500 years later. The drama and the novel diverged quite a bit from this point on, especially since the drama added quite a few storylines and characters that didn’t exist in the novel. (ie. Ye Bing Chang coming back as the demon lady’s older sister) Therefore, I won’t try to cover most of the differences but will highlight some parts I thought were memorable in the novel.

34. In the drama, I think our heroine probably understood that Tantai Jin had no feelings for Ye Bing Chang. However, that was not the case in the novel. In the book, our heroine believed Tantai Jin harbored a crush on Ye Bing Chang. The fact that Tantai Jin would ignore her plea for the treasure that would heal her eye and give it to Ye Bing Chang just cemented our heroine’s belief that Tantai Jin would always choose her older sister over her. The last memory of Ye Xiwu as her body burned in the fire (she had jumped down from the city wall, and used the lightning to ignite an eternal fire) was Tantai Jin running towards her. Her dying thought was “He is running so fast. Is it because he now has grown a love thread and is coming to catch Ye Bing Chang?”

35. Pang Yi Zhi didn’t exist in the novel so there was no “resurrecting” Xiao Lin. Our heroine had always known Xiao Lin would have to die since her father’s most senior disciple, Gong Ye Ji Wu, is Xiao Lin’s next life.

36. The novel doesn’t give too much detail about how Gong Ye Ji Wu feels about Li Su Su other than the fact he feels very protective of her and sees her more like a little sister. Gong Ye Ji Wu actually already had a girl whom he was linked with romantically. In fact, the girl committed suicide after he died in Li Su Su’s original timeline. Li Su Su grew up being doted on by everyone in her sect, so both Gong Ye Ji Wu and the girl who later committed suicide were all like family to our heroine. One thing for sure is that Gong Ye Ji Wu certainly was not engaged nor did he verbally express any romantic interest in Li Su Su. Towards the end of the novel, it did mention in passing that Gong Ye Ji Wu had some flashed backs of Xiao Lin’s life so he might possibly know some of Xiao Lin’s feelings for Ye Xiwu but the novel doesn’t mention anything more than that.

37. The reason our heroine could go back to her own timeline was actually through the sacrifice of her jade bracelet. The spirit in the jade bracelet knew as a phoenix, our heroine could be reborn with eternal fire so it used up all the spirit power it had to send Li Su Su back to her own timeline. The jade bracelet was with our heroine from the moment she was born, so a big part of Li Su Su’s grief was also losing her best friend forever.

38. Our two leads’ first interaction 500 years later was at a feast held during a competition. The competition’s prize was a treasure to gather up the souls of a deceased person. Our heroine recognized Tantai Jin right away of course and assumed he wanted the treasure to gather Ye Bing Chang’s soul. Unlike the drama, Tantai Jin did not recognize Li Su Su as Ye Xiwu for quite a while for two reasons 1. Li Su Su had an enchanted veil on her face (like the one shown in the drama) so he couldn’t see her face clearly at first. 2. Li Su Su actually doesn’t look like Ye Xiwu. As the most beautiful immortal, Li Su Su instead looked like the goddess statue Tantai Jin had obsessed over as a child.

39. In the drama, Tantai Jin only needed one drop of blood from Li Su Su. It was not such a nice request in the novel. What Tantai Jin needed was Li Su Su’s physical body so he was actually planning on destroying Li Su Su’s soul so her body could be used to house Ye Xiwu’s soul.

40. While taken aback at the fact that Li Su Su looked exactly like his goddess statue when he finally saw her face, Tantai Jin was still planning to go through with his plan. Tantai Jin found a chance to make his move when he and Li Su Su were both thrown into a dangerous land during a quest.

“She took a few steps and heard the sound of something falling from the air above her. She raised her eyes to see a black shadow falling down. She could tell the figure wasn’t Fu Ya (Lan An’s son) so she didn’t move.

The young man fell at the foot of a plum tree, sending up a whirl of dust into the air. The fierce storm wind had cut through his clothes in various places. When he hit the ground, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Seemingly unaffected, Su Su raised a leg to step over him.

A hand stained with blood pitifully grabbed onto her white skirt, “This senior sister, something went amiss when I entered into this place and I am hurt badly, could you…”

“So pitiful.” She muttered.

An expression of derision flashed across Tantai Jin’s eyes.

However, the next instant, behind the white-clothed young woman’s back, there suddenly appeared 36 flaming daggers, each carrying a murderous aura, coming at him in unison.

He heard her voice, like a spring breeze, with a hint of a smile that is slow and light.

