After leaving the feast, Ning Yi didn’t go back to his room but stayed at the courtyard for a bit to take advantage of the moonlight to aid his internal energy to suppress the poison in his body. (Ning Yi is not a werewolf, this is way too complex to explain fully but in short, internal energy is often best cultivated during early morning or at night, something to do with the energy of the Earth at those times.) He has been diligently working to contain the poison in his body so that by the time they make it to Minnan to seek treatment it wouldn’t have worsened too badly. Ning Cheng has tried to persuade him several times to head straight for Minnan right away, since it gets more dangerous with each passing day. He listened and he agrees with him yet he keeps staying put one day after another. Sleeping in a gazebo not far away from him, Ning Cheng is tossing around making noises to express his disapproval. Ning Yi just ignores him then says “I am going to enter into deep meditation. Don’t disrupt me unless it has something to do with her or there is danger.” 

“Oh.” Ning Yi replies then gets up to make sure there is increased security. 

Sitting down opposite from Ning Yi, Ning Cheng’s expression turns indignant as he gazes at his master’s fatigued countenance. Picking up a piece of dirtball, Ning Cheng angrily jabbed at it with his finger as mutters “Women! Women!” 

  • Ning Cheng’s little vent is interrupted by the appearance of the palanquin. Ning Cheng could tell right away what Yan clan is up to and orders his man to search the palanquin (for safety reasons). Yan Huaiying’s brother tries to stop the search since this is usually considered to be a great embarrassment to noble ladies. (Other than their own family members, noble ladies’ reputation could be tarnished if they are in too close of contact with men.)

Unmoved by the plea, Ning Yi replies “I don’t know anything about Yan clan’s eldest granddaughter. I only know that you guys have sent over a woman to warm His Highness’ bed. This is not some brothel, this is a prince’s dwelling, not a place anyone could enter at will. If you can’t follow rules then leave.” 

“Older brother, let him search!” Inside the palanquin came Yan Huaiying’s teary voice. “Once I enter, I am no longer Yan clan’s granddaughter!” Once she goes through this door, even if she loses the status of being Yan clan’s granddaughter she will gain a much brighter future! Yan Huaiyuan understood what his sister was trying to say and quickly backed away. The guards searched the palanquin, including Yan Huaiying thoroughly then nodded at Ning Cheng. Waving a hand, a flash of excitement flashes across Ning Cheng’s eyes.  

Yan Huiyuan timidly backs away but standing behind the fence there was a glint of gloating self satisfaction in his eyes. Yan Huiyuan hurried off, not noticing behind the trees there were two figures standing there. 

Standing silently with her hands behind her back, Zhi Wei feels her empty stomach churning and burning. The fact that Yan clan tried something, targeting Ning Yi is something she expected. What was unexpected was that Yan clan would be so shameless as to use their eldest granddaughter as a gift in this manner. What was even more unexpected was that Ning Yi accepted. 

After what happened to them, the security around Ning Yi and herself have risen to the level of an iron fortress. Ning Yi doesn’t usually sleep this early which means he should be aware that Yan clan had just sent Yan Huaiying over. Without his permission, there is no way Yan Huaiying could set a foot inside. 

Zhi Wei smirked in the shadow of the tree. Prince Chu’s amorous escapades are famous in the Capital. Despite knowing him all this time, other than that one instance in the brothel she has yet seen first hand Prince Chu’s “amorous escapades” but tonight, she is finally seeing a hint of it. True, the guy has been deprived long enough. Since the Capital, the chap has gone without women for 31 days and 18 hours. Come to think of it, that is rather inhumane. 

Her stomach still churning, Zhi Wei suddenly loses all desire to go back to her room to sleep and says as she turns around “Brother Gu, let’s go take a walk.” 

Staring at her through his face veil, Gu Nan Yi replies “You are tired, you need sleep.” 

Looking at him through her eyelashes, Zhi Wei laughs after a moment and says slowly “Yes, I am tired but there are guests here tonight so I should make myself scarce and find another place to sleep tomorrow night.” 

Unfortunately, Gu Nan Yi is unwilling to leave since he understood Zhi Wei’s words as her bed has been taken over by someone else. After hesitating for a long while, Gu Nan Yi finally says with a wince “Then you sleep with me.” 

“……..” Zhi Wei has already turned around but stumbles upon hearing Gu Nan Yi’s words and has to quickly steady herself against a tree. Not sure if she should laugh or yell, Zhi Wei stared at Gu Nan Yi’s sparkling eyes and after searching in her mind for the right words finally reminds him “The thing you hate the most is having someone sleep by you.” 

