Zhi Wei suddenly turns her head and started to throw up violently. She hasn’t eaten too much food all day therefore it was mostly stomach bile that came out. She had thrown up so violently that the green colored bile shot out and ended up getting all over Ning Yi who was holding her tightly. In fact, even Ning Cheng and Gu Nan Yi who were close by were not spared. No one jumped away though. Not even Gu Nan Yi who was obsessive about being clean. 

Seemingly unaware of the foul smelling filth covering his body, Ning Yi tightens his arms around Zhi Wei, lays her on his knees and gently pats her back to make sure that her violent throwing up is not going to abstract her airway. 

At this moment, thundering disarray of footsteps could suddenly be heard as countless black silhouettes show up on the horizon- Minister Zhou’s province guards have arrived. 

Ning Yi abruptly turns his head, “staring” at the Yan ancestry chapel door that is cracked open a sliver,  a fierce thirst for blood burst from his perpetually calm and unreadable eyes for the very first time. 

“Destroy the Yan ancestry chapel!” 

“Your highness!”

“Who dares to disobey, kill.” 


The whole Xi Yuan (that’s the name of the part of Yan manor where our two leads are staying at) have fallen into a cloud of despair. News of the royal envoy having fallen victim to the plague and might die any day has been firmly sealed off by Ning Yi but of course people inside the manor knew it well enough especially since their future is on the line. The fact that Prince Chu has become a ticking time bomb just caused the atmosphere in Xi Yuan to be even more tense. As people rush about they would not even dare to converse when they pass by each other. Other than giving one another a hasty glance, they would quickly rush by to continue on their search for physicians. 

One group of physicians replaced by yet another group, precious priceless medicine poured into the manor like water, in the hallway twelve medicine pots brewed nonstop and Price Chu’s expression become more sullen with each passing day.

After his angry outbursts that day, he didn’t say another word to those closest to him neither did he sit in front of Zhi Wei’s bed 12 hours a day. He simply summoned one person after another, integrating the spies Zhi Wei had caught in front of Yan clan ancestry chapel and sending secret letters by express to the capital requesting a palace physician. 

While Zhi Wei falls into a coma and is struggling for her life, South Sea is undergoing a total shakeup. 

Ning Yi who has been thoroughly angered finally revealed his ruthless side. 

On that day after Yan Clan ancestry chapel opened, Hua Qing helped Yan Huai Shi who was having difficulty walking out of the chapel along with his mother, Madam Chen. Instead of calling off his guards from surrounding the chapel, Ning Yi forcefully shut it and trapped everyone inside the chapel. Jumping on the window of opportunity while all the people are traveling to the granary to get their relief money and grain, causing the area to empty out, Ning Yi ordered his three thousand guards along with Minister Chen’s three thousand guards to dig an underground path right to the Yan Clan ancestry chapel in one day. After placing a large quantity of dynamites in the underground path, the dynamites were lit right away. With one muffled explosion, the ancestry chapel belonging to the biggest noble family of South Sea came crumbling down.

The towering structure adorned with the finest paintings and artworks, the sacred place of worship for hundreds of years to generations of Yan clan members, turned to rubble in an instant.

Everyone that was anyone of the male gender of Yan clan had all been in the chapel. The ancestry chapel was well built so even with the foundation collapsing the roof beams held which meant the destruction wasn’t total. Still, there was one death and countless wounded. Yan Huai Yuan’s dad was hit on the head and is still unconscious. Yan Huai Yuan himself was hit by a falling wall and his leg was broken. Old Yan clan leader actually escaped harm but he tearfully refused when members of Yan clan wanted to carry him away from the danger. Kneeling in front of the shattered ancestry plaques, the old Yan clan leader bowed his head to the ground then cries “Heaven refuses to bless my Yan clan! Other than death I have no way to face the ancestors!” then killed himself by smashing his head against a column. On the ancestry wall, bright red blood slowly trickles down. 

Standing outside of the ancestry chapel, Ning Yi’s expression remains impassive in the dancing light of the fire. Smelling the smoke filled air and listening to the chores of wailing, Ning Yi’s lips twisted into a chilling smile. 

“Heaven? I am the heaven here!” 