“I understand your meaning. You are severely wounded and will die soon anyway, so I will help to send you on your way.”

Tantai Jin was lost momentarily in the voice but the 36 daggers all aiming coldly at his vital organs promptly jerked him awake.

Tantai Jin’s eyes darkened, as he stared coldly at the young woman in front of him. To gain her trust, half of the wounds on him are real. Seeing that the daggers are about to shoot into his body, he flew up, opened his hand, and forcefully shocked all the daggers away with his spirit energy.

“I will only say this once. I am not nice, I don’t save people. Scram, stay far away from me or I will kill you!”

She is no longer the Ye Xiwu from 500 years ago who will sympathize, feel guilty, or at her most foolish moments to even wish that he would stay well. The her before, because of a promise, would try to protect him, would carefully wipe the blood away from the corner of his eyes, and look for medicine for him.

Yet, Tantai Jin is not pitiful. He will forever know what he wants. He will put on a facade of anything that would benefit him but under that facade, are poisonous claws.

Su Su doesn’t wish to meet him.

From the day she jumped down from the city wall, she never ever wanted to see this person.

Tantai Jin is no longer the demon god, she just hope that he would disappear in the nightmare that is 500 years ago. 500 years later, the two of them no longer have anything to do with one another.

41 Tantai Jin finally figured out who Li Su Su was when her blood dropped onto some stone walls that were powered by a piece of the ancient shattered mirror that shows the past and it revealed a memory from Li Su Su as Ye Xiwu.

After a long silence, he finally asked “Who are you really?”

Su Su heard his low voice, a cold hand touched the side of his face. There seemed to be a smile in his voice as he muttered, “You are Ye Xiwu.”

His tone was certain. He didn’t actually need her to answer. If he had any doubts, he would not have followed her and fallen into this heaven-forsaken pit with her.

Tantai Jin held her tightly and muttered, “Ye Xiwu, I really hate you.”

It has been five hundred years.

She will never know how long that was. The first hundred years, he prayed to the gods, if she would just appear, he would be better to her hundredfold.

Later, as he searched among the endless ghost river, he began to pray to the evil spirits, he is willing to do anything as long as she is willing to come back.

But as one who is destined to be alone, even the devils and demons don’t take pity on him, why would the gods?

His love thread, tortured him night and day.

In the end, he thought, if he can see her one day, then they might just as well go and die together.

Their bones, blood, and flesh mixed together. He will no longer needs to exist like this. Even if he and she could die together, to have their souls disappear together, that would be another sort of spending eternity together.

She better hope that she doesn’t show up in his life again or pray that he won’t find a way to resurrect her.

However, Tantai Jin never imagined he would see her again like this.

The mirror of the past shows a person’s past, not the person’s previous life. That means this girl in his arms is Ye Xiwu, not Ye Xiwu’s next life.

Naturally, he knew that something was amiss with everything.

Ye Xiwu can’t draw spells, she can.

Ye Xiwu is vicious and evil, she is not.

She is cunning, like the wind slipping past one’s fingers but her heart is as cold as the icy snow.

He thought countless times if he had not used the puppet spell to control her to kill Xiao Lin, would everything be different?

Tantai Jin never asked nor investigated what kind of soul was in that body. Before he had the love thread, he didn’t care. After he had the love thread, floating in the depth of the ghost river, his hatred towards her increased year after until the hatred almost drove him mad.

He wanted to see her….to see her…to see her…

Tantai Jin thought he would drag her into hell with him. But now that she is so close, staring at the girl’s quiet face, the only thing that is left inside him is an aching pain.

41. Here is another one of my favorite passages in the book. Our two leads are pulled into another world. In this world Su Su is transformed back to her child state of about 5 or 6 years old.

Her small hand grabbed onto his, and calls out “Hold!”

His heart filled with uncertainty, he followed her urge and bend down to pick her up.

“Who are you?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, cocked her head, and asked.

Tantai Jin doesn’t answer, he has never held such a small child, so his whole body is rigid.

The girl’s soft face pressed against his, and asked “Are you my daddy?”

“No.” He answered stiffly.

For the first time, Tantai Jin understood what it means to be born naturally of spirit body.

In a surrounding that is lovely and holy beyond description, she is the most lovely of them all.

Completely opposite from the unlucky star that is destined to be alone for eternity, she is born naturally of spirit body.

While he, he still carries the dirty blood and the breaths of the demons (from the battle they just went through where he protected her the whole way through)

The girl asked, “Then who are you?”

