When the moon rose, accompanied by a wisp of smoke, Hua Qiong saw someone coming from afar. The person had a golden monkey on each of his shoulders and a shape of a baby in his arms. 

She smiled and asked, “Zhi Xiao is the living Buddha, is she really leaving with you?”

“It’s not me who wants to take her.” Feng Zhi Wei frowned, her expression is one as if she is suffering from a headache, “Is that Xiao Gu (Gu Nan Yi) bound to go with me. Zhi Xiao is bound to go with Xiao Gu. Fortunately, there is a precedent of the living Buddha visiting the imperial capital in the early years, so we will just use that as the reason to muddle through this first. This is probably a good thing anyway since it could slowly erode the power of the divinity here. Once Helian’s authority is firmly established in the land, then he can deal with it however he wants.”

Hua Qiong sighed, inwardly pitying the poor king. His new queen made a trip around the grassland and helped him stabilize his imperial power but in the end, she is still returning to that turbulent capital. And he, as the king can no longer act as when he was the crown prince, to follow her wherever she goes. No wonder lately the Golden Lion King has been restless and depressed lately, running around all day like a cock picking for a fight. 

Of course, this also has something to do with the beautiful Jiarong. The woman was brought back by Ning Yi but refused to return to the Capital with him. Instead, she has been stubbornly circling around Helian. Having suffered plenty with Mei Duo, Helian doesn’t dare to accept any more ardent beauties and has been exhausting himself trying to hide from Jiarong. 

Mei Duo has disappeared but the remaining seven braves have been carrying their swords and searching all over the wild grassland for her– Dapeng (the one of the eight braves that died) all but died by her hand, vengeance must be done for his death. Mei Duo’s life, even if she can live for a long time, will definitely be one of restless wandering. 

Seeing the fast approaching Master Gu, Feng Zhi Wei smiled and pulled Hua Qiong along to go meet him. 

Master Gu put a cloak he had carried in his hand over her shoulders.

The group walked back, and when they were rounding a sand dune they heard Helian’s voice. 

“I don’t want to eat this!”

Then came Jiarong’s soft gentle voice, not crying nor retreating, “Then try this, scallion pancakes…” 

“I don’t eat scallions!”

“Then there are also fried buns…” Jiarong was not discouraged. 

“Steamed buns are buns, why do you have to fry them?!” 

King Helian had learned his lesson and had decided that he will be stern with all women except Feng Zhi Wei…

Feng Zhi Wei silently looked up at the sky. The road is far and long, Miss Jiarong, you take care. 

She smiled and walked past the sand dune. She had originally planned to go and said hi but changed her mind since she doesn’t want to embarrass Helian. 

On the sand dune’s other side, Helian didn’t take another step nor did he go out to greet Feng Zhi Wei. He put his hand on the sand dune, not listening to Jiarong bubbling on behind him, he just stared blankly into space and listened to the sound of her retreating footsteps. 

It’s good to be able to hear the sound of this footstep even for a moment longer. 

Everyone experiences parting in this life. He has sneered in disgust many times at literary laments of parting. However, it is only now he finally understood all those long dreary books were not wrong. Farewells are sad. 

He, who has been fearless all his life, somehow can’t make himself take a step forward, to go say goodbye to her calmly. 

He was afraid if he saw those eyes, the words begging her to stay would burst out of him. He is not afraid that he would get a disappointing answer. He is only afraid that his lack of self-understanding would make it difficult for her. (This last sentence was a bit difficult to translate. The general gist is that Helian knows where he stands with Zhi Wei, which means he also knows by taking the useless step of confessing his feelings would only make it difficult for Zhi Wei who does care for him…but obviously not in the manner Helian wants. The words are threatening to burst out of Helian but instead of fearing the rejection that would come, he is more worried it would hurt Zhi Wei to figure out a gentle way to reject him.)