Taking out a walnut and replying with a flat tone that conveys his utmost sacrifice, Master Gu says “I am yours, so can sleep.” 


Zhi Wei stumbles again, knocking into the tree causing the flowers on it to rain down. Flicking off the flowers on her, Master Gu grabs her sleeve and says “Go, sleep.” 

“………….” Okay, Master Gu, I know you mean that you are my protector so you can sacrifice yourself a bit by letting me sleep on your bed…but can you not be so stingy with your words. Do you not know this could scare someone to death? 

“I don’t feel like sleeping tonight.” Zhi Wei stubbornly wraps her arms around the tree trunk and declares “I truly don’t feel sleepy.” 

Equally stubborn, Master Gu repeats “You are not feeling good, go sleep.” 

Knowing how stubborn Master Gu’s personality is and how scary it could be when he focuses on something (cue the walnuts), Zhi Wei is quite fearful that once Master Gu gets impatient he just might give her a tap to make her unconscious and carry her off to bed. Feeling her stomach churning again Zhi Wei quickly says “I will sleep in just a bit. Right now my stomach is hurting and I need to go to the outhouse.” Successfully getting Master Gu to let go of her, Zhi Wei looks around and promptly raced into an outhouse. Trapped squatting in the outhouse as all the seafood in her intestine decides to rebel at the same time, Zhi Wei suddenly could hear Ning Cheng’s voice seemingly directing people to do something. Taken aback, Zhi Wei belatedly realizes the exquisite outhouse she is in is actually next to her room. Money has never been an issue to Yan clan so to make sure their guests touring the garden would not be inconvenienced, they have built quite a few expensive outhouses that are better than most people’s houses. Her room is the last one in this courtyard and Ning Yi’s room is across from her. Sighing once she realizes the outhouse is actually directly facing Ning Yi’s back window, Zhi Wei wants to leave but the rebellion in her stomach forces her to keep squatting. 

Ning Yi has finished with his meditation by this point. Hearing Ning Cheng’s footsteps coming out of his room Ning Yi didn’t think much of it and asks “What time is it?” 

“Eleven O’clock.” Ning Cheng answers. 

Ning Yi senses something seems strange in the manner Ning Cheng answered him but he didn’t think too much of it and asks “Has the feast in front finished?” 

“That Wei hasn’t come back yet.” Ning Cheng mutters grumpily “It would be nice if she comes back soon.” 

“What are you talking about?”

“Ah? Nothing.” Ning Cheng replies “Master, you should go rest, that Wei should be coming back soon.”

Silent, Ning Yi thought that woman sure likes to drink…and expressing her opinions then says “Go prepare some sober tea (tea especially for helping you to sober up from alcohol) and get some snacks ready.” 

“Didn’t you just have some snacks two hours ago?” Ning Cheng has always been the sort who likes to share his thoughts.

“I am hungry again, is that not allowed?” Ning Yi tossed over a reply causing Ning Cheng to walk away while muttering “His glare is still so fierce even when he can’t see…” 

Ning Yi can hear Ning Cheng’s complaint clearly and grins in the darkness. 

Some people have said that it is rather strange that he would spoil this particular guard to such an extent since it seems completely different than his usual manner of doing things but only he knows that Ning Cheng’s existence is a sliver of brightness in the oppressive never ending darkness he is in.  

“Get the nut and mint cake, not the oily duck fat bread rolls.” Suddenly remembering, Ning Yi reminds Ning Cheng. 

“Okay, okay!” Ning Cheng replies grudgingly then grumbles as he walks away “Isn’t just because she doesn’t like those duck fat bread rolls!” 

Returning to his room, Ning Yi stopped the moment he pushed open the door then smiled. His tall elegant figure half in the moonlight and half in the darkness, his expression softened by a trace of happiness as the smile slowly broadened. 

Leaning against the door, he suddenly wants to take his time to slowly savor this subdued yet mysterious feeling of happiness. 

…..this woman, who knew she had this in her, the feast is obviously finished but she is sneaking in from the back window? Remembering his joking invitation for her to come to his room before he left the feast, Ning Yi knew from her tone that despite her words she would not come. Who would’ve thought she is actually here. Is it because she drank and is feeling a bit tipsy that she is finally willing to let down her guard that she usually puts up between them? Suddenly in an exceptionally good mood, Ning Yi walks in softly. Smelling a faint refreshing fragrance, a sign that someone has just taken a bath, Ning Yi smiles thinking she sure moves fast, she has even washed up. Just as he was about to call out to Ning Cheng to bring the snacks, Ning Yi suddenly hears an alluring giggle in the darkness followed by a warm and youthful body throwing herself into his arms. 

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