Setting aside her tea cup, Zhi Wei cuts right to the chase “What’s going on?” 

Yan Huaishi remained silent. 

Becoming angrier the more she thought of how those people acted, Zhi Wei says coldly “Don’t think that the matter of the Maritime office could only be led by you Yan clan. The Emperor has granted me the authority to look after this matter so that means any of the five noble families would work!”

“No!” Yan Huaishi urgently replied “ They were targeting me. They would not dare to harbor any disrespect towards you.” 

“Targeting you for what? And why would you let them? What exactly caused them to have animosity towards you?” Her gaze sharp like a laser as she peppered him with one question after another. After meeting Yan Huaishi, she has always assumed he had so diligently tried to find a way out for his clan in the Capital was because he wanted to increase his odds of becoming the next clan leader. However, judging by what happened today, there was no such glorious benefit insight, even his great achievement has become someone else’s. Yan Huaishi is no dummy, so there must be a reason why he was willing to let them do this to him. 

Seeing that Yan Huaishi is still silent seemingly finding it difficult to tell her the reason, Zhi Wei finally says “Tomorrow, go tell the Yan Clan to get a place ready for me and His Highness.” 

Yan Huaishi looks up in shock. He knows Zhi Wei’s personality is extremely cautious. Before she solved the issue between the South Sea officials, nobles and citizens she would not have easily expressed her support for any group. By saying what she said, she has shown her determination to help him.

“Brother Wei…Sir…I…” Yan Huaishi’s mouth was trembling, unable to form a coherent sentence. 

“I have told you before, there is no reason to address me so formally. We became friends at my humble beginning. To this day, our manors are even connected together in the Capital. As long as there is no betrayal we will forever be brothers.” Zhi Wei smiles “And, I like the you I met at the Academy who was sharp and smart, not the stranger right now who keeps backing away.”

Standing up to walk out of the tent, Zhi Wei says “Be yourself. There should always be a limit, no matter what reason it is, no matter why you are being treated unfairly, there is no reason to take it anymore if it goes past your limit. Even if you are willing to endure it, I will not allow you to.”

“The Chang Clan is about to make their move. If South Sea’s mess is not quickly cleared up then it will end up falling under Chang Clan’s control. What happened today was just the beginning, I must subdue the South Sea through this incident. The whole South Sea must be mine.” Outside of the tent, her slender figure in the moonlight, Zhi Wei’s tone was gentle but firm “So, Yan Clan, must be yours.” 

  • The deep animosity between the nobles and the citizens comes from the fact that some of the nobles had done many things to hurt ordinary citizens in the pursuit of money. One particular noble family had forcefully bought an area of land and moved all the residents to an area by the sea. One night there was suddenly a gigantic sea tide that came in and swept away all the grass huts that had been built up in a hurry. The members of that particular village were almost completely killed. Moreover, a lot of citizens have been employed by the nobles as servants so obviously there is always animosity that exists between the master and the servants. 
  • Different from his predecessors, Minister Zhou firmly believes that the nobles are a great ill to the nations and disasters come when the government gets too involved with the nobles. Minister Zhou was a staunch supporter of the citizens’ welfare which is why he was so beloved by the people. Zhi Wei’s mind was eased considerably when she found this out about Minister Zhou. If she can lay out the pros and cons for Minister Zhou, she believes he will come around her way. 
  • The first night they moved into the Yan manor, every member of the Yan Clan came to host a huge welcome feast. 

When the feast started, the hosts and guests all gathered in one room, a mixture of men and women. There are not as many rules of propriety amongst the people of South Sea compare to the Capital, so many of the daughters of the nobles attended the feast as well. The hundred people fell silent instantly when the door opened and two handsome elegant men stepped through. Ning Yi came with Zhi Wei by his side. One is magnificently regal while the other is gracefully charming. All the ladies’ eyes are sparkling with excitement. 

Ning Yi’s high status means that he only needs to come out for a bit, accept the crowds’ nervous bow, sits at the host table just long enough to hold up the wine goblet before taking his leave. Zhi Wei respectfully gets up to walk him out. Ning Yi leans close as if he is about tell her something. With a trace of smile in his voice, Ning Yi says “I smell a table full of seafood…you will have to be careful.” 

Zhi Wei frowns as she looks over at the table full of seafood that seemingly has not even been cooked. Apparently, to keep the “freshness” of it, the shells have not even been taken off. Zhi Wei complains in a low voice “Why does it sound like you are laughing at my pain?” 

“That’s because you are too petty.” Ning Yi laughs against her ear, his hot breath tickling her. 

Zhi Wei tilts her head slightly and hears him say “Um…if you don’t get enough food, then come to my room tonight….”

Zhi Wei nods quickly “Yes, yes. I will certainly come, for sure.” Yeah right! There is no way I would go!

Everyone looked on with envy, all thinking silently that His Highness is sure close with Official Wei… 

The moment Ning Yi leaves, Zhi Wei sits down and bids Yan Huaishi over “Brother Yan, come sit over here.” At her table, other than Gu Nan Yi sits the clan leaders of the five noble families, signifying the high status of the group so Zhi Wei’s words caused a stir in the room. From a far corner, Yan Huaishi walks over confidently while everyone in the room gave him long stares full of meaning. After his talk with Zhi Wei, the air of suppression has lifted from Yan Huaishi and he has slowly turned back to his old self. Taking note of the hesitation and meaningful stares from everyone in the room, Zhi Wei realizes that it was not just the Yan Clan who was targeting Yan Huaishi but it was all of the five noble families. 

Sitting by his side, Gu Nan Yi stares at the plateful of seafood and wonders if the thing that looks a bit like walnut is edible as well. However, when his shatters a sea shell and certain red liquid splattered all over the Yan clan leader’s face, Gu Nan Yi resolutely gets up and floated away. He is just going to stick with walnuts…. 

After being abandoned by two disloyal men, Zhi Wei could only soldier on bravely as Yan clan leader eagerly puts those soft, bloody, reminding her strongly of a certain parts she saw that day on the dock after the explosion sort of seafood into her bowl. Closing her eyes, Zhi Wei forced herself to swallow a few mouthfuls then firmly refused to eat anymore and turned to accept the endless toasts of alcohol. 

After the toasts had made their rounds, the five clan leaders exchanged a look with each other and attempted to turn the conversation to business. Zhi Wei abruptly declares “I have accepted so many toasts so it should be my turn to do the same for you all but I really can’t drink anymore, therefore, I will ask Brother Yan to do it in my stead.”

Yan clan leader’s expression was one of conflict. He is happy that the Royal Envoy has expressed an obvious preference for the Yan clan but on the other hand, the person chosen was not the one he wanted to be. With a bit of hesitation, Yan clan leader asks “Sir, Huaishi is probably not quite good at drinking but my eldest grandson Huaiyuan is very good at it, why don’t we have him do your toast instead?”

Giving the old man a side glance that chilled him to the bone, Zhi Wei asks “Yan Huaiyuan, who is that?” 

A tall figure sitting on the other table stiffly sets down his chopsticks while the people at his table, especially Yan Huaiying (that’s the rude young woman from the last scene) looked angry. 

“Not just anyone could represent me for my toasts.” Zhi Wei has no intention to mince words now that she has started. Rising from the table, Zhi Wei walked away “To risk being disrespectful, if we really want to talk about who is qualified to do so then no one at this table is, let alone some third-generation youngster.” 

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