He shoved his fingers into the sand, the rough sand and stone shattered into powder in his palms but also tore through the skin at the same time. With the burning pain, the heart that has been weighed down heavily by the impending parting seemed to receive a momentary relief. 

The moonlight rose, the starlight shined, and the supreme king of the grassland pressed his head against the sand dune and silently banged his head against it.

Behind him, Jiarong stopped talking and stared at his back in stunned silence.

The moonlight cast a long shadow of loneliness. In the far distance on the rocky mountain, there is a lone wolf howling. 

There is someone waiting behind him yet he felt as if he was the only person left in the world. In the bone-chilling cold and loneliness, he told himself again and again. 


She will leave. 


In the first month of the 15th year of Tiansheng, a piece of news came with the festivities of the Chinese New Year. Like firecrackers and fireworks, it bloomed all over the Tiansheng empire, causing all to rejoice. 

On the imperial court, Tiansheng emperor was in the middle of a feast when Official Tao (I believe this is Tao Yangyu’s dad) reported the good news. The old emperor immediately stood up with joy and laughed. 

“The empire’s scholar is alive, the heaven is aiding my Tiasheng!” 

When the news spread to the academy, the students immediately pooled their money together to purchase a roomful of fireworks and set them off in front of the academy door for three days and three nights. This caused the old man keeping the front door to sweep the ground for seven days. Every morning while he is sweeping he would curse “This is killing me! If I knew I would have never let that kid in the door!” 

The news spread to South Sea. The Yan clan leader who has been drunk for several months woke up, tearfully read a letter then promptly ordered his men to get things ready for him to head straight for the capital. 

The imperial court was not the only thing that was shaken. The roads in the imperial capital were crowded with people as they rushed to share the news with one another. 

“The biggest hero in the battle of Baitou, the legendary deputy-general Wei who had died in battle is still alive!” 

The teahouses and restaurants are full of commoners and scholars who are gulping down cups of tea while talking earnestly about how deputy-general Wei had “killed three thousand enemies and was trapped in the enemy camp,” or how “he cunningly defeated the enemy army and refused to yield,” or how he “fearlessly cursed the enemy while dangling dangerously over the city wall” and in the end, how he “resolutely jumped from the wall.” 

The people were all discussing the fact that official Wei was captured and taken up to the city wall. The shameless Da Yue had tried to use official Wei to force the Tiasheng army to retreat but Official Wei had resolutely jumped to prove his brave loyal heart. 

The person who was saying this was in high spirit, so moved by his own narration that he was teary with an expression full of admiration. 

“…Deputy general was tied up and taken up to the wall but he was fearless of the steel sword on his neck. The red-haired and yellow-eyed general was shouting that Official Wei would enjoy a lifetime of prosperity as the most honorable guest if he would just kneel down and bow. This was obviously a ploy to humiliate our army. Our good general Wei, immediately spits out a mouthful of saliva…”

“So dirty!” Someone couldn’t help but muttered. 

The crowd turned in unison to stare at him angrily. The boy shrank back his head and shut his mouth. 

“….spit on Da Yue’s commanding general’s face. He cursed loudly, you savage thieves dare to offend our great Tiansheng empire. Quickly stick out your neck to suffer death! Give up your weapons and surrender!”

“Is this an idiot? He himself has been captured but he wants his enemy to surrounder?” 

This is that same kid. The other young man beside him smiled and patted his shoulder, “Everyone is like this. If you say it nicely, it’s wishful thinking. If you say it badly, then it’s called self-delusion.” 

“What are you two?” Someone was angered by the snide remarks, rushed over, and demanded “Are you Da Yue spies?” 

“Ah, don’t misunderstand, don’t misunderstand.” The gentle manner youth quickly clasped his fist in a gesture of apology, “My brother is not right in the head. Everyone, please continue, continue.” 

The brother with a bad head wanted to jump up but he immediately stepped on the corner of his robe. 

“It’s good you know your place!” (This is said by the angry bystander)

I know you guys are probably impatient, but hang in there, our hero will show up next week.

  All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com