• Other than being a bit stoic and eccentric, Gu Nan Yi in the drama looked fairly normal but that’s not the case in the novel. Gu Nan Yi in the novel is truly devoid of emotions when Zhi Wei first met him. In fact, our heroine had even wondered if he was like a zombie or something.

Here the hilarious first conversation between Zhi Wei and Gu Nan Yi:

Not moving at all, the man stares at the air in front of him and says “Hey, hero.”
“Who are you?”
“Who are you?”
“…I am Wei Zhi”
“…I am Wei Zhi”
Unable to keep going, a crestfallen Zhi Wei wonders if this guy is really a zombie? A beautiful zombie?
The man stands quietly, seemingly to be pondering then suddenly shook his head.
Her eyes brightening at the man’s first “human like” gesture, Zhi Wei decides to change the topic. “Hero, there is no grudge between us so why did you grab me?”
Finally responding normally, the man replies “Grab person.”
…what does that mean?
“Grab who?”
Fuming, Zhi Wei thought, Of course I know I am a person.
Trying again, Zhi Wei asks “The one you wanted to grab is me?”
“To grab the person in the house.”
Taken aback, Zhi Wei asks after a moment “No matter who? As long as it is someone in the house? The problem is that there were lots of people in the house at that time.”
Seemingly thinking for a moment, the man replies slowly, his voice completely flat while keeping his gaze level at the ground in front of him as if he is someone who is short of a few fuses but Zhi Wei knows someone like that can’t possibly be as good at fighting as this man is. (Unlike the drama, in the novel, very few people in that world could win Gu Nan Yi in a fight.)
The man answers “They said, to grab the person in the house.”
Blinking blankly for a few moments, Zhi Wei finally figures out a few things. Apparently, the man was sent on a mission to grab the physician. Since the physician always lived alone so this man was told to just grab the person in the house. Unfortunately, she showed up at that time. The man had tried to grab the physician but he ducked out of the way, so she ended up getting grabbed. What bad luck!
After standing in the cold for hours, Zhi Wei finally yells in frustration.
“What are you doing?!”
“What for whom?”
Groaning, Zhi Wei knew it was pointless to ask about “them” so she asked instead “Why aren’t they coming?”
“Don’t know.”
Fuming, Zhi Wei looks around at the wilderness that seems to be without any discernable features until it suddenly dawns on her “Your meeting point is out here in the wilderness? Did you make a mistake?”
Turning his neck to look at his surrounding the man finally replies “Maybe.”

Zhi Wei finally convinces Gu Nan Yi to leave with her thinking it wouldn’t be bad to get a free bodyguard…and that’s how our poor heroine ends up getting stuck with a very stubborn Gu Nan Yi.

Later that night, while washing up by the river, Zhi Wei finally noticed a drop of blood on her forehead. Realizing belatedly that Ning Yi had been hurt…and that he must’ve been hurt because of what she did to his saddle, Zhi Wei stares at her reflection for a long time until she finally wipes the blood away.

I liked this little scene here a lot because it showed that while our hero has repeatedly stopped himself for doing the wise thing- kill Zhi Wei, Zhi Wei herself is starting to have some mix feelings towards Ning Yi…who until this time is someone she would’ve gladly gotten rid of if it was in her power to do so. Unlike the drama where there was almost an instant sizzling attraction between our two leads the moment they met, the vibe between our two leads in the novel was more like two people destined to be lifelong nemesis.

  • With nowhere to go, Zhi Wei ends up at Qing Ming College. Thanks to Xin Ziyan’s little jade stamp which gave people the misunderstanding that she is somehow connected to Xin Ziyan (who is the headmaster at the college), Zhi Wei has no problem becoming one of the college students. (Like in the drama, Gu Nan Yi went everywhere with Zhi Wei in the college as well.)
  • Remember the bit in the drama where Zhi Wei was put on the spot to answer a teacher’s question about what to do concerning a situation with a prince bringing a horse into the Capital? While everyone came up with various countermeasures, Zhi Wei’s answer was to do nothing. This is also the scene that caused her to end up on Princess Shao Ning’s radar. The next part will continue from this scene after Xin Ziyan has quietly listened to Zhi Wei’s answer and left without drawing attention to himself to greet a guest.

“How did you find time to come today.” Pouring a cup of tea for his guest, Xin Ziyan gaze suddenly focused on something “How did you get hurt?”

“I wasn’t careful.” Obviously unwilling to divulge more than that, the guest pulls down his sleeve and changes the subject “Headmaster Xin is becoming such a cheapskate. You have hidden away all the good teas, if I didn’t come here I would’ve not been able to enjoy this.”

“You did miss something good, but it wasn’t the tea. There was something quite entertaining you missed.” All smiles, Xin Ziyan laments.


“Just now, Teacher Hu was holding a political discussion and I listened in for a bit. I actually heard a brilliant discussion.” His smile widening, Xin Ziyan continues “The best part is that the person’s answer was actually the exact same answer you gave years ago.”

Pleased when his guest seemed mildly surprised, Xin Ziyan tap the man’s shoulder with his fan and asks “So, do you have any interest to see this student?”

Silent, the guest stands in front of the window as the bright afternoon sunshine sheds light on his unreadable expression.

Prince Chu, Ning Yi.


(In the drama, Zhi Wei entered into the college under the full knowledge of Ning Yi and Xin Ziyan but in the novel, neither men are aware of her identity at this point thanks to her super disguise.)


All text copyright @ www.Ninja-Reflection.com