“Now.” Flashing the tribe leaders a smile as they sit among the tent scraps, Zhi Wei says “I have followed your rule, it’s your turn to follow mine– listen well to my words, I will only say it once.”
“You all came to this foolish Golden Tent meeting, hoping that Hong Jile will lead you to redivide the wild grassland and go on to enjoy unprecedented prosperity for your tribe…what a lovely dream.” Zhi Wei says with slight sarcasm in her voice, “What kind of magnificent fantasy did Hong Jile drew for you all? The big tribes will get the rich grass fields while the small tribes will be promised valuable grains, is that right?”
Her question was met with dead silence, the answer was obvious.
“What are you trying to do?” Hong Jile sneers, “The old King had divided the grassland unfairly from the very beginning and then continued to treat all the tribes unfairly. It is useless for you to try to pit us against each other with just a few words!”
Zhi Wei ignores him and drew out the 12 tribes’ territories on the ground with a wooden stick she picked up “Let’s see, let us guess how the future King Hong Jile had promised to divide up you all’s territories– here, here, here,” She points to the few areas close to the royal territory, “Most likely reserved for the Fire Fox, Blue Bear, and the Iron Leopard tribes?”
All the tribe leaders remained silent except the Iron Leopard tribe leader who asks with a frown “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing, nothing at all.” Zhi Wei grins as she drew on the ground, “Hm, according to you all’s influence, the Iron Leopard will most likely be here. By the time King Hong Jile takes over the royal court then he will certainly team up with Fire Fox and the Grey Fox tribe to destroy the Blue Bird and Grey Wolf tribe. So that means the Fire Fox tribe will certainly spread south to take over the Blue Bird’s original territory. On the right, the Grey Wolf tribe will certainly spread northward, to replace the White Deer tribe. Ah…I need to congratulate you, Iron Leopard tribe leader. You will have the Wolf on the left and Fox on the right. You have ensured safety and prosperity for your tribe forever.”
The Iron Leopard tribe leader’s expression turned several shades darker before he says gruffly “He wouldn’t dare!”
Smiling brightly, Zhi Wei asks “Is that right? Hong Jile wouldn’t dare? Kelie wouldn’t dare? If they really wouldn’t, then why did the Fire Fox who was part of three armies of the royal court choose to betray? What were they hoping to gain? Just for the Blue Bird’s portion of the grassland? Then why would the Iron Leopard be placed here? Ten years ago a female slave was shipped off to the Fire Fox’s tribe leader as a gift. She later died after giving birth and the baby was almost abandoned since neither tribe wanted him. However, that child has now become Fire Fox tribe leader’s son and if one day he happens to be in a good mood and remembers the good deeds you’ve done for him. He might just call your other neighbor to go pay you a visit…ha ha.”
Not waiting for the Iron Leopard tribe leader to respond, Zhi Wei turns and says to Blue Bear tribe leader, “Tribe leader Hute, if your tribe really leave the mountainous land you are at and choose to move to the grassland close to the royal territory then I predict that most of the men in your tribe will die.”
“What?” Hute abruptly turns his head.
“In our travel, we had the pleasure of passing by your tribe’s territory,” Zhi Wei replies, “One of our men discovered that the men of your tribe are especially strong in their legs with the strength of bears. Yet judging by the manner the veins in their leg were bulging, it doesn’t look it was caused by their fighter training. Your territory is covered with a type of goldish blue grass, the legendary “Seven Fire Star”. The scent of “Seven Fire Star” will cause a person’s legs to increase in strength but after inhaling the scent for a prolonged amount of time, its poison will build up in the person’s lower body resulting in death. Luckily, the cure often coexists with the poison. Close to those grassfield, there is a frost that has a type of wood that just happens to be the cure to Seven Fire Star’s scent. Your people have traditionally gather wood in that particular forest year round, allowing the two scents to mix. Thanks to that, the poison not only poses no harm to your people but instead helps to keep your people healthy and be fierce fighters. However, once your people leave that area, without that particular wood, the Seven Fire Star’s poison will eventually travel up from the legs until the blood veins burst. The less severe cases will be left paralyzed while the more severe ones will result in death. Your tribe will be wiped out!”
Hutu’s face instantly drained of all color. Hong Jile counters somberly “Stop scaring people with nonsense. The Blue Bear tribe deserves the best grass fields so that’s the only reason I want to give them the land closest to the royal court. I have never even heard of this seven or eight star thing!”
“Is that right?” All smiles as she stares at Hong Jile, “You have never heard of it? Really? If you have never heard of it then why do you keep looking towards the tent door? Who are you looking for?”
Seemingly suddenly remembering something, Hutu turns to look at the tent door and says “A few days ago when Kelie came to visit he had remarked that particular grass is very pretty…”
Helian sneers. Hutu falls silent as his gaze bored into Hong Jile.