Turning away without another backward glance, he leaves Yan clan’s wailing all behind. 

“If something happens to her, you all will die!” 

The wrath of the powerful destroys heaven and earth. Any struggle is turned to ashes in an instant. By the time all the people are back from getting their disaster relief from the granaries, the only thing left to see of the once magnificent Yan ancestry chapel is just rubbles. 

Due to the rumors Ning Yi had ordered to be spread around, the only thing people heard is that because Yan clan had oppressed their own descendants they have incurred the fury of gods and had brought on natural disasters which directly lead to the destruction of their ancestry chapel. 

Common people have a tendency to believe these kinds of supernatural things. Even if they don’t, it is not like they could go find the real perpetrators. Earthquakes are common in South Sea so this falls squarely into natural disasters. 

Moreover, who can make trouble without any evidence? Some of the villagers whose houses were affected received the most generous compensation ever given in the history of government compensation so they all quietly moved to their new house to count their money. 

In one move, Ning Yi completely wiped out Yan clan’s top leaders then forcefully made Yan Huai Shi the new clan leader. Under the fierce gleaming swords of Prince Chu’s three thousand guards, members of Yan clan could only silently agree to Yan Huai Shi’s new status as Yan Clan’s temporary clan leader then watch him proceed to changed out all the core members to his own people effectively gathering up the real power over the clan businesses into his own hands. 

The fall of the Yan clan ancestry chapel also completely destroyed Yan clan’s resolve to fight. Even knowing something fishy might be behind the ancestry chapel’s destruction they were intimidated by Ning Yi’s lightning fast savage actions. 

Their concession also allowed Ning Yi to be certain there are no Chang clan’s spies in Yan clan or else there would’ve been some repercussions. Once the situation at Yan clan was mostly under control, Ning Yi didn’t rest and promptly moved onto getting rid of Chang clan’s spies hidden within the noble families. 

While interrogating the spies (the ones Zhi Wei caught), Ning Yi secretly ordered his men to guard the city gate. Before they have even gotten any results from the spies, Ning Yi let his men leak out the information the captured spies have already confessed. 

  • Ning Yi was able to trick other spies to show themselves and eventually traced their connections to Huan and Guan families. In no time, it was announced that Guan clan was transporting forbidden items and an important member of Huan clan was involved in bribery. 
  • Not about to go down quietly, Guan and Huan families secretly contacted Chen and Lee clans for help but Ning Yi had already through Minister Zhou made Yan Huai Shi the main sea transport controller following by making the clan leaders of Chen and Lee clan deputy transport controllers. This of course put an end to any possibility of Guan and Huan’s hope to form a united front with the other clan families to fight against the government officials. 
  •  Like pulling on a thread, Minister Zhou was able to pull out other hidden spies hidden among the government officials. Not satisfied, Ning Yi turns his attention to Chang clan. Chang clan’s base is obviously not at South Sea but they still have a manor in the city. Since the envoy arrived Zhi Wei had ordered people to keep watch over Chang manor. Ning Yi had purposefully allowed a few of the spies to escape during the interrogation and thanks to the “escaped” spies, Ning Yi was able to follow them and get rid of even more of Chang clan’s influence. 

In just a few short days, from noble families to government, from Yan clan to Cheng clan, all experienced a silent and fierce shakedown. The common citizens were clueless and went on their lives blissfully. Only those who were the core members of the noble families and government were a witness to the whirlwind cleansing and were left astounded. Astounded that they have finally seen Prince Chu’s real side– It could be said that South Sea was settled in such a short amount of time because Ning Yi was able to use the situation perfectly to his advantage. The South Sea officials joke in private that with the South Sea envoy at death’s door, Prince Chu who was supposedly a great friend had not bothered to go visit for three whole days! 

After three whole days, things have finally settled down and Ning Yi finally returns to Qi Yuan (the manor our two leads are staying at). There was no look of delight on his face over what he has accomplished in South Sea. He did those things because they were what Feng Zhi Wei was planning on doing. Now that she has fallen ill, instead of staying by her bedside worrying, he might as well finish what she wanted to do so once she wakes up she would be able to focus on getting better…and he can focus on waiting for her to wake up. 

Everyone is waiting for her to wake up.

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com