Yan Huai Ying doesn’t dare to vent her anger but she couldn’t bring herself to give up her pride immediately either so could only stand there stiffly, shaking slightly, her hand balled up with her nail stabbing into her palms, not walking forward nor retreating. Seemingly not noticing Yan Huai Ying or having heard of what Ning Yi said to her, Zhi Wei washed her hand with a bit of water then says languidly “I wouldn’t dare to be served by Miss Yan, let’s just skip that.” This was said to remind Ning Yi of Yan Huai Ying’s identity. As expected, Ning Yi’s eyebrow raised ever so slightly at her words…and proves once again to Zhi Wei what she suspected– Ning Yi doesn’t even know who the woman is, so how would it be possible for anything to happen between them? Someone as cautious as Ning Yi, no matter how much of a playboy he is, it would be impossible for him to sleep with a woman with an unknown identity. 

“If that’s the case.” Now that he knows Yan Huai Ying’s identity, Ning Yi’s lips twist into a cold smile and says “I have no patience to train such a disobedient woman. Official Wei, this concubine, I will award her to you.” 

Zhi Wei blinks in surprise as Yan Huai Ying’s head jerks up abruptly, her eyes full of disbelief and horror. “Your…Your Highness, what…are…you saying…” 

Unfortunately, Ning Yi was not interested in wasting even one more breath on her and turns his face instead to Feng Zhi Wei “Hm?”

Letting out a sigh, Zhi Wei answers in a lazy drawl “Your humble servant is thankful.” 

“That’s good then.” Seemingly in a rather good mood, Ning Yi says with a wave of his hand “Since she is your concubine now, then what is she doing in my room? Not going to get out now?” 

“I will not leave!” By this point, Yan Huai Ying has no time to be scared now. Things have turned out the worst possible way, even if she is afraid of Ning Yi, she has to fight against the fate that is awaiting her. 

Plopping down right onto the wet floor, kneeling in front of Ning Yi, holding onto his knees, a teary Yan Huai Ying begs “Your Highness….Your Highness, I will learn…I will learn all the rules, don’t send me away…I am your woman, just now you had…just now you had…” Sobbing all the while, Yi Huai Ying purposefully fudged the last few words, hoping that it would hint to Wei Zhi that she is no longer a virgin and cause him to try to reject Ning Yi’s suggestion out of disgust. 

It would’ve been better if she had not said that last phrase because it promptly caused Ning Yi to raise an eyebrow, turn his head and asks “What happened just now?” 

Of course Yan Huai Ying couldn’t answer him so she just keeps on sobbing, accidentally getting her tears and snot on Ning Yi’s robe. Realizing things are about to go very badly, Zhi Wei jerked Yan Huai Ying up before Ning Yi could discover the fate of his robe. Zhi Wei did it out of fear that a displeased Ning Yi would annihilate the girl with one kick. It’s not that Zhi Wei especially cherishes the girl’s life but rather she doesn’t quite want to have a complete fall out with Yan clan just yet.

 Mistakenly assuming Zhi Wei is simply trying to stop her from changing Ning Yi’s mind, all of Yan Huai Ying’s anguish and indignation finally found a target. Turning abruptly, Yan Huai Ying’s eyes bore into Zhi Wei, letting out a low grunt of anger before charging head first forward “If you won’t let me live then I will die by your hand!” With one single slap, Zhi Wei sends Yan Huai Ying flying out of the door. “Remember! You are my woman now and I am your god! If you make trouble for me, even if you die here no one could say anything!” 

Zhi Wei had cleverly distributed her strength, so despite being thrown out of the door, Yan Huai Ying wasn’t bruised other than being knocked out by the force. Some servants immediately showed up to carry Yan Huai Ying away. “Take care of Yan Yilang, let her rest quietly in her room. (code for no one can visit her and she can’t leave either)” Turning to the maids who came with Yan Huai Ying, Zhi Wei warns “Yan Yilang lost control due to being overjoyed, you guys must not go crazy like she did or else if something happens to her then it will end up being your fault.” The maids who had just a short while ago been excited to see their master gain favor are now quaking in silence. The crowd all gone, Zhi Wei is feeling fatigued and is about to leave after letting out a sigh but a certain someone reached out a hand then pulled her into his arms. Her back pressed against Ning Yi’s chest, Zhi Wei could feel the warmth radiating from it until she suddenly remembered a face was recently just pressed tenderly against it. The haze in Zhi Wei’s eyes flashed as she discreetly moved away then laughs “It’s late, tomorrow morning we still need to go meet with the South Sea officials, sir, you should rest now.” 