Tantai Jin pressed his lips together, then said coldly, “Someone who hates you.”

Her vibrant twinkling eyes examined him, after a long moment, she smiled triumphantly, “Nonsense! I can see it. You like me!”

Is that so…obvious?

Yes, he likes her.

Even before he had the love thread, he liked her very very much. Five hundred years have passed, he thought he hated her, hated her so much that he would do everything to find her again so they could die together but no matter who he can trick, he can’t trick himself.

He still likes her. Everything in his life, all points to her.

But he also knows, this like will not be tolerated. There are too many things between them. Xiao Lin’s death, Ye Xiwu’s older brother’s death, or even, the manner she jumped from the city wall had all put an end to any chance he had.

She will not love him, she will only want to kill him.

42. Like I had mentioned previously, the time of being imprisoned in total darkness while she was also tortured by the world-turning jade with horrific nightmares was really traumatic to Su Su. That trauma did not go away even in the immortal realm. I liked these next couple of scenes because it’s when Tantai Jin finally understood that our heroine didn’t walk away from their past as unscathed as he had always imagined. 

Black, a pitch black world… Subconsciously, she hurriedly touched her left eye. Her eyes of this immortal body were clear and intact. It doesn’t hurt, no pain, no longer the world-turning jade. The past that belonged to Ye Xiwu was buried five hundred years ago. Su Su looked down at the darkness under her feet, and put down her hands. Don’t be afraid…don’t be afraid. Li Su Su, you can’t live in the past forever. (A little excerpt from when our two leads and their group encounter some demons. This next part is when our heroine was asked to go into a scary dark cave to extract a cat for a little boy in exchange for a nameplate that would allow our two leads to enter a place that they needed to go. The condition was that she had to go alone so no one in the group, including our hero was supposed to go with her.) 

A hand grabbed her abruptly. Su Su turned her head and saw a pair of pitch-black eyes. Ever since she and Tantai Jin had “talked it out” last time, he never mentioned the past again. This is the first time she is seeing Tantai Jin showing such obvious emotions. 

“Why are you afraid of the dark?” Tantai Jin asked. His voice trembling slightly, with a hint of confusion and timidness. He stared at her intently, wanting desperately to know the answer but also afraid at the last moment, as if once she said the answer then what awaits him would be hopelessness and torture. 

She should not be afraid…of the darkness. Back then when they entered into Ye Bingshang’s dream (when those people were captured by the nightmare demon), Ye Xiwu chased after him in the night, and entered into Ye Bingshang’s dream with him. She had held his hand, full of energy, scolding him for being a fool to be willing to toss away his life for a woman. She had walked slowly, the sun wasn’t up yet, she walked in the darkness of the night. She had laughed, and teased at that time. 

Yet five hundred years later, why would that boy say she is afraid of the dark? When did she start to be afraid of the dark? Staring at the unemotional eyes of the girl in front of him, Tantai Jin’s face gradually turned pale. Su Su pulled her arm back, and said coldly, “ He’s talking nonsense.” For the first time, she hoped so much that she has already achieved the path of no emotions. It turns out, it’s not that she didn’t care but that it was a scar that had not been exposed. Once someone touched it, then the wound that had just healed started to drip with blood again. 

Seeing Su Su’s figure disappearing into the entrance of the cave, a pale-faced Tantai Jin was seemingly jerked awake from a dream and started to follow her. The boy opened his arms wide to stop him, “You can’t go in.” Tantai Jin grabbed him by the neck, lifted him into the air, and pressed him against the stone wall. His eyes were red and he looked like a madman, “How dare you, how dare you!” Cang Hai (Tantai Jin’s senior brother ) and Yao Guang (Li Su Su’s senior sister, the love interest to Xiao Lin/Gong Ye Ji Wu the drama conveniently got rid of) managed to rescue the boy from Tantai Jin. 

As Cang Hai and Yao Guang earnestly tried to convince Tantai Jin that Li Su Su was just fine, Tantai Jin stumbled a step back, he mumbled in despair “What do you know, what do you know…” 

He walked into the cave to find Su Su, Cang Hai and Yao Guang exchanged a glance but neither tried to stop him…simply because they have never seen a person’s emotion collapse to such a degree in an instant. 