“My father is aware of this as well,” Helian suddenly piped up, “Royal physician Wang had also discovered this when he visited the Blue Bear tribe one time and informed father. Which is why subsequently when the Blue Bear tribe and the Badger tribe were fighting over territories my father had summoned the army to force the Blue Bear tribe to give up the land they had already taken from the other tribe. This caused dissatisfaction on the Blue Bear tribe’s side but my father never did explain himself because he was afraid that once the news of the Five Star Grass gets out then it would attract the greed from all the other tribes and the Blue Bear tribe will never again have peace.”
Letting out a sigh, Helian continues “My father had said once that his brother Hutu is an especially honest person so that’s why he would have this kind of blessing to have Blue Bear tribe be the best fighter. As a brother, my father would rather be misunderstood than to allow misfortune to befall on his brother.” (Again, the term brother here is used strictly in friend sense and not biological.)
So overwhelmed with shame that he wished he could just bury himself right there, Hutu says with a choked up voice “I…I…” before suddenly jumping up and pulling out his sword.
Helian doesn’t move from his seat and just calmly watches Hutu.
In the light of the sword slashing through the air, a bloody pinky finger falls to the ground. Kneeling in front of Helian, Hutu holds up his now maimed left hand and declares with a firm voice “The heaven as my witness, Hutu vows with the blood of my hand– from this day on, the Blue Bear tribe will be completely loyal to King Helian. If this vow is broken, then my tribe will be all destroyed!”
“Uncle Hutu!” The moment Hutu finished saying his vow, Helian immediately falls on his knees and throws his arms around Hutu, “My father’s spirit in the underworld will surely be comforted!”
The two men sobbed together. Hutu, of course is crying for real. Helian…well, that’s impromptu acting. Burying his head on Hutu’s shoulder, Helian blinks his teary eyes at Zhi Wei. Zhi Wei gave him a glare with a stern face but there was a hint of approving smile at the corner of her lips– this kid sure thinks fast on his feet, he reacted with astonishing speed and in an instant, he took advantage of the momentum to solve the Blue Bear’s biggest issue against the Old King that had festered all these years. This certain Wang royal physician? Or that his father would rather be misunderstood than put the Blue Bear tribe in danger? All nonsense! When they were passing by the Blue Bear tribe’s territory and Zong Chen had frowned after seeing the “Seven Star Grass”, a grinning Helian had remarked that the grass was beautiful and even asked if it was edible!

After staring at him for a long moment, the expression in Xin Ziyan’s eyes turned to one of disappointment “If you are planning to work yourself to death over a woman and let this last ten plus years of hard work all go to waste, then that’s up to you. I will just consider myself to be blind. (For choosing him.)”
“Why would I?” Ning Yi looked up and smiled. In the faint golden smoke, the smile didn’t look like a smile, but an expression that would send a chill down one’s spine. “Things of this world are rather strange. Whatever position you are in, there always exist things that are against one’s will. If that’s the case, then I want to try to sit on that one and only seat and see if it would really allow me to live more according to my will?”
His tone was light but Xin Ziyan could hear the sorrow in them. After a bit of silence, Xin Ziyan finally sighs “I wanted to advise you to reign in your heart…some people are destined to be enemies. Since things have progressed to this point, if you don’t let go, it will just make it more difficult for yourself.”
“How am I not letting go?” Ning Yi smiles. The corner of his eyes curved into a beautiful arc like a dazzling dream that could also be a never ending nightmare. “Do you not see that I am about to send a gift to King Helian?” He points at an exquisite gift basket on his desk. The basket has no gaps in it so it was impossible to tell what’s inside it. “I am also about to personally pen a letter to congratulate King Helian and his queen. Following all the proper etiquette.” Ning Yi smiles, pulls out a piece of paper and is about to start writing but then stops to stare at Xin Ziyan with a silent smile. Letting out a sigh, Xin Ziyan backs out of the room and closes the door. The last of the light is blocked out by the door. A certain person sits in the golden smoke, his pen poised above the snow white paper, seemingly frozen in time. Silence, has no end.
All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com
Interesting! I think after reading this part, that Chen Kun really portrayed Ningyi well here. What do you think, Ninja?
Actually do you think they cast the right actors for their roles?
Both leads are A-listers so the production really went all out when they did the casting. There is of course no doubt that both actors were awesome and know their craft well. In fact, I think the production did an outstanding job casting all the secondary characters as well…I just wish they then didn’t go and make all their characters so much less awesome than they were in the novel.