“Every time you are displeased, then you start using polite terms.” Not letting go, Ning Yi’s voice sounded sullen. “It makes me uncomfortable.” 

Zhi Wei immediately replies “Yes, Yes, aren’t you going to bed?” 

“You have to be more fierce.” Holding her shoulder, Ning Yi pressed his chin against her and softly blew away the hair by her ear “The tone of your voice needs to be colder, more distant.” 

The corner of Zhi Wei’s mouth twitched before she says “Aren’t you going to bed!”

“Too stiff.” Ning Yi continues to play with her hair, wrapping them around his finger again and again. “It sounded fake.”

What is this? Is His Highness a masochist?” Frustrated but wanting to laugh at the same time, Zhi Wei finally yells impulsively “Sleep!” Instantly feeling like she stepped out of line, Zhi Wei didn’t have time to start blushing but Ning Yi has already started to laugh “You see, what does it matter that Gu Nan Yi could tell you to go to sleep? I can make you tell me to go to sleep.” 

 Pulling Zhi Wei with him, Ning Yi turns and heads straight for the bed “I always listen to my people when they valiantly tell me the truth. You say to sleep, then sleep we shall.” 

Zhi Wei “……”

Seeing Ning Yi is really pulling her towards the bed, Zhi Wei pushes him lightly and says “Stop messing around.”

Sitting down by the edge of the bed, Ning Yi holds her hand and looks up at her. Despite being blind and his eyes are often a bit unfocused but when he looks at her, his direction has never been wrong. His gaze was bright and direct, allowing her to see the reflection within. 

“Zhi Wei, you see.” He calmly says “Something like this, you are not angry and I don’t feel guilty. You and I are not the sort that would fall into the traps that so many people usually would. However, don’t you feel this too is a sort of misfortune? Always observing, always calm, always inspecting before making a move. Even if we want to throw caution to the wind so we can cry and make a scene hysterically, we can’t.” 

Silent for a few moments, Zhi Wei laughs “You are joking again. You would be happy if a scene is made?”   

“No, that’s not what I mean.” Ning Yi sighs then slowly pressed her palm against his own face “Zhi Wei, I suddenly wish so very much that you are a simple woman. Like the hundreds of thousands of ordinary women in this world who would be angry when they are humiliated, who would be angry when they are betrayed, who would throw a tantrum when disappointed, when hurt, cry.” 

Zhi Wei was quiet again. Her finger lingering on Zhi Wei’s face, the skin under her fingertip was warm and smooth but the heart was anything but smooth, instead, it was filled with dangerous valleys. The room is dark without any light but her eyes are unusually bright. Quietly, she stares at Ning Yi, in that instant there were waves of emotions in her eyes. Their eyes stayed on each other in the silent room, his warm breath caressing her palm, like a soft spring breeze that after leaving a brief warmth all that is left is the slight cold moisture that refuses to leave in the long cool fall nights, seemingly sinking right into the bones. 

天盛长歌》大结局凤知微跳崖身亡独留宁弈孤苦一生- 原创文章- 星关系

After a long moment, Zhi Wei gently pulled her fingers away. “I will eventually, one day become that sort of simple woman.” Her voice was gentle but her smile was cool “But simple women are only a good match for simple men and simple lives. At that time, I hope for a small house, a few acres of good farmland, and a simple person to match. Someone who will stand forward to shield me when I am humiliated, someone to grab a knife to fight when I am betrayed, someone who will sit in front of the fire to console me when I am disappointed, someone who will yell at me impatiently when I get hurt and cry but will then just hold me to let me cry to my heart’s content.” 

Ning Yi fell silent, his hands resting on the edge of the bed, the tips of his fingers are pale and white. (Not sure, but the author might be hinting to the fact that Ning Yi is gripping the bed so hard that his fingertips are turning white from the pressure.) 

“What happened today, was ridiculous.” Ning Yi finally says after some time, “But in a person’s life, there always come a time when one will do something dumb even knowing all the while that it is an impossible notion.”

“But then, it is not really being dumb.” Ning Yi slowly lays down and closes his eyes “I can finally be certain….”

Certain of what, he didn’t say and Zhi Wei didn’t ask. After Zhi Wei took off his shoes, a seemingly very tired Ning Yi waved his hand, to signal her to leave.

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com