Jiang Li she had no clue what to say. What is she supposed to say? Say that they don’t even have one single option to choose from?

“What has this anything to do with them?”

“I am just afraid of what Jimeng might be thinking.” Jiang Li sighed, “This girl has grown up and doesn’t always tell me what’s in her heart so I don’t know what she is thinking.”

To not have a single admirer, would Jimeng feel very dejected inside? 

“The daughter of Ji Heng, how could an ordinary person be worthy of her? Ali,” Ji Heng asked her, “When you were fourteen, did you worry about things like this too?”

Jiang Li shook her head, “When I was fourteen, my dad was chasing off suitors by the groups.” 

Ji Heng, “So popular.”

Speechless that this person is still getting jealous over something like this after being married for so long, Jiang Li gave him a push, “Next month is Jimeng’s fifteenth birthday. This won’t do, you need to go find some young men to come.”

The corner of Ji Heng’s mouth twitched, “What are you talking about?”

In a rare instant, Jiang Li was bossy for once, “I don’t care, you can reject them later. We need to at least let the people of the imperial capital know that our girl is admired by many young men.”

Ji Heng asked, “You are serious?”

Jiang Li said firmly, “Yes.” 

  • Somehow, Ji Heng was able to find a whole bunch of young men to show up on the day of Ji Meng’s birthday before promptly rejecting all of their proposals with the excuse that his daughter was too young. Much to everyone’s surprise, a few days later, a masked person showed up at all those young men’s rooms and beat them up. Once again sitting in their room sighing, Jiang Li complains to Ji Heng that he needs to punish their daughter for beating up those innocent young men and that he had spoiled Jimeng too much. Ji Heng promptly admits his fault “My fault, my fault.” then proceeded to convince Jiang Li that since Jimeng reacted so strongly to being proposed to they should wait a few more years before thinking of marriage. Much relieved when Jiang Li sighed and agreed, Ji Heng secretly thought to himself that his daughter sure takes after him and that he should go reward her that very night. 

The end for real! As always, feel free to ask questions about the novel and I will try my best to see what I can remember.

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com