Embarrassed, the Yan clan leader tries to laughingly interject something but Zhi Wei just ignores him as she walks around the table with a wine kettle in hand, filling people’s cup as she goes “See, Brother Huaishi is different. He and I befriended each other at my humblest beginning. If it wasn’t for him, I am not sure I would be where I am now. It was also because of him, the Emperor made the decision he did for this area. Considering everything he did, he not only qualifies to make toasts in my stead he would be qualified to accept a toast from me.” 

Yan Huaishi humbly shakes his head while Zhi Wei pats his hand and the two share a smile as if they were the greatest friends. Those who accepted a drink from Zhi Wei’s hand quickly agreed with her, making Zhi Wei’s smile widen. The other clan leaders’ eyes sparkled with interest even as the members of Yan clan shared a look of dismay. 

“To share in abundance is to also share in times of need.” Zhi Wei walks back to her table then fills Yan clan leader’s cup as she continues “People should act with a clear conscious, one can’t forget those who helped us in time of need or we would be worse than the pigs and the dogs, don’t you agree clan leader Yan?”

Smiling with embarrassment, clan leader Yan rigidly drank his wine and stuttered “Yes…yes…”

“To be grateful and repay those who helped us, to reward and punish fairly.” Zhi Wei fills clan leader Yan’s cup again as she smiles amicably “Yan clan could have the influence it does today must surely be because your family has strictly followed these teachings– isn’t that right clan leader Yan?”

Clan leader Yan tossed back his win cup then promptly started to cough from choking on the liquid. Holding the wine kettle, Zhi Wei watches and says with a grin “Clan leader Yan, don’t get too excited and forget to answer my question.” 

Yan Huaishi quickly stepped forward, patted the old man’s back and says “Oh, it just went in the wrong pipe, he will be alright in a bit.” 

There was not a single sound uttered from the crowd of over a hundred guests. Even a dummy would know by this point that this young and somewhat fragile-looking Royal Envoy really is someone who is bold and vicious. 

The expression on the members of the Yan clan is one of alarm right now- they can’t lose this opportunity to gain control of the Maritime office but they also can’t just sit back and let Yan Huaishi take power– that must not happen.  

  • Feeling threatened by Zhi Wei’s obvious support of Yan Huaishi, Yan Huaiyuan (Clan leader Yan’s grandson) discusses with his father the possibility of using “the method” they had talked about before. As the father and son argue over it, Yan Huaiying pipes up and says that she will do it voluntarily.  

“I will go!” Yan Huaiying declares “Father, you don’t have to hesitate anymore. Brother is right, we have to act quickly, we can’t wait until grandfather is forced by the Royal Envoy to make a decision!” (They are afraid Zhi Wei will force the clan leader to choose Yan Huaishi as the clan leader’s successor)

Biting her lips, Yan Huaiying remembers the night on the dock when Wei Zhi had shamed her. She, a lady of Yan clan was almost forced to go get tea! She has always thought of herself as a princess of the South Sea, when has she ever suffered such humiliation?! Every time she remembers that Wei Zhi’s look of disdain and his haughty mannerism, she gets so angry that she wants to kick him and make him kneel down to apologize to her. As one born into wealth, who did that Wei Zhi think he is, a poor nobody to treat her thus? Having never suffered any setbacks and lived her life doing whatever she wanted, this noble lady is consumed by fury and hatred. Moreover, after seeing that person tonight, he is indeed very handsome so her “sacrifice” that really can’t be called a sacrifice is totally worth it if it will give her father and brother what they want. It is totally worth it if it will mean that Wei Zhi will never be able to look down on them! 

“Instead of being the wife of some merchant, it will be better to be the concubine of that person!” Through her gritted teeth, she says “As the daughter of a merchant, I can’t dream of becoming Prince Chu’s wife but I can certainly be his concubine. That Wei Zhi is nothing as a level three official. Can he compete with a prince? There is no point dragging this on…let’s do it today…” Prince Chu is a playboy so there is no way he will reject me. Wei Zhi, you just wait, you will one day cower beneath my feet! 

Glancing over at clan leader Yan whose neck veins look to be almost popping out as he finishes coughing and replies “Yes…”, Zhi Wei smiles brightly and holds the clan leader’s hand and says with feeling “The Yan clan is really meeting my expectations…” 

Anger flashes across clan leader Yan’s eyes but it was soon replaced by a bitter smile as he bows down deeply to Zhi Wei. Give him a side glance, Zhi Wei figure it is time to call it quits since there is no point in making the old man faint from anger.

Feeling a mild discomfort in her stomach, Zhi Wei wonders if the raw seafood is not sitting quite well with her intestine. Suddenly sensing something behind her, Zhi Wei turns abruptly thinking there might be assassins only to see a pair of eyes meeting her gaze straight on. Ah, is that Yan clan’s granddaughter. Zhi Wei calmly meets her eyes then casually looked away. Why bother with that woman? Suddenly feeling playful, Zhi Wei flashes a smile as she holds her cup up towards Yan Huaiying’s direction. Everyone’s head turn in unison. Yan Huaiying did not expect Zhi Wei to toast her from afar so she had no time to react and was caught by the crowd to be “gawking” at Official Wei. Blinking in surprise, a flash of pink-tinged Yan Huaiying’s cheek. Everyone smiles knowingly– Ah, a young girl infatuated with a handsome lad. Good thing, good thing! 

Taking in everyone’s expression, Yan Huaiying is not a dummy, she can read what everyone is thinking. Choked up with anger but there is no way for Yan Huaiying to explain herself. With one simple raise of a cup, Zhi Wei has become the dashing young man while the granddaughter of Yan clan instantly becomes her “admirer”. 

  • The feast ends but before it does, someone let it slip and called Yan Huaishi a bastard which tips Zhi Wei off that Yan Huaishi’s secret has something to do with the condition surrounding his birth. 
  • Gravely concerned that Zhi Wei will successfully pressure them into making Yan Huaishi the next clan leader, Yan Huaiying and her brother talk the clan leader into agreeing to send Yan Huaiying to Ning Yi.

With a bitter expression on his face, the clan leader turns to look at Yan Huaiying then back at the fretting Yan clan members. Letting out a long sigh, the clan leader mutters “Guess this is the only way… To have my Yan clan’s oldest granddaughter, to see us lower ourselves to such a state, His Highness will surely be pleased to accept her….” Standing up, Yan Huaiying bows to the clan leader and says “Grandfather, you can believe in me. I will make sure that scoundrel of Royal Envoy gets kicked out of South Sea.”

“Don’t rush, just do your part well.” the clan leader admonishes “Your brother is right, there is no point in dragging our feet, let’s just do this right away. Son, go prepare everything and send Huaiying over…tonight.” 

All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com