Going back to Chen Kun. I honestly have a hard time seeing anyone else who could portray Ning Yi as well as Chen Kun did. The only thing I felt Chen Kun’s character lacked (which can’t be blamed on Chen Kun because he was obviously restricted by how the production changed the story) was Ning Yi’s arrogance. In the drama, Ning Yi’s character is often trapped by his circumstance and that of course carried out right to the end when Ning Yi couldn’t stop Zhi Wei’s suicide and is left alone with the burden of ruling the empire. I think the drama was going for the “Heroic hero weigh down by the sorrow of losing his true love but he is nonetheless going to solider on tragically AND heroically to fulfill their dream of creating a prosperous world for his people!” Does this sound like something Ning Yi in the novel would do? Not in a million years. At their core, both of our leads are very arrogant people. Sometimes that arrogance comes back to bite them as Mama Feng’s unexpected death just did but if you take their pride and arrogance away then neither would be who they are anymore. In this post, Ning Yi just suffered a big blow. The woman he loves now not only hates him but has become someone else’s wife. So what’s Ning Yi’s reaction? He will just climb to the highest peak, become the ruler of the whole land and see if he really can do whatever he wants=he can finally have Zhi Wei then. My personal opinion is that with Ning Yi’s real personality in the novel, if Zhi Wei had really died, then he would’ve self-destructed and took the whole world with him to see if the gods would eventually give him back his girl.
Yes that does sound more like an arrogant Ningyi indeed! In an alternative ending I do agree that Ningyi would have torn the empire apart, but then again he loves the people too much? Or will he be selfish as well?
I agree with you that the secondary characters were cast well too – Gu NanYi, Xin Ziyan, the Emperor above all. However, I think we can all agree that the ending cast (that brother-from-nowhere, woman who seduces the emperor) were bizarre!
I agree. I think Chen Kun portraits Ning Yi well. FZW in the drama is much different than in the novel so Ni Ni shows a more conventional female heroin. Ninja, do you think a darker, less conventional FZW would be more interesting?
While I personally love Zhi Wei’s personality in the novel, I totally understand why the production went with a much more conventional heroine character. It’s a rather difficult thing to explain… Such a dark heroine is actually not uncommon in this genre of c-novels but I think what we as the public can accept in novel form is quite different in drama form. The best example I can think of is that in the genre of C-fantasy Wuxia novels, it is very common for the hero to have multiple wives. In true boy fantasy fashion, the underdog hero would go through this epic journey where every beautiful woman he meets would fall in love with him AND help him to become stronger so of course the guy has no choice but to marry all of them. I read plenty of Wuxia novels back in my days so that sort of setup isn’t necessarily an automatic pass for me. However, in drama form? Well, one guy ending up with multiple female leads IS an automatic no for me…and well probably incur public fury- from the very people who probably grew up reading the novel the drama was based on.
Having said all that, I do wish the drama could’ve shown Zhi Wei’s “scary” side a bit more. The novel did an awesome job establishing our heroine as someone you do not want to cross because she will make you pay in ways you never imagined and unfortunately, while our heroine in the drama was very smart, I don’t think she garnered the same kind of fear in her foe as Zhi Wei in the novel did.
How old is FZW at this junction? Thank you for the translation.
I have a terrible memory when it comes ages. My guess would be 15-16? I know during one of the translated scenes, Zhi Wei’s age was mentioned but I can’t remember it now. Don’t quote me on this but I believe the marriage age for women during ancient China is 14 so engagement would be around 12-13 years old.
There is no question that Chen Kun & Ni Ni were the right actors to portray Ning Yi & Feng Zhi Wei.
The problem is that I can’t see them in any other role now. Lol!
Chen Kun’s Lost in 1949 was good too! Unfortunately I have come to realise that he is always the sad character in ALL his shows! Never a happy ending!
I tried to watch NiNi in her recent production: My Best Friend’s story and couldn’t get past EP 2! Haha
wow! Ninjareflection, I am in awe of your understanding of each character. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I enjoy the story and the characters because of it. thanks.
Olha estou impressionada com tudo que li, realmente e de tirar o folêgo sem contar com as suas ilustracões dos personagens que a gente aprendeu amar conviver todas as semana. OBRIGADA
What I absolutely love about the characters in the drama though, is that (imo) they are much more humane. It’s easier to empathise with them and understand their course of actions (except as we can all agree, the part nearing the end where they all somehow become so powerless and reckless). I think this also increases the character’s complexity and depth, cause nobody’s perfect and they embody just that. While the characters in the novel are awesome, they seem to rather have ‘legendary’ and ‘invincible’ vibes and thus more cartoonish Hahaha I don’t know if that makes sense?
I totally know what you mean. I think the novel version would’ve been hard for most of us viewers to accept. Take Helian’s scene in the wild grassland where he ended up wiping out a whole tribe for example. I think that’s something I am able to read in a novel and even understand the reasoning behind it but if I had to watch it played out on the screen then I think that would’ve soured me on Helian’s character and might even influence how I feel about Zhi Wei since she stood by without stopping him.