Ning Yi hands the sword back to Zhi Wei. Back when Ning Yi had helped Zhi Wei walk out of the room, that was when he had gotten the sword from her.

In the old shabby outhouse, the two discuss what their next move should be. “Do you have any poison on you?” Zhi Wei searched all over herself to find something that could be of use but much to her frustration it was to no avail. She was in too much of a rush when she left so she other than the most basic medicine for treating wounds, she has nothing else on her. Even though those people are very cautious so it would be difficult to find a way to poison them but nothing is more perfect than poison to incapacitate a group this big all at once.

Ning Yi shakes his head as he thought: Ning Cheng would have some, he likes that sort of things…but too bad he is not here.

After staring at Ning Yi dejectedly for a few seconds, Zhi Wei abruptly had a wild idea “Is your tear poisonous?” Giving Zhi Wei a strange look, Ning Yi says after a moment “I would rather kill them one by one.” Zhi Wei starts to ponder how to get a big fat crocodile’s tears from Ning Yi…would punching him unexpectedly work? Letting out a sigh of resignation when she looks up to see Ning Yi had already wisely taken three steps away from her, Zhi Wei goes to guide Ning Yi and says “Alright, we will think of something else.”

Ning Yi replies with a simple “Hm” and reaches a hand towards Zhi Wei but she suddenly lets out a cry of surprise as she squats down then says in a panicked voice “Niu Qi, you…”

Alarmed, Ning Yi bends down to pull Zhi Wei just as she raises her head and bangs it right on his nose. Putting a hand on his nose, Ning Yi let’s out a yelp of pain as his eyes teared up. Showing no remorse at all, Zhi Wei promptly pulls out a gold leaf to catch Ning Yi’s tears. Looking down at her hand, Zhi Wei sighs “Catching tears with gold. Well, at least this was worthy of Your Highness’ precious tears.” Holding his throbbing nose with one hand, Ning Yi silently confirms in his mind the Feng Zhi Wei is really a female wolf that can never be tamed.

The female wolf glances up at His Highness’ teary eyes and thought he looked fragile and comical…completely different from his usual sharp self. Suddenly hit with the tiniest amount of conscience, Zhi Wei smiles and reaches out a hand to rub his nose “Ouchie goes away, ouchie goes away.”

His little heart fluttered as her fingertip softly touches him, her voice carrying it with it a hint of smile and apology. Ning Yi grabs the finger that is turning his inside into mush and promptly laced his fingers with hers. Zhi Wei instinctively wants to pull her hand away but Ning Yi tightens his hold and refuses to let go. His wide sleeve falling down to cover their intertwined hands, Ning Yi pulls her with him to make their way back. Unable to struggle too much because she is still holding the pitifully small amount of tears in her hand, Zhi Wei could do nothing but follow Ning Yi as she mutters “It’s too bad we only have such a small amount…”

Walking over to the well in the yard, Zhi Wei says to the man who is pulling out a bucket of water from it “Sir, would you give us a drink plus some more to wash our hands?”

Handing over the water bucket, the man complains “Rich boys are so troublesome!”

After taking a drink right from the bucket and washing her hands, Zhi Wei thanked the man. When the three went back together, the group leader looked up and asked: “Where is Niu Qi?”

“Ah, the one that went out with us?” Zhi Wei covers her mouth and chuckles “He said he ate too much beef and is having diarrhea.”

“That guy just can’t control his mouth!” The man walking in with them complained as he puts the bucket of water in the middle of the room then beckon everyone to come get a drink. Thankfully, no one seems to be suspicious of Zhi Wei’s words as they all gathered around and drank right out of the water bucket.

All smiles, Zhi Wei eagerly adds more wood to the fire. Once everyone had filled their bellies, they all went and found a spot to settle down for the night…still making sure to surround Ning Yi and Zhi Wei in the middle, even if they have already assigned a person to guard the door. Those who have learned to survive in Jianghu simply don’t trust anyone easily.

The fire slowly dies down in the old temple, casting a light misty fog around. Eyes wide open, Zhi Wei lies next to Ning Yi in the silence as she waits and wonders how long it would be before the poison would take effect. She has no clue how much use Ning Yi’s tears would be. After all, they only a few droplets and those would’ve been diluted greatly in the big bucket of water.

With his eyes closed, Ning Yi hasn’t moved at all but his hand refused to let go of Zhi Wei’s fingers no matter how much she tries to pull away. Unable to free herself by brute strength, Zhi Wei resorts to tickling by wiggling her fingers against Ning Yi’s palm. Excited when Ning Yi instinctively shrank slightly, Zhi Wei doubled up her efforts…until Ning Yi got used to the sensation and seems completely unaffected. Turning his head towards Zhi Wei, a small smile of amusement appears in the corner of Ning Yi’s lips as he listens to her small silent sigh of frustration. Their hands busily battling back and forth, it was a good way to keep both of them awake after a harrowing two days. With both of them wounded and completely exhausted, if they didn’t find something to do they would’ve fallen asleep instantly under the dark and warm room.

Time passed bit by bit until Zhi Wei eyelids almost drooped closed. Her eyes snapping open in a flash when Ning Yi abruptly squeezed her hand hard. Zhi Wei soon hears a soft moaning coming from a man who is not too far from them. Is the poison working? Zhi Wei noticed that no one else seems to be stirring…perhaps the poison’s effect will vary depending on how good of a fighter someone is.

Rushing over after hearing the moaning, the man who is in charge of keeping watch asks in a low voice “Fei Zi, what’s wrong?” The man suddenly feels something cold in his chest. The man instinctively wants to turn his head but the head will never turn again. Zhi Wei gingerly catches the man’s falling body and leans him against the temple column so he looks like he is just resting. The man who had moaned feels something warm and wet against his face. Opening his eyes, through the light mist of fog, the man sees a gentle smiling face coming towards him. Blinking in surprise, the man starts to reach for his sword but his arm was weak without strength…then a pain seized his chest. The last thing the man saw was something shooting up into the air then falling on his face, it was warm and wet like he had felt before.

The slight rustle of movements woke the man who slept closest to them. The man opened his eyes and was puzzled to be greeted not by the light of fire but a mist of fog. Opening his eyes wider in an attempt to discern the seemingly moving fog, the man could already sense something is really wrong when no matter how wide he opened his eyes, his vision remained foggy. Vaguely sensing where the attacker is coming from, the man throws himself to the side then felt a sharp stabbing pain in his lower waist the next instant. Through his foggy vision, the man could only make out what looks like his leg rolling towards the corner. Standing in front of the man, Ning Yi pulls his sleeve back. Ning Yi was the decoy all along, while Zhi Wei and her sword had lied in waiting at the exact location the man had rolled away to avoid his imaginary attacker.



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