Tantai Jin entered the cave and after searching for some time he finally saw a figure crouched on the ground in the distance. The cave was pitch black, and the surroundings were quiet, except for the sound of dripping water. Su Su hugged her knees, buried her head in her arms, and shivered. The curse of the world turning jade followed Ye Xiwu. She is Li Su Su but she was also Ye Xiwu. Even in a different body, the memory is seared into her soul. The scene in front of her merged with the past. An enclosure with no light, and the sound of water dripping on stone. The past that she didn’t want to recall washed over her. That year, she was locked in a stone room, her spell power had been sealed, the world-turning jade tortured her night and day, with no light, no sound, and no hope. It was the first time Su Su begged someone. She desperately pounded on the stone wall and told that person that she was afraid. She was too scared. The world-turning jade magnified the fear in her heart, the world became dead silent, even when she heard sounds later, they couldn’t enter into her heart and any hazy light or shadow would be ruthlessly taken away the next moment. The jade tortured her mind continuously, blood dripped from her left eye. Finally, one day she couldn’t help it but pounded on the stone wall, “Let me out, I beg you, I beg you to let me out. Tantai Jin, I am scared…” I can’t see anymore, it hurts so badly. But no one came, no one talked to her. 

Gradually, she could no longer distinguish day and night. When she gets overwhelmed by fear then she would knock on the stone wall with her fragile knuckles. As long as there is some sound…then that’s good. In the purple eye, there was eternal desperation and darkness. Su Su curled up in the corner, she wanted to leave this world, she doesn’t want to be Ye Xiwu anymore. That young boy’s cat died in the darkness of the cave, and the Ye Xiwu in Su Su’s memory died in the dungeon stone room five hundred years ago. Su Su bit the corner of her mouth, trembling all over. She wants to go out but senior brother is still waiting for her. (Gong Ye Ji Wu and Tantai Jin’s master was taken by a powerful demon. They needed a nameplate from the boy in order to enter into a place that might be holding the two men.) Don’t cry, only the weak cry. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t do it. Su Su told herself, she just need to rest for a bit, just a bit…. A hand suddenly grabbed her hand. 

Tantai Jin said, “I’ll take you out!”

He went to hug Su Su but discovered that she was holding something tightly in the other hand. Tantai Jin followed her right hand and felt a belt with a cat bell on it. The belt was trapped under a rock. Without an ounce of strength in her, Su Su trembled silently, couldn’t take out the bell but didn’t dare to let go either. It was the first time Tantai Jin saw how Li Su Su would become if she is in total darkness. How can it…be like this? 

Tantai Jin thought that the past five hundred years were nothing but a dream like game for a goddess. The delusion belonged to him alone, and the pain is only tasted by him alone. He had thought the one she loved was Xiao Lin and she had sought revenge against him because of Xiao Lin. He had thought once Su Su returned to her rightful status, leaving the mortal body to become a goddess again, all those past would not leave a trace in her heart. He used to be just a despicable, unknown mortal man, but she was born noble and glorious. He thought to Su Su, he is just a lowly bug, dirty and without worth. But when Tantai Jin saw Su Su in the cave, he finally realized that the memory he left her, was actually endless darkness and pain. Back then, she clearly came and begged him for the treasure but he casually throw it to some other person. 

With a trembling voice, Tantai Jin said, “We will go, it will be fine once we go out!” The girl in his arms was silent and unbelievably quiet but Tantai Jin would rather she beat him, scold him, and vent all of her hatred. He wants to do it all over again, but now, who can tell him how can they start over? 

Tantai Jin used a spell to get the bell out and paced it in Su Su’s hand. He then rummaged through his bag, ignoring the precious pills, or magic crystals that fell out. With trembling hands, he finally found a palm-sized Night Pearl. Once the Night Pearl was pulled out, there was finally some light in the cave. With red eyes, Tantai Jin put it into Su Su’s hands and said coaxingly, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, there is light now.” I will never leave you in endless darkness again. Tantai Jin picked her up, and ran towards the cave entrance, not daring to stop. (This promise is important because it will show up later.)

43. I am a bit peeved about what the drama has done to Xiao Lin/Gong Ye Ji Wu’s character. I will admit that particular character was a bit too perfect as Xiao Lin and kinda forgettable as Gong Ye Ji Wu, but I really liked him anyway! Here is a guy who is just simply good. In the novel, Gong Ye Ji Wu does become demonized but it wasn’t by choice at all. The demons had figured out a way to force demon energy into the immortals which would then either cause them to die, go crazy, or become demonized. Gong Ye Ji Wu was the last group and as hard as he tried to fight it, he eventually lost the fight. We will go over his ending in the novel ending post.

44. Speaking of the ending, some of you guys have probably either seen the ending or read spoilers of the drama ending. I will just say, don’t despair, the novel ending is much much better.

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com